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Biden Admin once called cluster bomb usage a war crime, now they’re sending them to Ukraine.

Flashback: Biden Admin Said Cluster Bomb Usage a Potential War Crime – Now They’re Shipping the Armaments to Ukraine

In a surprising move, Joe Biden’s administration announced on Friday that it is sending cluster bombs to Ukraine to aid in their fight against Russian invaders. This decision is particularly controversial considering that just a year ago, the same Biden administration condemned the use of cluster munitions, stating that it could be considered a war crime.

Cluster bombs, similar to those currently being used by Russia, are not single explosives. Instead, they consist of a container filled with multiple smaller bombs that cause devastation across a wide area, rather than targeting a specific spot.

These bombs have sparked controversy due to the significant number of “dud” devices that fail to detonate upon impact and remain armed and dangerous until triggered. Human rights organizations have strongly criticized the use of cluster munitions, as they pose a long-term threat to civilians, especially children, even years after the war has ended.

It is worth noting that over 120 nations have signed the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions, which prohibits the use of these devices. However, neither the United States, Russia, nor Ukraine have signed this convention.

Despite the international outcry against cluster munitions, Biden has approved the distribution of these bombs to Ukraine as part of their ongoing assistance to the war-torn nation, as reported by Just The News.

During a news conference, Biden’s national security advisor, Jake Sullivan, emphasized that Ukraine is defending its own country and its citizens. He also acknowledged the controversial nature of the decision to send cluster munitions, stating that Ukraine would not be using these weapons in a foreign land.

Sullivan further highlighted that Russia is already using cluster munitions with a high “dud rate” of up to 40 percent. In contrast, the American-provided cluster bombs have a failure rate of only 2.5 percent.

While the use of cluster bombs remains controversial, Sullivan emphasized that the risk of civilian harm from Russian troops and tanks outweighs the potential risks associated with these munitions. He also mentioned that Ukraine has been requesting similar capabilities from the U.S. for some time.

However, it is important to note that this decision contradicts the stance of the Biden administration just a few months ago. In February of 2022, then-press secretary Jen Psaki referred to the use of cluster bombs as potentially a war crime when questioned about Russia’s actions.

Cluster bombs are undeniably problematic, as even members of Biden’s own administration have acknowledged. Yet, they are still being sent to Ukraine. This raises questions about the administration’s consistency and whether the use of cluster bombs is only deemed a war crime when it suits their agenda.

Source: The Western Journal

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