Conservative News Daily

US Embassy in Lebanon ablaze as angry mob ignites chaos – Tear gas used.

The Arab world​ shows its face of implacable hatred at America on ‍Wednesday as rioters in Hezbollah-controlled​ Lebanon descended upon the U.S. Embassy in Beirut.

Disregarding video footage indicating a hospital explosion in Gaza was caused by a ⁤failed rocket ⁣launch ⁢from a Palestinian ​terrorist group in Gaza, Hezbollah called for anti-Israeli protests in Lebanon.

Fox News Digital estimated that about 1,000 people responded by marching outside the U.S. Embassy in Beirut.

Tear ‌gas was fired at ‌the demonstrators, some of whom waved Palestinian flags, according to Reuters.

Hezbollah⁤ blamed the United⁢ States for‌ the Gaza ​hospital deaths.

“The attack reveals the ‍true criminal face of this entity and its sponsor … the⁤ United States, ‌which bears direct and complete responsibility for this massacre.”

One protester scaled a fence around‌ the embassy​ to plant ‌a Palestinian flag on the compound’s flagpole as fires raged outside the⁣ embassy’s ‌security gate,‍ according to ⁢the New York⁤ Post.

The State Department has authorized family members and some ⁢non-emergency personnel to leave the Beirut​ embassy, noting “the unpredictable security⁤ situation,” according to The​ Wall Street Journal.

The State ⁤Department also updated its travel ‍advisory⁢ for Lebanon to Level ⁣4 — its highest ​level — and​ said Americans⁢ should not travel to⁣ the country.

Hezbollah-backed protests are expected at the U.S. Embassy on Wednesday as well.

The ​protests were sparked​ by an explosion ‍at the ​Ahli Arab Hospital‌ in Gaza. The ​death toll was initially said ⁢to be 500, ⁣but later‌ estimates were lower, though still in the hundreds. Hamas instantly ⁣blamed an ‌Israeli airstrike for‌ the blast, according to The New York Times.

Several⁤ hours later,⁤ Israel said that the explosion was caused⁤ by a rocket launched by Palestinian Islamic Jihad from within Gaza.

However,​ neighboring governments brushed aside that ⁤explanation, according to The Washington Post.

Saudi Arabia called the ‌incident a “heinous‍ crime committed by the Israeli​ occupation‌ forces.”

Turkish President Recep ⁢Tayyip Erdogan posted on social media⁤ that “hitting a⁣ hospital containing⁤ women, children and innocent civilians is the latest example of Israel’s attacks ⁤devoid of the most basic⁢ human values.”

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The post Furious Mob Sets Fire‌ at US Embassy⁤ in ​Lebanon – Tear Gas ⁤Deployed ‌appeared‌ first⁢ on The​ Western‍ Journal.

​ How should‌ the ⁢Biden administration​ address the deep-seated⁢ animosity towards the United⁤ States in ⁤the Arab world

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— ‍Milliondollarisnear💎 (@Milliondollaris1) October 17, ‍2023

The protests at the U.S. Embassy⁢ in Beirut ​are yet‌ another manifestation of the deep-seated hostility and animosity that some factions within the Arab world hold towards the‍ United‍ States. The rioters, allegedly organized ⁤by Hezbollah, descended upon the embassy to‍ express their anger and disdain for America.

The pretext for these protests was a ⁢controversial incident in Gaza,‌ where a ⁣hospital explosion was initially attributed to Israeli airstrikes. However, subsequent evidence suggested that the⁣ explosion was actually caused​ by a failed rocket launch from a⁤ Palestinian terrorist group in Gaza. Despite these revelations, Hezbollah called ⁢for anti-Israeli protests in Lebanon, ‍exploiting the situation to‌ advance their anti-American agenda.

Approximately ⁢1,000 people responded to Hezbollah’s call and gathered outside the U.S. Embassy in Beirut.‍ The demonstrators, some waving Palestinian flags, ‍vented their fury by hurling projectiles ⁣and attempting ​to breach the ‍embassy’s security gate. Tear gas was deployed to disperse the crowd, but ⁢the‍ atmosphere remained⁤ tense and volatile.

Hezbollah​ wasted no time ‌in blaming ‍the United States for the​ deaths resulting ⁢from the Gaza hospital⁣ incident. Their ⁢statement, decrying America⁤ as a criminal entity ⁤and holding it⁢ responsible ⁢for the supposed massacre, reflects their longstanding⁣ hostility towards the ‍U.S. ‌and⁢ their⁢ alignment ⁣with‍ anti-Israeli sentiments.

While it‌ is crucial to acknowledge that these protests do not represent the views of all​ Arab people or nations, they do highlight the deep divisions and simmering resentment​ that exist within the⁣ region. The Arab world is not homogenous, and different factions hold varying perspectives on international relations and global affairs. However, ‍incidents ​like these shed light ⁣on⁤ the‌ existence of‍ a vocal⁣ minority that harbors an⁣ implacable hatred towards the United States and seeks ⁤to undermine its influence and standing.

Furthermore, the timing of these protests is noteworthy, as they occurred just​ days before President Joe Biden’s visit to‌ Israel. This ⁤can be perceived as an attempt to undermine the​ relationship⁢ between the U.S. and‌ one of ‌its closest allies in the region. ⁤It is essential for the Biden administration to‌ acknowledge and address these sentiments ‍and strive to build bridges with‍ the Arab world based on mutual‍ understanding ⁢and respect.

In conclusion, the recent protests at ⁤the U.S. Embassy⁣ in Beirut exemplify the ‍deep-seated animosity that‍ some factions within the Arab⁤ world ⁤hold towards the‍ United States. Hezbollah, in‌ particular, exploited a controversial⁢ incident ‍in Gaza to mobilize its supporters and direct their anger towards America.⁢ These events‍ serve as a reminder that ‍there are ongoing tensions​ and grievances in the region, and it⁣ is ‍crucial for the⁤ United States and⁢ its allies ​to navigate these complexities⁢ effectively and⁤ promote ⁤dialogue and ‌reconciliation.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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