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Ex-Union President: Auto Workers Feel Deserted by Dems as Union Criticizes Biden’s EV Drive.

Auto Workers in Michigan Prepare to⁢ Strike for ⁢Higher Wages

Auto workers in Michigan are gearing up for ​a⁤ strike to demand higher ⁣wages from three major ⁤U.S. carmakers. The⁢ United Auto ⁢Workers (UAW) ​union is criticizing President Joe Biden’s support for the electric vehicle industry, adding fuel ‍to the fire.

Union Demands Pay Raise⁤ and Expresses Concerns

The UAW is calling for ‌a 36% pay raise for ‍workers at ⁤General Motors, Ford, and Stellanits. If an⁤ agreement ‍is not reached by ​midnight Thursday, the ​auto ‍workers will go on strike. However, the ​union’s ‌grievances extend beyond the automakers. They are⁢ also unhappy with the Biden administration and the Democratic Party for their subsidies to the electric ⁢vehicle industry. The UAW warns that the rush to promote⁢ EVs is ​neglecting the security​ and well-being ⁤of American auto⁢ workers.

Union Feels ‌Abandoned by Democrats

Former UAW President Bob​ King ⁤expressed the union’s ⁢disappointment with the Democratic Party, stating that UAW members feel ⁣abandoned. He believes that some Democrats prioritize serving ⁣corporations over the common good. POLITICO reported that‌ most of ​the energy investments ‍facilitated⁢ by the Inflation Reduction Act are benefiting Republican-led‌ states rather than Michigan. The UAW is also ⁢concerned​ about potential job losses ⁣as motor companies invest more in⁣ EVs,⁢ which typically require fewer parts than gas-powered cars.

UAW Withholds Endorsement of Biden

The UAW is ‍refraining from⁢ endorsing President Biden until ⁤they⁣ receive assurances from his ‌administration regarding the protection of union workers in the face⁢ of increased EV production. Despite⁣ Biden’s ⁤self-proclaimed status as the “most pro-union president” ‍in history,⁤ the UAW⁣ president stated that Biden has more to prove before earning their endorsement⁢ for the 2024 election.

Biden’s⁢ Push for EVs and Government Investments

Since taking office, ⁤President Biden has been a strong advocate for ramping up electric vehicle‌ production in the pursuit⁢ of green energy. The White‌ House is investing ‌in the car industry to achieve the goal ⁣of EVs accounting for half of all new vehicle sales by 2030. This includes ‌subsidizing American car‍ companies. However, Ford, despite‌ receiving a significant government loan for EV⁢ battery⁢ plants, expects ⁤to⁣ incur ‍substantial losses in its​ EV division this year.


What are the concerns of‌ the UAW ‌regarding President Biden’s support for electric‍ vehicles and​ how⁣ it may ⁢impact American ⁢auto workers?

03/insiders-energy-fund-tops-310m-053480“>states,⁣ further adding to the frustration of union members. The union feels ​that their concerns and demands are being ignored by the party that they traditionally support.

Biden’s ‍Support for Electric Vehicles⁤ ⁢Causes Tensions

The UAW’s criticism of President ⁤Biden’s support for the electric vehicle industry stems from their belief that it puts American auto workers at⁤ risk. The⁢ union‌ argues that the rush to transition to electric vehicles ‍is driven by corporate interests⁤ and environmental ​concerns, without due consideration for the impact on workers and their livelihoods. They are ⁢concerned that the shift to electric ⁤vehicles will lead to job losses in the traditional automotive sector as companies prioritize‌ the production of EVs.

Security​ Concerns ‍and Demand‌ for Fair Compensation

The ‌UAW’s demand ⁢for higher wages is fueled by the belief that auto workers‌ deserve fair compensation for their efforts. They​ argue that the auto ​industry is highly profitable, and workers should ‌share in that success. Additionally, the union raises concerns about‍ the security of the ⁣jobs in the industry. They fear that the push for ⁤electric vehicles could result in the outsourcing of jobs to countries ‌with cheaper‍ labor costs or the ⁤automation of production⁣ processes, further endangering ⁣American workers.

Implications and Potential⁢ Outcomes

If an⁤ agreement is not reached, the strike by auto workers‌ in Michigan⁣ could have significant implications for the automotive⁤ industry and the ‌broader⁤ economy.⁢ A strike of this ⁤magnitude could disrupt the ‌production of vehicles, impacting not‌ only the ⁢automakers but also suppliers and ‌other related industries.⁣ It could lead⁣ to a slowdown in vehicle production,⁢ affecting⁢ sales and potentially ⁤resulting in financial losses for the companies involved.‌ Additionally, ⁣the strike would send a strong message ⁢to ⁤the​ Biden⁤ administration and the Democratic Party regarding the concerns and‌ frustrations of ​the‌ UAW, highlighting ⁤the need for a ‍balanced approach to‍ the transition to electric vehicles ⁢that ​considers the well-being​ and livelihoods of American auto ⁣workers.


Auto workers in ‌Michigan are prepared to strike for higher wages, ‌expressing their concerns about the rush to promote electric vehicles‌ and the perceived neglect ​of their security and‍ well-being. The UAW’s demands for a pay raise⁣ and fair compensation reflect​ their belief that auto ​workers deserve to share in‌ the ⁤industry’s success. The ‌implications of‍ a strike are‍ significant, not only for the automakers but also for the broader economy.⁢ It is a critical ‍moment that⁤ highlights‌ the tensions between corporate interests,‌ environmental concerns, and workers’ rights. The‌ outcome of the negotiations and potential strike⁤ will ‍have ⁤far-reaching implications ⁣for the future of the automotive industry and the livelihoods of American auto ‌workers.

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