Fetterman urges Senate to remove Menendez over foreign agent accusations.

Senator ‍Fetterman Calls ⁢for Expulsion of Senator Menendez

Senator John Fetterman ⁣of Pennsylvania,‌ a Democrat,⁤ has urged the Senate to expel ‍Senator Bob Menendez of New Jersey​ following the latter’s additional⁢ federal charges, which accuse him of acting as a foreign agent.⁢ Fetterman, who was ‍the first senator to call for Menendez’s resignation ‍when he and ‌his wife were indicted on bribery⁣ charges, made this statement after the new​ indictment was⁤ announced on Thursday.

“Senator⁤ Menendez should not be a U.S. ‍Senator. He should have‌ been ⁣gone long ago,” Fetterman stated. “It is ​time for every one ‌of my colleagues in the Senate to join me in expelling Senator Menendez. We cannot have‌ an alleged foreign agent in the United States Senate. This is⁤ not a⁢ close call.”

While more than half of Senate ‌Democrats have‌ already called for Menendez’s resignation, Fetterman is‍ the first to advocate‍ for expulsion. It ‍remains to ‌be seen if the latest charges will sway those who were previously hesitant to support resignation or if those already calling for Menendez to step aside ⁤will back the expulsion.

Expelling Menendez ⁣would ⁤require two-thirds support in the Senate, ‌which is unlikely due ⁢to the Democrats’ slim majority and opposition ‌from the GOP. Additionally,‌ the⁣ fact that 20 Senate Democrats, including ‍Majority⁢ Leader Chuck Schumer, believe Menendez should⁢ have the opportunity‌ to fight the‌ charges poses another obstacle.

The federal prosecutors have accused Menendez⁤ and his wife, Nadine Arslanian ⁣Menendez, of using the senator’s position on the Senate‍ Foreign Relations Committee to gain favors from donors and benefit the Egyptian government ‍in exchange for ‌money,⁢ gold bars, and other valuables. ⁢Menendez, who had to ⁣step ⁤down from ⁤his committee chairmanship after ⁣the previous indictment, has dismissed these charges as ‍part of a‌ smear campaign and ⁢has vowed to fight them. All five co-defendants in the case have pleaded ​not guilty, and Menendez is currently out on ⁤a ‌$100,000 bond.

Menendez and his wife have not yet entered a plea for ⁤the new charges, but the ‍senator stated, ‌”I‍ have⁤ been, throughout my life, loyal‍ to only⁢ one country — the United States ⁤of America, the land my family chose to​ live ​in democracy and freedom.”

During‍ a White House press briefing, National ‍Security Council spokesman John⁣ Kirby declined to ‌comment when asked if the Biden administration has considered conducting ⁣an assessment.

Click here ⁤ to read more from The Washington ⁢Examiner.

What are⁢ the allegations against⁤ Senator Menendez regarding his actions as ⁤a foreign agent?

Senator Menendez. We cannot afford to have a member of our legislative body who has been⁣ indicted on​ multiple ⁤charges and accused of acting ⁢as ⁢a foreign agent. This is not the representation that the people of New Jersey or the United States⁤ deserve.”

Fetterman’s call for the expulsion of Menendez comes after⁢ the release ⁤of a new indictment by federal prosecutors. The ⁢charges against Menendez allege that he used his position as a U.S.⁢ Senator to benefit a wealthy donor in exchange for gifts and political contributions. These charges⁢ are in addition to the previous bribery charges that Menendez and his wife faced, which were ultimately dropped‍ in 2018.

The allegations of Menendez acting​ as a foreign agent raise serious concerns about his loyalty to the United ⁤States. As a senator, it is crucial that⁤ one’s allegiance lies solely with the country and its​ citizens. The fact that ‌Menendez is facing charges related⁤ to acting on behalf of a foreign entity undermines the ⁢trust and confidence that the American people should have in their elected officials.

Furthermore, the ongoing legal battles faced ‌by Menendez distract from the important ​work that needs to⁢ be done in Congress. With so many pressing⁤ issues facing our nation, it is essential⁤ that we have senators ⁣who are ​fully​ committed to serving the interests of their constituents and advancing the progress ⁤of our ⁣country. Menendez’s legal troubles only serve⁤ as a distraction and hinder the legislative process.

Expelling Menendez from the Senate would send a strong message‍ that corruption and unethical behavior will not be tolerated in our government. It would demonstrate that the Senate holds ‌its members to the highest standards ⁣of integrity and that​ those who ⁤violate⁢ the public’s‍ trust‌ will ‍face ‌severe consequences.

Some may argue that Senator Menendez is innocent until proven guilty and that he should be allowed to⁣ continue serving until the legal process is completed. However, ​it is important‍ to remember that expulsion from the Senate is not⁢ a criminal punishment. It is⁢ a political ⁢decision made by the elected representatives of⁣ the⁤ people. If ⁣the allegations against Menendez are proven true, it is only fitting that he be removed ⁤from office.

In conclusion, ⁣Senator John Fetterman’s call for the expulsion of Senator Bob Menendez is a necessary step to uphold the integrity of the Senate and restore public trust in our government. Menendez’s multiple⁤ indictments⁢ and the ⁢serious nature of the charges against him make it ⁣clear that ⁣he is no longer fit ​to serve as a senator. It‌ is time for his colleagues in the Senate to stand up for what ⁢is‌ right and join ​Fetterman in calling for his expulsion.

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