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Fetterman gives Santos $343 to troll ‘unethical’ Dem colleague

Fetterman⁣ Pays Santos $343 to Troll ‘Ethically-Challenged’ Democratic Colleague

Former⁢ Republican congressman George Santos became an unwitting participant in a ​ploy by ​Democratic Sen. John Fetterman of‌ Pennsylvania to troll ⁢Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey on Monday.

Fetterman, who has‍ called on Menendez to resign or be forced out of the⁢ Senate amid a federal corruption investigation, hired Santos through the celebrity ⁢video app Cameo. ‍The ​New York Republican was expelled from⁤ the House last week.

Cameo offers⁤ the services of famous people to make⁢ videos for ​birthdays⁤ and other special events ​for a nominal fee. ​That was $343 in‌ Santos’ case, according to ⁤Business Insider — although ​his‌ Cameo account said his services were “temporarily unavailable” on ​Tuesday.

Fetterman used Santos’⁣ services ​on the app for a message‍ that was aimed at Menendez, who ​was indicted in September.

“I thought my⁤ ethically-challenged colleague @BobMenendezNJ ‍could use some⁢ encouragement given‌ his substantial legal problems,” the Pennsylvania senator said in ‌a Monday ⁤post on​ X as he shared the Cameo video.

“So,⁢ I approached a ‍seasoned expert on the​ matter to give ‘Bobby from Jersey’ some advice,” Fetterman said.

In his ‌Cameo ⁤video, Santos urged “Bobby” not to give in.

“Hey, Bobby! I don’t⁤ think I need to tell you, but ​these people that want to make you get in⁤ trouble and ⁣want to‌ kick you ⁣out ⁢and ⁢make you run away,​ you make them put up or shut up!” ‍Santos said.

He added, “You ⁤stand your ground, sir, and ​don’t get bogged down by all ​the haters out there. Stay strong. Merry Christmas!”

Santos later laughed at the Cameo video on ‌his X page and said he had no ‌idea he⁤ was ⁤making a video aimed at Menendez.

Fetterman told ​CNN ⁣on Monday night that if ⁤Santos was expelled for lying about his resume and allegedly committing fraud and ⁣other crimes, Menendez should also be ousted from ⁤Congress.

In a comment ⁢to the⁣ network, Menendez’s office ​called Fetterman “Mr. ⁣Clickbait” and ‌accused ⁢the⁢ Pennsylvania Democrat of using campaign funds to “enrich” Santos.

On his Cameo account, Santos refers to himself on Cameo as “The Expelled member of Congress from New York City” and “Former congressional ‘Icon.’”

The post Fetterman ​Pays Santos $343‌ to Troll ‘Ethically-Challenged’⁣ Democratic Colleague appeared first on The Western Journal.

⁢ How‌ does Fetterman’s ⁤use of a Cameo video to criticize ​Menendez ‍impact political unity within the Democratic Party?

“Don’t let them win, Bobby! You stay strong,​⁤ you stay convicted, you stay in that‌ Senate seat and you ‍fight for what you believe in!”

The ‌video ends⁢ with⁢ Santos ⁢flexing his ‌biceps and saying, “Stay strong, my‌ friend.”‍

Fetterman’s use of⁢ a Cameo video ‍to troll Menendez is a clever and amusing tactic.⁢ It highlights the power of ‍technology and social ‍media ⁢in shaping political discourse and public opinion. ‍By utilizing the‌ services of a ⁢former Republican congressman to ‌deliver​ a message to ⁣a ‍fellow ‌Democrat,‍ Fetterman adds an element‍ of surprise and intrigue​ to his criticism ‍of Menendez.

In doing so, Fetterman not only⁤ brings attention to the ethical concerns surrounding Menendez’s federal‌ corruption investigation⁢ but ‍also showcases his own creativity and⁢ willingness to think outside‍ the⁣ box⁢ when it comes to making his point. Instead of ‌resorting ⁤to traditional methods ​of criticism such as press releases or public statements, Fetterman takes advantage of modern technology to deliver his message in a unique and memorable way.

However, it is essential to question the ethical implications of using a paid service ‍like Cameo to deliver ⁢political messages. While it may⁣ be a ⁤lighthearted ⁢and entertaining approach, it raises concerns about the ⁢line between satire and exploitation. ⁢Critics may argue that using Cameo in this manner trivializes serious political issues and⁤ undermines‌ the importance ⁤of public discourse.

Furthermore, Fetterman’s decision to hire a former Republican​ congressman to troll a Democratic‌ colleague raises questions about party loyalty and political unity. While ‌Fetterman⁣ claims ⁤that his intention is to bring attention to Menendez’s ​ethical challenges, some‍ may view this as a divisive tactic that undermines the unity of ‍the ‌Democratic Party.

Overall, Fetterman’s use of a Cameo​ video to⁢ troll Menendez sheds light ⁣on the‍ evolving nature of political communication and​ the role of technology in shaping ​political discourse. However, it also raises important ⁢ethical and political questions that⁢ deserve consideration and ‌reflection. As technology continues to advance, it is crucial for politicians to strike a balance⁤ between ‌innovation and⁤ responsibility in ‌order to maintain‍ the integrity and ⁢effectiveness of political discourse.

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