Conservative News Daily

Fox Business alienates conservative viewers by emphasizing diversity in their first debate.

Alienating⁤ Conservative Viewers:​ Fox Business’ First⁤ Debate Move

There’s​ plenty of ​wokeness to go around without it‌ making an appearance at the GOP presidential debate.

But welcome to the new Fox News — or, rather ‍to say, Fox Business Network, which aired the second debate between most of the Republican‌ 2024 contenders not ⁣named Donald​ Trump.

One of the main issues for the first half-hour⁣ of the debate was the border crisis and what should be ⁢done regarding illegal immigration. The candidates were ⁣clear: Open borders are a major issue, and America cannot deal with unprecedented illegal immigration ​and the crime it ⁤brings.

But right at the start, the folks⁢ hosting ⁢the debate ‍seemed to signal that the cultural changes⁣ wrought by immigration are now baked into⁤ American culture.

Along with ⁣Fox Business (and streaming service Rumble), Spanish-language broadcaster⁢ Univision was‌ also airing the debate. Which, fine.

What wasn’t fine with many social media users, however, ‌was the bilingual⁣ open to‍ the debate, thanks to Univision moderator Ilia Calderón.

“Please⁢ allow me to welcome our Spanish-speaking audience,” Calderón began, followed by a Spanish-language welcome to‍ the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi ‍Valley, California.

Some, like Cuban-American conservative ​activist Robby Starbuck, weren’t fans of the open.

Other⁤ social media users seemed to concur:

And, as another‍ user noted, it’s mindboggling that this was being done at the Republican ‍debate, considering it’s a⁤ Democratic president who’s busy making sure ⁢this change toward bilingualism is baked in:

But this ⁤is apparently the Fox family of networks in 2023: One of the first moves was‌ a‍ calculated virtue-signal toward diversity. What a surprise.

The rest of ⁤the debate, ⁢of​ course, was conducted in English. For voters who ‌only speak Spanish,⁢ well, that’s what Univision’s coverage is ⁢for — to translate it. But the language the debate was being conducted ‌in made it⁣ clear what ⁣the lingua franca of the United States is, ⁣even if it isn’t the official ⁤language. Democrats, of course, love to make the line between English and Spanish as the lingua ⁢franca a little bit‌ muddier.

When Fox Business is doing the same thing, however, conservatives have every⁤ right to be wary of a “conservative” network that’s⁤ given them no shortage of reasons to be circumspect over the past few years.

The Western Journal has reached‌ out to ⁣Fox for comment but had ⁢not ⁤received a response by the time of publication.

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The post Fox Business’ 1st Debate Move: Alienate Conservative Viewers by ⁢Playing⁣ Diversity Card appeared first on The ‍Western Journal.

Why did ​Fox ​Business‌ Network include Univision in the broadcast⁣ of the GOP presidential debate, and how did this decision ‌impact ⁤conservative viewers?

Alienating Conservative Viewers: Fox Business’ First ‌Debate Move

Fox Business Network’s ‍decision to air the second ⁣GOP presidential debate has raised eyebrows among conservative ⁣viewers. The conservative network, known for its stance on key issues, seemed to send a different message by including Univision, a Spanish-language broadcaster, in ⁣the ⁣broadcast.

The debate touched on important topics​ such as the border crisis and illegal immigration. The ‌candidates made it clear ⁢that open borders are a significant issue, and America cannot handle the influx of illegal immigrants and‍ the crime it⁣ brings. However, before the debate even began, the hosts made a move that⁣ many ‌social media users found concerning.

The moderator

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