Four Major Polls Find Biden’s Disapproval Rating Is Skyrocketing

Pew also noted that Biden is even falling amongst Democratic voters:

Biden’s standing has further slipped among members of his own party after declining in September. About three-quarters of adults who identify as Democrats (76%) say they approve of Biden’s performance –down 7 percentage points from the fall.

Likewise, it is not just Pew Research that has found Biden to be falling out of popularity with the American people. Roll Call has predicted that Biden’s “weak political standing looks like cement around the feet of the Democratic majorities in Congress.”

That is based on an NBC News poll conducted via which showed similarly that more than 51% of the country does not approve of the job Biden is doing as president:

According to its latest bipartisan poll, conducted Jan. 14-18, Biden’s job approval rating stood at 43 percent approve and 54 percent disapprove. A stunning 72 percent of respondents believed the country is on the wrong track, while 22 percent said it’s headed in the right direction. 

“And even though the 2022 midterm elections are still more than 9 months away, history tells us Biden’s job rating isn’t likely to improve and more likely will deteriorate before Election Day,” Roll Call added.

A recent Harvard CAPS/Harris poll also showed that Biden’s approval rating is only getting lower:

Biden’s approval rating fell to 39 percent in the poll, which was released exclusively to The Hill. Of that, 18 percent of registered voters said they strongly approve of the job he’s doing, while 21 percent say they somewhat approve. Meanwhile, 53 percent said they somewhat or strongly disapprove of his job performance. 

That number is six points down from his approval rating in November, when he was at 45 percent, while his disapproval rating ticked up from 51 percent two months ago. His 39 percent approval rating is the lowest since the poll first started gauging it in March.

And Gallup has found also that 56% of Americans do not approve of Biden’s job performance. That number is up from 36% last January when Biden first took office.

Other polls have found that 60% of 2020 Biden voters would support somebody else other than the current commander-in-chief for re-election in 2024. But, the president seems oblivious to his unpopularity, even defending himself as having “over-performed.”

The Daily Wire recently reported that Biden was asked, “Did you overpromise to the American public what you could achieve in your first year in office? And how do you plan to course correct going forward?”

Biden retorted, “Look, I didn’t over-promise, but I have probably outperformed what anybody thought would happen.”

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