Conservative News Daily

Gang of Wild Monkeys Terrorizing Town, Things Turn Dark When One Kills a 10-Year-Old Boy

We​ Haven’t Conquered‍ Nature: ‍The Power and Danger That ​Remains

We like to believe the pleasant fantasy that we’ve more or⁤ less conquered nature. And, in some ⁢critical ways, we have.

For instance, ⁣to stay warm⁤ in the winter, we no longer need to huddle around a fire; we merely turn‌ up a thermostat. We have⁢ shelter to keep us from⁣ the elements. We have manicured lawns ‍and gardens that are meticulously landscaped so as to ⁤prevent weeds ⁤from taking root.

Once in a ‌while, ⁣however, we’re reminded⁤ just how close nature remains. And while that can be beautiful, it can also be quite dangerous.

Tragic Monkey Attack in India

According to the Deccan Herald of India, a⁤ 10-year-old boy in the state of Gujarat was mauled to⁣ death by a langur monkey on Nov. 13. ​The boy was identified as Dipak⁢ Thakor.

According to‌ reports, the attack took place as Thakor was playing with his friends in the village of‍ Salki.

“His ⁤intestine was ripped out in the attack. He rushed to his house and was taken to a hospital where doctors declared him dead on arrival,” an‍ official said.

It was the third monkey attack⁣ in the ‍village in a week.

“There ‍is a large troop of monkeys in the village, ⁤including four adults,” said Vishal Chaudhary, a forest official.

Chaudhary said his department had “rescued two langurs in the past one week, and set up cages to trap another.”

A Lucky Escape in Texas

Consider⁣ the case of ⁢a far luckier Texas woman, Peggy Jones, ⁢who ‌made headlines this summer when she was attacked nearly ​simultaneously by a snake and a hawk.

“The snake was squeezing⁢ so hard, and I was waving my arms in the ⁣air,”​ Jones said at⁣ the time. “Then, this hawk was swooping down clawing at my ​arm‍ over and over.”

“I just kept saying, ‘Help me,⁣ Jesus! Help⁤ me, Jesus!’” she added.

And, lo and behold, she was lucky enough to escape‌ after the hawk pulled the ‌ snake ‍ off her arm.

Sadly, the attack ⁢in India didn’t end as ⁣happily, but both remind‍ us of the incredible⁣ power of ⁣ nature — no matter how far we try to remove ourselves from it.

God’s creation is great‌ and mighty — but with power comes danger, be it in suburban‍ Houston​ or Gujarat.‍ And that danger can⁢ still turn deadly, ‌no matter how⁢ much⁢ mastery we think we have over our environment.

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The post Gang of Wild Monkeys Terrorizing Town, Things Turn⁣ Dark ​When One Kills a 10-Year-Old⁢ Boy appeared first ‌on The ⁤Western Journal.

What can we learn from these incidents and‍ how can we work towards ‌a harmonious relationship ⁤with nature

We hope you found ‍this article informative and thought-provoking. It serves as a ‍reminder that while we may have⁢ made ⁢advancements‌ in controlling nature, we must not underestimate its power and the potential dangers ⁣it poses. Whether ⁤it’s​ a monkey‌ attack in India or a⁢ snake ⁤and hawk‍ encounter⁤ in Texas, these incidents demonstrate the need for respect and ‍caution when interacting‍ with the natural world.

It is essential to remember that nature is not⁤ something‌ to be conquered or controlled, but rather something to be ‍admired, respected, and protected. As we ⁢continue to ‍navigate⁣ this world, let us strive for ⁣coexistence with nature rather than domination ⁣over​ it. By ⁣doing so, we can maintain a delicate balance that ensures the safety and well-being​ of ‌both humans and the environment.

Thank you for taking the time to read⁢ this article. We hope it has sparked a sense of awe and humility towards nature and its inherent power. Let us ‌continue‌ to learn from these incidents and work towards a ‍harmonious relationship​ with the world around us.


The ​Editorial Team

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