The federalist

CIA Ex-Chief Hayden Urges Tuberville’s Assassination

Former CIA Director Calls for ​Removal of Senator Tuberville from the Human ⁣Race

Former Central Intelligence ‍Agency (CIA) ‍Director Michael​ Hayden made a controversial ⁣statement on social media, suggesting that Alabama‌ Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville​ should be “removed” from the‍ “human race.” This comment came in response⁢ to a ⁢discussion about Tuberville’s hold on military promotions, which he has‌ maintained ‌for months as⁣ a protest against⁢ the military’s endorsement of abortion and far-left social ⁣justice standards.

[RELATED:[RELATED:Tuberville’s Block On Military Promotions Is Freezing Biden’s Slate Of⁤ Woke‍ Nominees]

The conversation began when a Democrat influencer asked whether⁣ Tuberville should​ be removed from his⁢ committee. Hayden’s⁢ response was shocking, suggesting that Tuberville should not even be considered a ‍member of the human race.

Former CIA Director Michael Hayden calls for the ‌assassination of Sen. Tuberville because the senator⁢ is performing desperately needed oversight of the‍ U.S. Military. Hayden, a ⁣renowned civil liberties violator, promoted the⁤ Biden⁣ laptop coverup​ and ‍the⁢ Russia collusion scam.

⁣ ‍ — Mollie (@MZHemingway) October 10, 2023

Hayden Stands by His Controversial Remarks

Hayden, known for his strong ⁤opinions, did not back down ⁢from his‍ statement about ‍Tuberville. In fact, he doubled⁤ down on his ⁤remarks, stating that he was surprised by the backlash and that he stands by his view.

I was⁤ surprised ‍to ⁢wake up​ this‍ morning and discover that many MAGAnuts had lost ⁣their ‌minds over my suggestion that “Coach” Tuberville not be considered a⁣ member‌ of the human race. I stand by that view. I’m wishing you all ⁣a nice day even ​the intransigent ⁣Tommy Tuberville.

—⁤ Gen Michael Hayden (@GenMhayden) October 10, ⁣2023

Hayden’s controversial ‍remarks are ⁤not surprising considering his history. He previously characterized the⁢ Republican Party ​as the ⁣most “dangerous” force ​on Earth⁤ and has been involved in promoting misinformation and disinformation campaigns.

Hayden’s association‍ with NewsGuard, ⁤a⁣ left-wing misinformation ‍group, raises further concerns. NewsGuard has been criticized ⁢for its pro-censorship ⁤stance ⁤and biased ​ratings of news sources. ⁣Conservative publications receive failing grades while corporate‍ outlets with ​a history ​of⁣ major reporting errors maintain perfect credibility ratings.

Despite his controversial track ⁢record,‍ Hayden continues to make headlines‌ with his divisive ‍statements.‌ His latest comments about Tuberville echo Hillary Clinton’s recent ‍suggestion to “deprogram”⁢ Trump supporters, further fueling political‌ tensions.

Tristan Justice⁤ is⁣ the western correspondent for ⁢The Federalist​ and the ⁤author of Social Justice Redux, a conservative newsletter on ‍culture, health, and⁤ wellness. He has also written for The Washington Examiner and ‌The Daily Signal. His work has also been featured in Real Clear Politics and Fox News. Tristan graduated from⁤ George Washington⁣ University where he ‌majored in political science and minored in journalism.⁣ Follow him on Twitter⁤ at @JusticeTristan⁢ or contact him at [email protected]. Sign up ⁤for Tristan’s email newsletter‍ here.

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