Washington Examiner

Gallagher urges Pope Francis to fearlessly face the Chinese Communist Party.

Leading Politician Urges Pope‌ Francis to Take Stronger Stand Against‌ China

Rep. Mike Gallagher‍ (R-WI), chairman‌ of the House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition between the United States and the ⁣Chinese Communist Party, has called ​on Pope Francis to⁣ adopt a​ more aggressive approach towards China’s treatment of religious minorities. In a compelling op-ed published in ⁤The Washington Post, Gallagher emphasized the need for the Pope to follow the footsteps of Pope Saint John Paul II in confronting oppressive regimes.

Pope’s Silence on China’s Actions

Gallagher highlighted ⁢the Pope’s recent message to Chinese Catholics, urging​ them to be “good Christians and good citizens.” However, he argued that this statement fell short of addressing ‌the pressing issues faced by religious⁣ minorities in China. The Congressman ‍pointed out the Pope’s failure to mention the Uyghurs, a Muslim population facing oppression, as well as the ‍mistreatment of the Tibetan people. Additionally, Gallagher emphasized the Pope’s ‍silence on the imprisonment of Jimmy Lai, a Catholic publisher in Hong ​Kong.

The Vatican’s Controversial Deal

Gallagher also criticized the Vatican’s 2018 agreement that allowed the Chinese Communist Party to nominate Catholic bishops. He found it absurd that an atheist party could ⁢have the authority to choose⁢ religious leaders. This deal, according to Gallagher, compromises the integrity‌ of the Catholic Church and its commitment⁣ to religious freedom.

The Power of Truth

Asserting that Pope Francis has the power ‍to confront Beijing, Gallagher emphasized the importance of truth and fearlessness ​in combating oppression. He​ drew parallels to Pope John ‌Paul II’s approach in Poland, where the power of communism was ultimately defeated by exposing the lies it propagated. Gallagher ⁤urged Pope Francis to challenge China’s values on a global stage, emphasizing that ‍truth has the potential to‍ dismantle oppressive ideologies.

Gallagher ‌concluded​ by stating that it is not ⁤too late‍ for Pope Francis to follow the example set by Pope John Paul II. ​While he cannot ​force the Chinese Communist Party to change, the Pope has the ability to challenge their values and inspire the world to take notice.

How ⁤can the Pope leverage the Vatican’s influence and ‌international standing to effectively pressure China to cease its human⁣ rights ‌abuses and violations of religious freedom

Egregious human rights abuses and religious repression. In a letter​ sent to‍ His ​Holiness, Gallagher highlighted the moral imperative for ‍the Pope to stand up‍ against China’s oppressive regime,⁢ given the Catholic Church’s historic commitment to defending fundamental rights and religious freedom.

Gallagher’s appeal comes ‌at a critical time when China’s actions have become increasingly flagrant and concerning, ranging from the persecution of religious and ethnic minorities to the imposition ‍of severe restrictions on religious practices. The Chinese government’s systematic suppression of Tibetans, Uighur Muslims, and Christians has drawn international condemnation, with mounting evidence of forced labor, mass detention,‍ and cultural assimilation ⁢policies.

In his letter, ⁤Gallagher specifically pointed out the plight of the Uighur Muslim population, who have been subjected‍ to state-sponsored ethnic cleansing and surveillance. He emphasized⁣ the importance of the Pope’s⁤ moral leadership in confronting human ‌rights violations, underscoring the profound impact such advocacy could have on the global‍ stage. By leveraging the Vatican’s influence and international influence, Gallagher believes the Pope could effectively pressure China to ⁤cease its egregious actions.

Furthermore, Gallagher referred⁢ to the ongoing negotiations between the Chinese government and the Catholic Church regarding the ​appointment of bishops in China. He expressed concern that the ​Vatican’s diplomatic efforts to reach an agreement might⁣ inadvertently lend legitimacy to China’s authoritarian regime. Gallagher urged Pope Francis to reassess ‍the Church’s approach and⁢ take a harder line against China’s violations of religious freedom.

The Congressman lauded the Pope’s​ previous‍ statements on China, applauding his ​criticism ⁢of⁢ the country’s policies⁣ during an⁢ audience⁤ with Hong Kong Catholics in 2019. However, ​Gallagher called for a more assertive stance, suggesting that⁣ the ⁢Pope use his platform to condemn these abuses outright​ and ‌rally the international community around the cause of religious freedom ⁣in⁣ China.⁢ Gallagher believes that⁢ Pope Francis possesses the moral authority and global visibility necessary to galvanize action ‌against China’s human rights violations.

Gallagher’s appeal raises important questions about ‍the role‌ of religious‌ leaders in addressing human ⁢rights issues ⁣on the ⁢global stage. Historically, religious figures have played a crucial role in advocating for justice⁢ and defending the oppressed. The Catholic Church, with ​its vast global reach and moral authority, ⁣has the potential to exert significant influence in pressuring China to respect human⁢ rights and religious freedom.

As China’s presence on the world stage continues to grow, it is essential for international leaders‍ – including religious ‌figures – to take a firm stand against China’s ​human‌ rights abuses. The world is watching and yearns for leaders who will confront these injustices head-on. With his moral stature and global following, Pope Francis has the opportunity to lead the way in defending the rights and dignity of those oppressed in China. By taking a stronger and⁢ more resolute ⁣stand, the Pope can‍ demonstrate the ​Catholic ​Church’s unwavering ‌commitment to justice, setting an example for others to follow in the pursuit of a more humane world.

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