Washington Examiner

June saw the lowest number of illegal border crossings since Biden’s presidency began, with fewer than 100,000 immigrants.

Border ‍Patrol Encounters​ Fewest‌ Number of⁢ Immigrants⁤ Crossing Illegally Since‌ Biden’s ⁤First ⁤Month in⁣ Office

Border Patrol agents at the⁣ United‌ States-Mexico ⁢border in ⁢June⁤ encountered ‍the fewest number of immigrants​ crossing ‍illegally ‌since​ President⁤ Joe​ Biden’s⁣ first ⁣month in office.

Just​ shy ‌of 100,000​ people⁤ were apprehended by ⁤federal​ law enforcement agents‍ last month,‌ with⁣ a growing ⁤percentage ⁢choosing to ⁢surrender to federal customs officials at‌ ports ‍of​ entry⁢ rather‌ than ‌cross illegally, according to government ⁤data published‌ Tuesday.

“Our sustained​ efforts ‍to‍ enforce consequences under our longstanding⁣ Title 8 authorities, combined with‌ expanding access ‌to lawful‌ pathways and processes, have driven the ⁢number of migrant​ encounters along the⁤ Southwest ​border⁢ to their ⁣lowest levels in more ‌than two years,” said ⁢Troy A. ‌Miller,⁤ U.S. Customs⁣ and⁤ Border Protection’s senior official performing the ⁢duties of the commissioner, ⁤in a statement.

A total‌ of 211,575⁤ non-U.S. citizens ⁣were⁢ encountered ‍at the sea, ⁢air, ‌and land border last⁤ month, including⁢ 100,617 who‍ were‍ arrested ‌by Border Patrol agents for ⁣entering ⁤illegally ⁤at the ⁤northern, ⁢southern, and coastal borders, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection​ numbers published⁤ Tuesday.

That’s​ down‍ from 171,000 Border Patrol arrests ⁤in May.

The ‌remaining​ 110,958 people ​were denied⁢ entry at‍ a crossing‍ point.

Encounters ⁢have‍ hung⁢ at all-time highs in the⁤ two and⁢ a‌ half​ years ‌since Biden took ⁢office and⁤ peaked ​at ​302,041 ⁣in December 2022 before​ dropping ‌to ‌208,500⁣ in January‍ of this ⁣year ‌and⁣ continuing⁤ to ‍remain⁢ higher than the roughly​ 50,000 arrests seen in ‌an average month ‌in the⁤ decade prior to ​Biden’s tenure.

However, the⁢ data‍ show ⁢early⁣ signs‌ that⁣ the Biden administration’s‌ preparations⁢ for ending public ⁤health ⁣policy ‍Title 42‌ on May 11 have⁢ had an effect on immigrants and where they choose to ‌come ​across.

The number of ‍immigrants who have presented for⁢ admission at‍ ports ‍of entry along the ​southern border has trended​ upward from 15,000‌ in June 2022 to ⁣45,000‍ last month.⁢ Roughly ⁢65,000 other​ immigrants were encountered⁣ at ports ‌of entry⁣ at airports, ⁤sea‌ ports, and ⁤on the northern border.

Of the 45,000⁣ people who appeared at the ports of entry on ⁢the southern border, 38,000⁤ had previously⁢ obtained an‌ appointment with customs officers.​ The appointment‌ system ​is​ handled‍ through ⁤the CBP One app and ‍was rolled out‍ by ‌the Biden⁢ administration in ⁢January as a way to encourage immigrants to‍ present ​at legitimate‍ crossing points rather​ than between ​the ports.

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