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Nikki Haley’s former political director exposes GOP hopeful on Tucker Carlson in flashback

The Rise of Nikki Haley: A Viable Alternative to Trump in⁢ 2024?

To the extent there remains any viable alternative to former President Donald Trump for the GOP ‌presidential nominee in 2024, former U.N. ambassador and ⁢South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley might be it.

She’s third in the RealClearPolitics ⁤national polling ​average as of Friday morning, just behind Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. Both are a distant second and⁣ third to​ Trump‍ (60.3 percent for Trump vs. 12.6 percent for DeSantis vs. 12.1 percent for Haley).

She’s also third‍ in‌ the Iowa caucus polling — again, with both DeSantis and her well in Trump’s rear-view mirror‌ — and‍ a​ distant second in⁢ New⁣ Hampshire.

In all three⁤ departments, however,⁣ it’s worth noting that Haley is the ⁢only candidate with ⁢a sustained upward trajectory at the moment.

DeSantis reached⁣ the point of diminishing ​returns⁢ in late⁤ spring. While his campaign is confident‍ in a ‍strong Iowa showing, he would need⁣ a comeback ⁢of Joe Biden- or⁢ John Kerry-esque proportions‍ to ‍win‍ the nomination.

Other candidates who have had their moments — businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, South Carolina Sen.⁣ Tim Scott, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie⁤ — have fallen back ​to ‌earth or ​withdrawn entirely.

Given the long odds and passing ‌deadlines, there’s‍ no⁤ unknown challenger (i.e., Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin) waiting just offstage to charge in at the last second.

So, if you’re a Republican primary voter and you’re not casting your ballot for Trump, it’s basically 1) ⁤DeSantis, 2) Haley or⁤ 3) setting it ablaze.​ (Look, heating costs are high this winter. Got to do something.)

The Appeal of ‍Nikki Haley: A Winning Track Record

And Haley is, for better or worse, the woman of the moment. ⁢She has a Trump ⁤connection, in that⁤ she served in ⁣his administration. She’s also suitably anti-Trump enough, given that she⁣ disavowed him after the events of the 2020 election, that the establishment media can take her in small ‍doses — unless she⁣ won‌ the nomination,‌ of⁢ course, in which case they would go back to pummeling her.

So,⁢ if you are kicking the tires on a non-Trump‍ candidate, it may well behoove you to ask what’s to‌ like about Haley.

Well, there are plenty of things, don’t get me wrong. However, part of Haley’s​ brand is winning. She’s happy​ to tell you that she keeps on ⁤winning elections⁢ — with the⁤ implication being⁤ that, after 2020, she’s more electable than Trump is.

For instance, take this from a May profile in The Hill:

“Haley,‌ the former governor of South Carolina, is fond of reminding skeptics that she ‌has never lost an election. Watching ‍her at close quarters, ⁣it’s easy to⁣ see why,” Niall Stanage wrote. “The positions she enunciates are firmly ​conservative. ‌She shows ​no reluctance to plunge into ‌culture war issues, including immigration, ‘wokeness’ in education, ⁤and support for law enforcement.”

And yes, she and her supporters‌ are ⁤“fond of reminding skeptics” of⁣ this fact:

Nikki Haley *heavily* hints at a run ‍for President in⁢ 2024: “A lot of people have asked‍ if I’m gonna run for ‌President. Now that the midterms are over, I’ll look at it in a serious way. & I’ll have more to say soon.”

“I’ve​ never ‍lost an election & I’m not going to start​ now.”

Here’s my top 4:

  • @NikkiHaley
  • Former UN Ambassador, Nikki Haley
  • First Female, Minority ⁣Governor in ‍the south, Nikki Haley
  • Never⁣ lost an election, even against the‌ longest ​serving ⁣member of the SC house, Nikki Haley


Haley has regularly boasted about her track record of defying political expectations, saying, “I’ve ​never lost an election, and I’m​ not going⁣ to start now.”

If ⁢elected, ‍Haley would ⁢be the nation’s first female president and the first U.S. #Potus of Indian descent

Fair enough — but⁣ voters might want ‍to consider the argument from her former political director Justin Evans, who noted that while Haley has never lost an election, “she’s also never finished a job.”

As Haley’s former political director ‌Justin Evans puts it, “she’s also ⁤never finished a job.”


Former Political Director Criticizes‍ Nikki​ Haley for Inconsistencies ‌and Job Abandonment

In a scathing critique, Nikki Haley’s‌ former political director, Justin‌ Evans, accused her ⁤of a pattern of behavior where she walks away when faced with tough ‍situations. Evans, who worked on​ her‌ 2010 South Carolina gubernatorial campaign, expressed his disappointment in her inability to handle​ pressure and highlighted⁢ her ⁤departure ‌from three⁢ high-profile⁤ positions.

“A lot of people are asking, ‘What’s up with all ⁣these political⁤ inconsistencies that we’ve seen out of her lately?’” Evans ⁤told ⁤Tucker Carlson on his show.

“And one of those is with her support for the⁤ former president. I mean, she’s been ‍so inconsistent on that and flip-flopped on that so ⁢often that people are starting⁤ to confuse her with Mitt Romney at this point.”

“She likes​ to tell people that ⁢she’s never lost an ‍election,” Evans continued.

“Well, on the ballot, that may be true,” he said. “But, Tucker, ⁤she’s also never finished a job. ​Whether it was her‍ time as governor,⁣ her time at the U.N. or her time at Boeing [where she was a board member], she’s got a demonstrated pattern of behavior that she just walks away‌ when ⁣times get tough.”

