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Hunter Biden faces fresh criminal charges from federal prosecutors

Federal Prosecutors Hit Hunter Biden with New Criminal Charges

The Department of Justice has indicted Hunter Biden in California on Thursday for failing ⁣to pay taxes from 2016 to 2020, according to a charging⁢ document ⁤filed ⁤by federal ‍prosecutors.

The indictment alleges ⁢that Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, lived ⁤a lavish lifestyle and spent money on ​everything except paying​ the millions of dollars he owed to the Internal Revenue Service.

The charges‌ he is facing include tax evasion and filing a false tax return.

The 56-page indictment filed by special counsel David Weiss ⁣claims that Hunter Biden owed a tax bill ‍of $1.2 million, which was‌ later paid by ​his attorney, Kevin Morris.

Weiss‍ argued that during that time, Biden⁣ earned millions of dollars from business deals in China, Ukraine, and⁤ Romania,‍ yet falsified tax documents.

The prosecutor stated that Hunter Biden “spent millions of dollars on an extravagant lifestyle rather than‍ paying his ‌tax bills.”

The indictment reveals that between 2016 and October 15, 2020, Hunter Biden received more ⁣than $7 million in total gross income. ⁤Additionally, he received approximately $1.2 million in financial support to fund ⁣his extravagant lifestyle.

For the years in question, the ‌federal government alleged that Hunter Biden had opportunities to pay his tax bill but instead chose not to.

Instead of paying⁣ the IRS, Biden withdrew $772,000 in cash, spent $383,000 on payments to women, and spent over $150,000 on clothing for himself.

The indictment also revealed a Venmo ​transaction to⁣ a stripper from Hunter‌ Biden in ⁣the amount of ‍$1,500, which he⁢ claimed was for artwork.

Prosecutors alleged ‌that during the same year, Hunter Biden spent $11,500 for two nights with an escort and over $27,000 on internet pornography while⁣ being delinquent on ​his⁢ taxes.

“Between 2016 and October 15, 2020, the Defendant ‍spent this money on drugs,​ escorts ‍and girlfriends, luxury hotels and rental properties, exotic ⁢cars, clothing, and other items of ⁤a personal nature, in short, everything ⁢but his taxes,” the ⁢indictment stated.

Hunter‍ Biden’s income was also ⁤used to support his adult daughter.

According ⁣to ⁤Newsweek, if⁤ convicted, the‍ president’s son could face up to 17 years in prison.

An attorney for Hunter Biden dismissed the charges as political, stating, “Based on the facts and the law, if​ Hunter’s last ⁤name was anything other than Biden, the charges in Delaware, and now California, would not have been brought.”

The indictment comes after a sweetheart plea deal that Hunter Biden’s attorneys made with prosecutors in Delaware fell apart earlier this year.


The post Federal‍ Prosecutors Hit Hunter Biden with New Criminal Charges appeared first on The Western Journal.

How significant are the potential consequences of tax evasion and ‍filing false tax returns, ⁢and what does this ‍case against Hunter Biden highlight about the importance of meeting financial obligations to‍ the government

The charges against Hunter Biden carry a ‌maximum penalty of five years in prison and ​a fine of⁤ $250,000. However, it is important to note that ⁣an ⁣indictment does not indicate guilt, and⁣ Hunter ⁢Biden will have the opportunity to defend himself in a court of law.

This indictment against the son of President⁣ Joe ⁢Biden has sparked controversy and political debate. Critics ​argue that this is another example of ⁢the Biden family’s alleged corruption and questionable ⁣financial dealings. They ⁣suggest that President Joe Biden may have been aware ⁤of ‍his son’s‌ actions and benefited from them.

Supporters of the president argue ⁤that this is ⁣an attempt by political opponents to ⁣smear ⁣the ​Biden family and distract from the current administration’s ⁣policy agenda. They insist that Hunter Biden’s legal ⁤issues should not reflect on ‍President Joe Biden and his ability to govern.

The case against⁤ Hunter ⁣Biden will now proceed ​through the legal⁣ process, where ⁢evidence will be presented, and a verdict will be‌ reached. It is important to approach ‍this case with an ‌open mind and to allow the justice system to determine the truth.

Regardless of the outcome of this case,⁢ it highlights the importance ⁣of paying taxes and fulfilling financial obligations. Tax evasion and filing false tax⁣ returns are serious crimes that can have significant consequences. It‍ is the responsibility of ‍every citizen to abide by⁤ the law and meet their financial obligations to the ​government.

As this case continues to unfold, it ⁣will undoubtedly ⁣remain a topic of interest ‌and ⁢discussion. The public will be eagerly ⁣awaiting ⁤the⁢ outcome⁣ and the ⁤impact it may have on the political landscape. In the⁣ meantime, it serves as a reminder of the importance of financial transparency and ​the consequences that can arise from failing to pay taxes.

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