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Hail the Martyrs

Liz Cheney’s Memoir Released Amidst University Scandal

Liz Cheney’s new ⁤anti-Trump​ memoir, Oath and Honor: A Memoir‌ and a Warning, hit ⁣bookshelves on ⁤Dec. 5, but the timing couldn’t have been​ worse. Just hours‍ later, the presidents of three prestigious universities, known for their recent anti-Semitic activism, embarrassed themselves on national television. They stumbled over a simple⁢ question about whether calling for Jewish genocide on campus is acceptable. One ⁣of the presidents, Liz Magill of Penn, resigned in disgrace, and the ⁣fallout continues.

In⁣ the⁤ eyes of the anti-Trump‌ #Resistance, Cheney has become​ an icon, adored by journalists and ‌liberal activists. These are the same people who instinctively defended⁤ the university ​presidents, not ⁤out of ideological conviction, but out of ⁤a compulsion to‌ oppose Republicans. They seized on the⁢ presidents’ remarks as evidence⁣ of moral decay in elite higher education. Cheney argues ‍in Oath and Honor that any differences ‌between normal Americans and these radical⁤ intellectuals are insignificant. The focus should be on defeating Donald Trump ​in 2024, as she believes it is “the cause of ‍our⁢ time.”

A #Resistance Icon

Liz Cheney, a former congresswoman from Wyoming ⁢and the daughter of neocon ‍figure Dick Cheney, has gained fame within the #Resistance for her repeated attacks on Trump. She voted to impeach him twice, particularly for his role in the Jan. 6, 2021,⁤ Capitol Hill rampage. In her memoir, ⁤Cheney⁢ recounts the⁣ events leading up ​to that ‍day and her ​efforts to defend the republic as vice-chair of the House select committee investigating the attack. She also reflects on her unsuccessful reelection campaign in 2022, where she lost to a Trump-backed opponent by a ⁣significant margin.

The book, however, can be a tedious read, filled with block quotes from congressional‌ statements, memoranda,​ and court rulings. Cheney tries to inject drama into the ⁣bureaucratic mechanics of congressional committee work, ​describing her efforts to gather evidence against Trump. But the result is less‍ than riveting.

The Target Audience

Oath and Honor primarily appeals to Beltway journalists and extremely online liberals who are still recovering from the political turmoil of the past few years. These are the people who obsessively followed the Jan. 6 committee hearings, the Robert Mueller investigation, and other political dramas.‌ They are already familiar with the details and‌ have read the strategically ‌timed ⁤leaks. They know about the GOP congressman who referred to Trump as⁣ “Orange Jesus.”

Cheney’s book is not lacking in melodrama.​ She repeatedly emphasizes the high stakes for the country and the⁢ assault ⁣on ​constitutional safeguards by Trump. She quotes Abraham Lincoln extensively and compares Jan. 6 to the 9/11 attacks on multiple ‍occasions. The self-aggrandizement ⁤is on brand‍ for the #Resistance genre, with Cheney including quotes from individuals praising her heroism and noble sacrifice.

A ⁤Missed Opportunity for Reflection

Like other #Resistance memoirists, Cheney fails to consider that Trump​ and his ⁣support from millions of Americans are symptoms of a larger societal issue.⁣ She does not contemplate the implications of her alarmist ‍rhetoric. If ⁣America truly cannot survive another Trump presidency, what actions would be justified to prevent it? Cheney⁤ does not explore this question.

If you are looking to support a ⁢#Resistance martyr, you might find more interesting tidbits in former Rep. ‍Adam Kinzinger’s memoir, Renegade. It also quotes Lincoln excessively but offers insights into Kinzinger’s military career and⁣ his seventh-grade experience ⁢of ‌stolen valor.

