Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Taylor: A Lot of Russian Casualties 'Could Lead to an Uprising' Against Putin


Former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine William Taylor said Thursday on MSNBC’s “Deadline” that if there are a lot of Russian casualties during the invasion of Ukraine, there could be an uprising against Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Guest host John Heilemann said, “We are all seeing these protests now on the streets of Moscow tonight…Is there a point that Putin will not be immune from that domestic political pressure?”

Taylor said, “I think you are exactly right. I think you are exactly right. He will feel the pressure.”

He added, “They will also feel it when their sons and daughters come back dead and to be buried in small towns in Russia across the country that he hasn’t had to deal with since the Chechen War and any real sense. He went into Crimea without a shot fired. He had some casualties in the Russian army in Donbas, but they were suppressed. The people who tried to raise that even the parents were suppressed”

Taylor concluded, “So this is the first time to have a lot of casualties of Russian soldiers who are being killed in a country that most Russians feel are friendly toward them. He is going to feel that. It could well be — there have been suggestions from senior Russians and senior Russian military, retired military, one fellow said this could lead to an uprising. He was concerned about this doing exactly that.”

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