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Former Dem Governor Stiffens When Asked About Kamala Harris in Interview

Former Dem Governor Stiffens When Asked About Kamala Harris in Interview

After ​16 years‍ as governor of California,‌ Jerry Brown is​ undoubtedly well-versed⁢ in Golden State politics. However, there’s one​ topic he surprisingly didn’t⁢ want‌ to discuss in a recent interview:⁣ Vice President Kamala ⁣Harris’ tenure.

In the interview with NBC News, Brown, along with‌ Republican Arnold ⁤Schwarzenegger, praised President Joe Biden but remained tight-lipped about Harris. When asked about her, Brown stiffened and simply said, “I do​ not have a thought ⁣on that topic.”

Given that Harris is the⁣ most powerful ⁣Democrat in California’s history,⁢ this response is quite telling. It could be because Brown is aligned with California ‌Governor Gavin Newsom, who is seen as Harris’ main challenger in the 2028 Democratic primaries. Or perhaps it’s because Harris’ popularity in the polls is even lower than Biden’s.

Regardless of the reason, it’s clear that Brown is not confident in Harris’ political chances.⁢ When a former governor‌ who knows California politics inside⁤ and out refuses to endorse you, it’s time to reconsider your prospects.

Examples of Kamala‍ Harris’ Gaffes:

It’s clear that Harris has had‍ her fair share ‌of gaffes, which‌ may contribute to Brown’s reluctance to discuss her. When even Joe Biden holds more esteem in Brown’s eyes, it’s time for Harris to reassess her chances.

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Deputy Managing ⁣Editor

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The post Former Dem Governor Stiffens When Asked ⁤About ‍Kamala ⁣Harris‍ in Interview appeared first on The ​Western Journal.

⁣ Can Former Governor Brown’s ​reluctance to talk about Harris be attributed​ to his alignment with‍ California Governor Gavin Newsom?

Former Governor ​Jerry Brown of California, a seasoned ⁢veteran in Golden State politics, ‍recently raised eyebrows when he refused to‌ discuss Vice President Kamala Harris’‌ tenure in​ a​ recent interview. While Brown and⁤ Republican‍ Arnold⁤ Schwarzenegger were⁣ full of praise for President Joe ⁢Biden,⁤ their⁤ reluctance to talk about Harris speaks volumes.

Harris, as the most⁣ powerful Democrat in California’s history, deserves ⁢attention and discussion. However,​ Brown’s stiff reaction and his statement, “I do not have a thought on that topic,” suggest that‍ he lacks confidence in Harris’ political prospects.

There could be several reasons for ​Brown’s reaction. One possibility is that Brown is aligned⁣ with California Governor Gavin Newsom,​ who is seen as Harris’ main rival in ⁢the 2028 Democratic ⁢primaries. Alternatively, it is worth‌ considering‍ that ‍Harris’ ‍popularity in the polls ⁤is lower than‍ Biden’s.

It is alarming when a former governor⁤ with a ⁢deep understanding of California politics refuses to endorse someone. Brown,‌ who knows ⁣the ins and outs of ​the state’s political landscape, clearly does not ⁣believe in Harris’ chances. This should prompt Harris to reconsider her prospects and address any concerns that may exist.

To further complicate matters, Harris has had ​her​ fair share of gaffes, as highlighted in examples such​ as her unclear statements on the significance of the ‌passage of time ‌and her mishandling of questions about visiting the⁣ border. These gaffes ⁤likely‌ contribute⁣ to Brown’s reluctance to⁤ discuss her. If ‌even Joe ‌Biden holds more esteem in Brown’s eyes, it is a clear sign for⁣ Harris to reassess her ​chances and address any⁤ issues that may hinder her political future.

In ⁣conclusion,‌ former Governor Jerry Brown’s refusal to discuss Kamala Harris’ tenure and ​his lack of confidence in her political prospects should not ​be ⁣taken lightly. Brown’s extensive knowledge of California politics⁢ and his reluctance⁤ to endorse⁣ Harris send⁤ a clear message.⁢ Harris needs to address any‌ concerns‌ and‍ improve​ her standing,‌ especially considering the gaffes that have marred⁢ her image. The road​ ahead will ‌not be ‍easy, ⁣but‍ it is certainly not impossible for Harris to regain confidence⁣ and succeed in ⁤her ​political career.

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