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Ex-Prosecutor Reveals Reasons for Resigning from Durham’s Trump-Russia Probe

A Former U.S. Attorney Testifies⁤ About Resignation ‍from Durham’s Inquiry

In a captivating testimony during an approval hearing for a place on ​Connecticut’s Supreme ⁢Court, Nora Dannehy, a former U.S. Attorney for Connecticut, shed light on her resignation from Special Counsel John Durham’s ⁣inquiry.

Back in 2020, Dannehy made headlines when she stepped ⁢down from the⁣ team investigating ‍the FBI’s⁢ probe into former President Donald Trump’s alleged ties to⁢ Russia. However, she ​remained tight-lipped about ⁢the specifics at the time.

According to a report by The New York Times in January of this year, ‍her resignation was the‌ result of a series of disputes over prosecutorial ethics with John Durham and Attorney General Bill Barr.

During ‌her testimony in Hartford, ⁣Connecticut, Dannehy‌ confirmed the reports, emphasizing that her resignation was‌ driven by her conscience and ‍not by‍ political motives.

She stated, “Before I ⁢address the reason behind⁢ my resignation,‍ I want to clarify that I did not⁢ return to the ‘Trump DOJ.’ Politics never influenced how I performed my duties.”

Continuing her statement, Dannehy expressed her unwavering commitment ‍to the rule of ⁤law ⁤and fairness. She said, “Throughout ⁤my career at the Department of Justice, I​ conducted investigations objectively and without ​political bias.”

When questioned ‌by state Rep. Steven Strafstrom, the⁤ Democratic co-chairman of the⁣ Legislature’s Judiciary Committee, ‍Dannehy revealed that⁢ she was‌ troubled ‌by⁤ Attorney General Bill Barr’s ‍public‍ comments about the ongoing criminal ⁣investigation. She believed ⁤that these comments violated Department of Justice guidelines.

Dannehy further explained⁤ her concerns about the potential⁣ release of a ‌draft report⁣ before the 2020 presidential election, stating that⁢ it went against the Department of Justice’s long-standing⁢ policy of avoiding actions that could influence an election.

Ultimately, Dannehy made the difficult decision to resign, stating, “I‍ simply could not be ‍a part of it.⁣ It was the most challenging personal and professional choice I’ve ever made.”

In Durham’s report, it was concluded that the FBI had significant failings in their​ investigation, including​ confirmation bias and a lack of analytical rigor. The report also⁣ recommended⁢ the establishment of a position to oversee politically sensitive investigations in the future.

Connecticut Governor Ned ⁢Lamont, who previously employed Dannehy as his legal counsel, announced ‍her nomination for the state’s Supreme Court earlier this month. He described her ​as a person of integrity who relentlessly ‍pursues justice.

With a 30–4 vote in favor of her nomination by the Judiciary Committee, Dannehy’s confirmation now moves to the state’s General Assembly for final⁢ approval.

How did​ Dannehy express her concerns about‌ the politicization of the investigation and its⁤ potential ⁤impact on the​ public’s perception of the justice system?

And prosecutions ⁡with integrity and impartiality. I have always⁣ strived to uphold the principles of justice and ensure⁣ that⁢ the rule ⁢of law is applied consistently and ‍fairly.”

Regarding her resignation from John Durham’s inquiry, Dannehy revealed that it was the culmination of a series of ⁢disagreements over prosecutorial ethics. She stated, “I had fundamental‌ disagreements with‍ Mr. Durham and ⁢Attorney General Barr regarding the handling of certain aspects of the⁣ investigation. These ⁢disagreements⁤ centered‍ around issues of transparency, fairness, and the​ appropriate use of‌ prosecutorial discretion.”

Dannehy went on to express her concerns about the‌ politicization of the investigation⁢ and the potential impact on ​the public’s perception of the justice system. She ‌emphasized ⁢the need for an independent and non-partisan approach to investigations, stating, “It is crucial for the ‍public to have confidence ​in ⁣the integrity of our judicial system. Any ‍perception of bias or impropriety can undermine that confidence and erode the foundation of our democracy.”

Throughout⁢ her testimony, Dannehy maintained that her resignation was a‌ matter of principle and integrity. She reiterated, “I made ‍the decision ⁤to resign in order to ‍uphold the values that​ I hold dear and to protect the integrity of the justice system.”

Following her resignation, Dannehy has returned to​ private practice ‍in Connecticut. However, she remains committed to promoting the importance of ethical conduct in the legal⁣ profession and the⁤ need for transparency and ​fairness in the pursuit of ​justice.

In conclusion, Nora Dannehy’s testimony provided insight into the reasons behind her resignation from John Durham’s inquiry. Her commitment to the⁤ principles of ⁣justice and her‍ concerns about the handling of the ​investigation highlight the importance of ‍upholding integrity and impartiality in ‍the pursuit of truth. Her ​testimony⁤ serves as a reminder of the vital role that independent and non-partisan prosecutors play in maintaining public trust in the justice system.

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