Focus Group of Undecided Voters Overwhelmingly Swayed by Debate – It Wasn’t Even Close

The summary details ‌a ⁤clear consensus that​ former​ President⁣ Donald Trump was the winner of ‌the recent presidential debate, a viewpoint shared across⁢ various media outlets and among undecided voters. According​ to pollster⁤ Frank Luntz, who​ conducted a session⁤ with undecided voters during the debate, a significant majority shifted their support towards Trump post-debate, despite some not favoring him initially. President Biden appeared to struggle during ⁣the‌ debate, exhibiting poor health and coherence, which caused concern and criticism among ⁤viewers and on social media platforms. The discussion ⁣highlighted not only the debate performance but also raised‍ questions about Biden’s current fitness to govern, with pointed ‍commentary about⁣ the implications ‌of ​his apparent health ‍issues on his presidency and‌ leadership.


 By Michael Austin  June 28, 2024 at 5:45am

The consensus over who won Thursday’s presidential debate appears to be relatively unanimous, even across party lines.

It appears that former President Donald Trump won walking away.

The pundits and analysts of many left-leaning outlets, including CNN and MSNBC, seem to believe as much.

So does a focus group of undecided voters.

Pollster Frank Luntz watched Thursday’s debate while on a video call with the small focus group.

During a commercial break, Luntz asked the voters to raise their hands if they were more convinced to vote for former President Donald Trump.

The following screen shot he took tells quite a story.

After the second commercial break, I asked my focus group of undecided voters how many are more convinced to vote for Donald Trump.

10 of 14 raised their hands… Even if they didn’t like Donald Trump.

One said: “I don’t even know if Biden can make it to November!”

— Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz) June 28, 2024

Did Donald Trump win the debate?

“After the second commercial break, I asked my focus group of undecided voters how many are more convinced to vote for Donald Trump,” Luntz wrote. “10 of 14 raised their hands… Even if they didn’t like Donald Trump.

“One said: ‘I don’t even know if Biden can make it to November!’”

Even more damning for Biden than that response from Luntz’s group was the one that came directly before it.

According to Luntz, also during a commercial break, when he asked the voters whether they were more convinced to vote for Biden, “Zero raised their hands.”

“Half of them say they voted for Biden in 2020,” Luntz wrote.

Throughout the CNN-hosted debate, President Biden suffered gaffes, sounded hoarse, made incoherent statements and overall looked to be in poor health.

Many viewers of the debate took to X during and following the debate, noting the poor optics coming from the president’s side.

Here’s the thing. Biden is still president, right now. He has been, with obviously bad health, for the past 3.5 years. They say POTUS is the toughest job in the world. He’s clearly not up to it.

Who’s running this country?

Biden just projected immense weakness & frailty to our…

— Colin Smothers (@colinsmo) June 28, 2024

“Biden is still president, right now. He has been, with obviously bad health, for the past 3.5 years,” one user wrote. “Biden just projected immense weakness & frailty to our allies & adversaries.”

I don’t know where Joe Biden’s mind is, but it’s not at this debate.

This is horrific for America.#Debates2024

— Brenden Dilley (@WarlordDilley) June 28, 2024

“I don’t know where Joe Biden’s mind is, but it’s not at this debate. This is horrific for America,” another posted.

I blame Jill Biden
She knows Joe mind is gone
She obviously would have no problem dragging his corpse across the stage if she could stay in the white house

— KTYG (@Missy10013Kathy) June 28, 2024

“I blame Jill Biden … She obviously would have no problem dragging his corpse across the stage if she could stay in the white house,” another wrote.

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