
Gaetz: Biden Impeachment Inquiry Lacks Legitimacy

(Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

OAN’s‍ Abril Elfi

9:34 AM⁢ – Friday, October 6, 2023

Representative Matt Gaetz reportedly stated that he does not believe there is a ⁣legitimate effort being put into the impeachment inquiry towards President Joe Biden.


Gaetz (R-Fla.) appeared ⁤in a Zoom ⁣invite-only fundraiser. Video from the event, which was obtained by ⁢ NBC News,⁣ showed Gaetz giving his opinion on the impeachment inquiry on the 46th ‍president. In⁤ the video,​ the ⁣Republican said​ that he‍ does ​not “believe ⁤that ​we are​ endeavoring upon a legitimate impeachment of Joe Biden.”

“They’re trying‍ to‌ engage in a, ‍like, ‘forever war’ ⁢of impeachment,” said Gaetz.‌ “And⁣ like many ​of our forever wars, it will drag ⁢on ⁤forever‌ and end ⁢in a bloody draw.”

During the fundraiser, Matt Rosendale (R-Mont.) joined ⁣Gaetz in ⁤criticizing the Republicans’ impeachment ⁣investigation.

Rosendale⁢ compared⁣ Congress’ investigation ​into​ Biden to the federal indictment of the president’s son ⁣Hunter, which critics say was tainted by preferential treatment and ​is a “smokescreen” intended ⁢to divert ⁢attention away from more serious crimes Hunter Biden ⁤is accused of committing, ⁤such as working for foreign interests to ⁣influence United⁣ States policy.

“I just don’t get the sense that it’s for the sake of impeachment. I think it’s for the sake of having another bad‌ thing‍ to⁢ say about ‍Joe Biden,”​ Gaetz said.

This⁢ comes amid the race ⁤for who will‌ be the ⁤next Speaker ⁤of​ the⁤ House after former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.).

Gaetz’s and⁢ Rosendale’s words are expected to‌ draw scrutiny as the speakership race heats up and⁢ conservative ⁤loyalties shift.

Filling the ‍vacancy‍ could‍ lead to fights between conservative⁢ candidates.

Gaetz has already criticized the impeachment investigation.

Gaetz and Rosendale have shown support for Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) in the speaker’s ‍race. Additionally, 45th President ⁣ Donald J. Trump has endorsed Jordan.

“Kevin wasn’t serious, Jim Jordan is.,” ‌ Gaetz said.

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In what way does Representative Gaetz ‌believe the impeachment inquiry towards President Biden is ​motivated by⁢ criticism‌ rather than a genuine pursuit of impeachment

Representative Matt Gaetz Questions Legitimacy of Impeachment Inquiry Towards President Joe‌ Biden

In a recent invite-only ‌fundraiser, Representative Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) expressed his doubts about the legitimacy of the impeachment inquiry towards President Joe Biden. Video footage‌ obtained by⁤ NBC News showed Gaetz ⁤sharing his opinion on the ongoing ⁤investigation.

“They’re trying to engage in a, like, ‘forever war’ of impeachment,” Gaetz stated during the virtual event. “And like many of our forever wars, it will drag on forever and ⁤end in ⁤a ⁣bloody draw.”

Gaetz’s ‌comments come amidst the ‍race for the next Speaker of the House after former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy ⁢(R-Calif.). As conservative loyalties shift and the​ speakership race heats up,⁤ Gaetz’s and Rosendale’s statements are‌ expected to draw⁤ scrutiny.

Joining Gaetz in ‌criticizing the ⁤impeachment investigation was ​Matt Rosendale (R-Mont.). Rosendale ‍compared Congress’ ‍scrutiny of Biden to the ⁢federal indictment of the president’s son, Hunter Biden. Critics argue⁣ that the indictment⁣ was tainted by preferential​ treatment and served as‌ a smokescreen to divert attention away from more significant ‍crimes that⁣ Hunter Biden is accused of, such as working for foreign ​interests to influence United States policy.

“I just don’t get ⁤the sense that it’s for the‍ sake of impeachment.‌ I think it’s for the sake of having ⁤another⁣ bad thing to say‍ about Joe Biden,” Gaetz asserted during the⁤ fundraiser.

The Republican party is currently ⁢navigating the ​process of filling the vacancy for the next ​Speaker of the House, and this race could potentially lead⁢ to disagreements between conservative candidates.

Gaetz has been‌ a vocal critic of the impeachment investigation from its inception, and his stance aligns with Rosendale’s‌ skepticism. Both representatives have shown their support‌ for Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) in the speakership race.

The impeachment inquiry towards President Joe Biden ‍continues to be a contentious topic within political circles. As various perspectives and opinions emerge, it‌ remains to be ⁤seen how ⁤this⁢ will impact the investigation​ and the broader political landscape moving forward.

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