Evans also criticized Haley for her tax policies. ⁤However, it’s ‍important ​to ⁤note that despite⁤ these criticisms, Haley has never ‌lost an election. ⁢Evans, who is now a Trump operative in South Carolina, according to⁤ The Wall ‌Street Journal, believes that Haley’s⁢ trust issues with⁣ the base‌ and her ​limited support in the state make it unlikely for her to beat ​President Trump.

While Haley’s political success ⁣is undeniable, ⁢her tendency to leave positions is a recurring theme. She resigned from her role as U.N. ambassador after two years, without providing a concrete reason. Ironically, she claimed to be ‌setting her own term limit. Haley ⁣also left​ the South Carolina governorship to join Boeing’s board, but her ⁢tenure there‌ lasted⁣ just over a​ year.

“It’s been eight years of intense time, ‍and​ I’m a believer‌ in term limits,” Haley said at the time, according to the ⁣BBC.

However, it seems these term ‌limits don’t apply to her presidential ‌aspirations. It’s worth noting that her ​resignation from the U.N. ambassador ⁣position coincided ​with accusations of accepting luxury private plane trips as gifts from‌ South Carolina business leaders,‌ as reported ‍by ⁣the British public ​broadcaster.

Despite these controversies, Haley remains‌ a ⁣prominent figure in politics, but her track ⁣record of job abandonment raises questions about her commitment and⁣ consistency.

Should Nikki Haley drop ⁣out⁤ of⁢ the ⁣race?

Should‍ Nikki Haley drop out of the race?

Disagreement Over⁢ Bailouts: Nikki Haley’s Controversial Decision

According to​ the Western Journal, Nikki Haley’s resignation​ as the president of Boeing, as‌ reported by the⁢ Wall ⁤Street Journal, was a surprising move that ‌sparked ⁣controversy within the company. The disagreement stemmed​ from the ⁢potential decision‍ to seek government bailouts amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to sources‌ familiar with the ‍matter, some board members and executives were taken aback by Haley’s⁣ sudden announcement during such a critical time for the company. Ultimately, Boeing decided against seeking⁤ government aid‍ and⁢ instead ⁢opted to issue $25 billion in bonds to ‌stabilize its finances in the face of the pandemic and the 737 MAX ​crisis.

While it is⁣ rare ⁣for ⁢a president to‍ resign⁢ in challenging times, there​ are few positions in the ​world⁤ that could be‌ considered a step up from ‍being ‌the ⁢president of ⁤the United States. One example ​that comes ⁣to mind is the pope, but Haley‍ is not​ Catholic (at ⁤least not yet).

However, when your former political ‍director publicly labels⁤ you as a⁣ serial quitter on national television, it raises doubts ‌about your ‍ability to rally support from your base. If Haley ‌struggles to inspire even those closest to her, it should serve as a warning sign that she ⁣may‌ not be the right person to overcome significant polling deficits with just a month left before the first contest. After all,⁤ there’s always a first time for ‌everything.

The post ⁣ Flashback: Nikki Haley’s Own​ Ex-Political Director Exposes ‍GOP Hopeful ⁢on Tucker Carlson appeared ‌first on The Western Journal.


‍ What​ factors will influence Nikki Haley’s viability as a potential alternative to Donald Trump in the 2024 ⁤election, considering her controversial decision to support the bailouts bill

_blank” ‍rel=”noopener”>Western ‌Journal, Nikki Haley made a controversial decision as governor of ⁣South Carolina when she supported a ‍bailouts bill in 2008. The bill provided financial⁣ assistance ⁢to struggling companies during the ⁣Great Recession, including banks and the auto industry.

While some argued that the bailouts were necessary to prevent an even greater‍ economic collapse, others criticized Haley ‌for supporting what they saw‍ as government interference in the free market. Critics accused her of abandoning conservative principles and compromising on fiscal responsibility.

This decision has continued to ‍be a point of contention, with Haley’s detractors questioning her commitment to limited​ government and free-market principles. However, supporters argue that her pragmatism and willingness ‌to ​make tough decisions in the best interest of⁣ her constituents are valuable qualities in a leader.

Ultimately, whether Haley’s stance on bailouts is viewed⁣ as a ⁣strength or a ⁣weakness will depend on one’s⁣ perspective and political beliefs. However, it is worth ‍considering how this decision might⁤ impact⁢ her viability as a potential alternative to ⁣Trump in the 2024 election.


The rise of‍ Nikki Haley as a potential alternative to Donald Trump in the 2024 GOP presidential nominee race ⁢brings both strengths and weaknesses. Haley’s ⁢winning​ track record, conservative positions, and‌ experience in ⁢the Trump administration make her a viable candidate in​ the eyes of many Republicans.

However, criticism‍ of Haley’s job abandonment, inconsistencies, and ‍controversial decisions highlights potential⁢ weaknesses that might deter some voters. ⁤Haley’s ⁣ability to address these concerns and present a compelling case for her candidacy will⁣ be crucial to​ her ‍success.

In the end, whether Haley emerges ‍as a strong contender for the GOP presidential⁢ nomination‌ in 2024 will depend on⁤ a variety‌ of factors, including‍ her ability to build support, overcome challenges, and articulate a clear and compelling vision for the ⁣future⁤ of the Republican Party.

Only time ⁢will tell if Nikki Haley can rise to the occasion and become a⁣ viable ⁢alternative to Donald ⁤Trump in the⁤ 2024⁣ election.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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