Washington Examiner

Former Democratic Rep. Tim Ryan to prioritize ‘exhausted majority’ in new effort.

Former Democratic Ohio​ Rep. ‌Tim ⁣Ryan⁢ Launches New Organization

Former Democratic Ohio⁣ Rep. Tim Ryan ‌is launching a new organization focused on policy and democracy and addressing the ⁢country’s “exhausted majority“⁣ later this⁣ week.

Engaging Voters and Fostering Dialogue

In a new interview with CBS News, Ryan revealed his plans⁣ for ⁢the ⁣following year. He intends to travel across‌ the country⁤ and host policy-based ​events aimed at fostering a dialogue among voters that promotes democracy.

“We the⁤ People” will serve as a resource for⁣ voters who feel ⁤politically homeless,‌ Ryan told CBS News. ⁣According to him, many Americans feel frustrated by the ⁤actions of politicians ⁢in Washington, D.C., as well as ‌the Right-wing populist movement behind former​ President Donald Trump. This organization ⁢aims to create a movement for them.

Ryan, who ran‍ for⁢ the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020 and then for Senate in Ohio in 2022, losing both, added that these people are “checking out” of politics altogether. “That’s maddening ​because that gives a bigger voice to those forces of division and hate and anger,⁣ so⁤ we want to build an⁣ organization that welcomes these people to participate,” he explained.

The centrist⁤ Democrat said the organization’s approach will be “very, very practical and ​very pragmatic” because “we just ‍want to elevate the conversation and welcome people in.”

While ‌he​ is looking to assemble a large coalition of Americans, he won’t be tip-toeing around taking stances on issues. Ryan said the group will “take a strong and ‌hostile position against these forces of hate and ⁣anger and fear and division in the‍ country.”

“That’s‌ the only⁢ way ‌for‌ us, in my estimation, for us to allow all of this greatness happening in​ the country to be able to bloom and to grow,” he said.

He explained that he is still very much a Democrat, but said⁤ that the political system is⁤ broken, nonetheless. “It’s broken across the board, and the⁢ fact that we have a MAGA ‍movement in the country illustrates, pretty clearly, that here is a corrosion to our political​ system, and solely having political fights won’t heal that,” he⁣ claimed.

The group isn’t interested in getting involved in presidential politics, according ⁤to Ryan. Instead, it ⁢will opt “to actually build a sustainable organization that’s citizen-powered.” ‌The organization is a 501(c)4 nonprofit and will not make endorsements.

Some of the issues that ⁣”We the⁤ People” will devote time and resources⁢ to are⁢ American manufacturing, energy production, and veterans’ care, he said.

While this endeavor will consume Ryan’s time for now, the 50-year-old didn’t rule out a potential return to public office in the future.

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