
Google will protect users of generative AI from copyright claims.

Google to‌ Defend Users of AI Systems ⁢Against IP Violation Claims

By Blake Brittain ⁣|⁣ October 12, 2023 – 4:07 PM UTC


Google ‌announced on Thursday that it will stand ⁢up for users of its generative ⁤artificial-intelligence systems in the ‍Google ‌Cloud and Workspace platforms if‍ they face accusations of ​intellectual​ property⁣ violations. This move follows similar commitments made by Microsoft,⁤ Adobe, and other tech giants.

Major⁢ technology companies like Google have ​been heavily investing in generative AI, racing to‌ integrate it into their⁢ products. However, prominent writers, illustrators, and copyright owners have filed lawsuits claiming that both the use of their⁤ work‍ to train ⁣AI systems ‍and the content generated by these⁢ systems infringe upon their ⁢rights.

“To our knowledge, Google is the first in the industry to offer a comprehensive, two-pronged approach ⁤to indemnity” that specifically covers both types‌ of claims, ‌stated a company spokesperson.

Google’s new policy applies to software, including its Vertex AI development platform and Duet AI system, which generates text and ‌images in Google Workspace and Cloud programs. Notably,⁤ the press release did not mention Google’s‍ well-known generative ⁢AI chatbot program, Bard.

The company clarified that the indemnity does not apply if users “intentionally ​create ⁤or use generated output to infringe the rights of others.”

It is worth ⁢noting⁣ that the recent wave⁤ of lawsuits related to generative AI has ​primarily targeted the companies that‌ own​ these systems, ⁣such as ​Google, ‌rather than individual end users.

AI defendants​ argue that the‌ use of training data scraped from ‌the internet qualifies as fair use under ⁤U.S. copyright law.

Reporting ⁣by Blake ​Brittain in Washington.⁣ Editing ⁤by David Bario and Aurora​ Ellis


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Google announced on Thursday ⁤that it ⁣will defend users of ⁢generative artificial-intelligence systems in its Google Cloud and Workspace platforms.

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Why have lawsuits related to generative AI primarily targeted companies like Google rather than individual end users

T does not constitute copyright infringement, as the data is publicly⁤ available. However, copyright holders ⁤contend that the use ⁤of their work ​to train AI systems, as well as‍ the content generated⁢ by these systems, falls ⁤within ‍the realm of copyright infringement and should be subject to legal action.

In response to these claims, Google has taken the ⁤proactive step‍ of offering indemnity to​ its users. This means that if a user of Google’s ​generative AI systems on the Cloud and Workspace platforms ‌faces accusations of intellectual ⁢property violations,‌ Google will defend them. This move aligns‍ with the⁣ actions taken by other major technology companies such​ as Microsoft⁢ and Adobe, who have‍ also committed to standing up for their users in ⁣similar situations.

The growing popularity and integration of generative AI in various products have inevitably ⁢led to legal disputes. ‍Writers, illustrators, and copyright owners have filed‌ lawsuits, arguing that their work has been utilized without their consent and that the ⁤AI-generated content infringes ⁣upon their rights.

Google’s comprehensive approach to indemnity covers both types of⁢ claims – those related to⁣ the use of training data and those regarding the content⁤ generated by ⁣the ⁤AI ⁣systems. By offering this two-pronged approach, Google aims to provide ⁣its users with the necessary protection and reassurance.

It ‍is important⁣ to note​ that Google’s new ‍policy only applies to its ⁤software, including the Vertex AI development platform and the Duet AI system. These systems are responsible for generating text and images within‍ Google Workspace and⁢ Cloud programs. Interestingly, the press release does not mention‌ Bard, Google’s⁢ well-known generative AI chatbot program, ⁤suggesting that ‍it ⁢may not⁣ be covered by the indemnity.

Google does make it clear that the indemnity does⁣ not apply if users intentionally create or use generated ⁢output to infringe on the⁣ rights of others. This⁢ clause highlights the importance of responsible usage of AI technology and ensures that users cannot exploit the indemnity‌ to​ engage in copyright infringement knowingly.

The recent‌ focus of lawsuits related to ‌generative AI⁣ has primarily been⁤ directed towards the companies that​ own and⁣ develop these systems, such ‍as Google, rather than individual end users. This may be attributed to the larger impact and financial⁤ resources of these companies, making them⁣ more attractive targets for ⁤legal action.

By offering indemnity to its users, Google demonstrates its‌ commitment to protecting their ‍interests and fostering responsible AI usage. This move sets a precedent in the industry​ and ⁤serves as a ‍proactive ‌measure to address the legal challenges surrounding generative⁤ AI. It remains to be seen⁤ how this policy will evolve and whether​ other companies will follow suit​ in prioritizing user protection ⁢and defending ⁣against⁣ IP violation claims.

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