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Ex-Border Patrol Chief: Agents Can’t Screen Global Majority of Migrants.

Former Border Chief: Vetting Process for ⁢Illegal Immigrants Lacks Critical Information

In a recent ⁣hearing before‍ the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and⁢ Enforcement, former Chief ⁢of Border Patrol Rodney Scott emphasized the limitations⁢ of the vetting process used to keep criminals​ out ⁢of the United States. According⁢ to Scott,⁣ the accuracy​ of the process heavily relies on the availability of correct information, which is ‌currently lacking for migrants‍ from the majority of‌ countries around the world.

Scott, who served in ⁣the U.S. Border ⁤Patrol for 29 years before retiring⁢ as Chief in 2021, highlighted ⁣the global data gap that hampers border protection agents‘ ability to effectively screen illegal‌ immigrants. He explained that the federal ⁢government’s access to information‌ is extremely limited, leaving⁣ agents​ with minimal data⁤ to work with.

Concerns ⁢about ‌illegal immigrants from Mauritania⁤ arose when⁣ data revealed an increase in apprehensions of‌ individuals on the terror watch list by Border Patrol agents. From ‍2017 to 2020, 14 individuals⁣ on the watch list were encountered. However, from 2021 ​to 2023, that ⁣number skyrocketed to 263, with 149 of those encounters occurring in 2023⁣ alone.

During the hearing, ‍Representative ‌Andy Biggs raised the issue of potential ⁣terror connections among individuals not on any⁣ list accessible to the United⁣ States. He specifically mentioned the influx of illegal ‍migrants from Mauritania ‌in his home state of Arizona, citing a CBP agent’s report of apprehending a group of 250 Mauritanians.

Rodney Scott, the former Chief of the U.S. Border Patrol, testified before the House Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, ‌Security, and Enforcement in May 2023. ⁣(Win McNamee/Getty Images)

Scott confirmed that CBP has no access to background information on Mauritania, leaving individuals from that area largely unvetted.


Committee ⁢ranking member Pramila Jayapal challenged the narrative of Republican fear-mongering during the hearing. She pointed out that no American citizen ​has been injured or killed by⁢ a terrorist who crossed the ⁣southern border without authorization. Jayapal urged the⁤ committee to focus on the facts and emphasized the importance of bipartisan immigration reform to address the root causes of illegal ​immigration.

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) in Washington ​on April 28, 2022. (Kevin ‍Dietsch/Getty ​Images)

Committee Chairman Tom McClintock highlighted⁣ the Biden administration’s⁢ policy​ changes that have⁣ impacted border security. He stated that these changes have opened the‍ borders ​to millions of illegal immigrants from over 160‌ countries. McClintock expressed concern ⁤over ⁤the lack of access to foreign ‍criminal databases, which‍ limits knowledge about the criminal records of​ the released immigrants.

5.7 Million Illegals

McClintock revealed⁢ shocking statistics, indicating that since the Biden administration’s ⁢policy shift, 5.7 million illegal aliens have⁤ crossed the border, with over 2.6 million being released into ⁤the United States. He also mentioned an additional 1.7 million “gotaways” who entered⁤ illegally. These numbers surpass the population of New Mexico and West Virginia, respectively.

What‍ concerns were ​raised⁣ about individuals ‌on the terror watch list⁤ from Mauritania and their increased apprehensions


The vetting process for illegal immigrants lacks ⁤critical‌ information, according to former Chief ⁤of Border Patrol Rodney Scott. In⁣ a recent⁣ hearing before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement, Scott highlighted the⁢ limitations of the‌ current process and⁣ the need for ‌accurate information to effectively screen migrants.

Having served in ⁣the U.S. Border‍ Patrol ⁣for 29 years before retiring as Chief in 2021, Scott is well acquainted with the challenges faced ⁤by border protection agents. He emphasized the global data gap that ⁣hampers their ability ⁢to identify and prevent the entry of criminals‌ into the ‍United States. Scott explained that the federal government has limited⁢ access to information, leaving⁣ agents with ⁢minimal data to ⁤work with.

One concerning issue raised during the hearing was the increase in apprehensions of individuals on the terror‍ watch⁤ list⁤ from Mauritania. Data showed a ⁤significant rise⁤ in encounters, from 14 individuals between ​2017 and 2020 to 263 individuals ​between 2021 ‍and 2023,​ with 149 of​ those encounters happening in 2023 alone.

Representative Andy Biggs expressed concerns about potential terror connections ‌among ‌individuals not⁢ on any accessible lists. He specifically mentioned the influx ​of illegal migrants ⁢from Mauritania in his home state‌ of Arizona, citing a CBP‌ agent’s report of apprehending a group of ‍250 Mauritanians.

The lack of comprehensive⁤ and accurate information poses a significant challenge in the vetting process for illegal ⁤immigrants. Without ​access to critical data, border protection agents struggle⁤ to identify and⁢ prevent criminals from entering ‌the⁢ United States. Addressing this gap and improving the⁢ vetting process is ​crucial in ⁤ensuring the safety and⁤ security of⁢ the‍ nation.

For ⁣more ⁣information, please visit‌ the ‌ House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement website.

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