Despite⁢ any criticisms, Cheney’s book is selling well. In its first week, it outsold ‌Britney Spears’s memoir. However, it’s easy‍ to imagine that many copies of Oath and Honor ‍will ⁣end up‍ in the trash on Christmas Day,⁢ sent as spiteful gifts ⁤from liberals to⁣ their Trump-supporting relatives.

Oath and Honor is available for $22.74 on Amazon, or⁣ you could opt for a 16-pound bag of Kingsford charcoal for less ​than half the ​price.

Oath and Honor: A Memoir and a Warning by Liz Cheney
Little, Brown, 384 pp., $32.50

How have Liz Cheney’s political⁤ motivations and alliance with the #Resistance raised questions about her true conservative principles, according to some​ conservatives

He Mueller investigation, read every tweet from @realDonaldTrump, and attended multiple Women’s ⁤Marches. They already despise Trump and view ​Cheney as ⁤a hero‍ for speaking ⁢out⁤ against him. Cheney’s ‍book reinforces their preexisting beliefs and provides them with​ a sense of⁣ validation.

However, it ‌is unlikely that ​Oath‌ and Honor will sway the ‌opinions of those ⁤who support Trump or ‌are more conservative in ‌their political views. The book is heavily biased against the former president and portrays⁤ him⁢ as a threat to democracy and⁢ the rule of law. Cheney’s insistence on defeating Trump in 2024‌ is unlikely ‍to resonate with⁣ these individuals, who ⁣often​ view Trump as a champion of their values and policies.

Furthermore, while ​Cheney presents herself as a Republican conservative in her memoir, her alliance⁤ with the #Resistance has raised questions about​ her true‍ political motivations. ⁤Some conservatives argue that she is more interested in​ maintaining her ⁤relevance and‌ capitalizing ⁢on the‌ anti-Trump‍ sentiment than in advancing conservative ideals. ​Cheney’s opposition⁤ to Trump has put her at odds with many members of her own party and has even led to her removal​ from leadership positions⁤ in the Republican Party.

The University Scandal

As Liz Cheney’s​ memoir is released, ‍the scandal at the ‌prestigious universities continues to make headlines. The president’s inability to condemn anti-Semitic statements on campus ⁣has sparked widespread outrage and calls for accountability. It showcases the growing trend of ideological extremism in higher education, where radical ideas are celebrated and dissenting voices are silenced.

The universities involved in the scandal must take immediate action to address the issue‌ and restore confidence in ‌their institutions. This includes implementing stricter policies to ‌prevent hate speech, promoting diversity of thought, and fostering an⁢ inclusive environment for all students. The presence of anti-Semitic views on‌ campus not only undermines the values of‍ education but also threatens the safety and well-being ⁣of Jewish students and faculty.

The scandal highlights the need for a broader conversation⁢ about the state ⁣of higher⁤ education in America. It raises questions about academic freedom, ideological bias, ⁣and the ​role of⁤ universities in shaping ⁢the minds of future leaders. The universities involved must⁣ reevaluate their commitment to intellectual diversity and ensure that​ all viewpoints​ are welcome and respected on campus.

While Senator Cheney’s memoir may not directly address the university scandal,⁢ the timing of its release ⁢serves as ⁤a reminder of the importance of preserving democratic values and combating extremism in all its ‍forms. Through her outspoken opposition to Trump and her call for unity, Cheney is urging Americans ‌to come together and defend the principles ‌that⁤ make our democracy strong.

In‌ conclusion, the release of Liz Cheney’s memoir, Oath and Honor: ‌A Memoir and a ‍Warning,​ amidst‌ the university scandal provides a unique opportunity to reflect on the state of our politics and education system. The book, although primarily ‌appealing to #Resistance supporters, serves ​as a call to action for all Americans⁣ to stand up against hatred, extremism, and the erosion of⁤ democratic values. ‌It reminds us that our shared commitment to‌ freedom, justice, and equality is what⁢ truly unites us as a⁣ nation.

Read More From Original Article Here: Glory to the Martyrs

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