Washington Examiner

GOP congressman eyes opportunity in NC attorney general race as attention turns to state politics.

Rep. Dan ⁤Bishop to Run for North Carolina Attorney General

Rep. Dan Bishop ‍(R-NC) ⁢has announced that he will not seek reelection to⁢ Congress, opting instead to run for North Carolina attorney ‍general. Bishop believes that he can make a greater impact on the people⁢ of North Carolina in this role. As a prominent member of the House Freedom Caucus, Bishop has ‍been⁤ a ⁢vocal opponent of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and sees the appeal of serving in⁢ statewide office.

In an interview with ⁢the Washington ‍Examiner, Bishop expressed his enthusiasm for⁤ the position, highlighting the sense of teamwork among​ Republican attorneys general ‌across the country. He emphasized their role in resisting administrative overreach, protecting the ⁢rights and freedoms of Americans, and keeping the administration within its bounds.

Consolidating Republican Governance

Bishop ‌also sees‌ the opportunity to consolidate Republican governance in North ‍Carolina, drawing inspiration​ from the accomplishments ⁤of Florida​ Governor Ron DeSantis. With‍ 29 years of experience as a practicing lawyer prior‌ to entering‍ Congress, Bishop believes that the attorney general’s office is a better fit for him.

He noted that the⁢ office has about 800 ⁣employees and holds significant potential for deployment. Bishop’s previous work as a state senator,⁢ spearheading the ⁢controversial “Bathroom Bill,” demonstrates his willingness to tackle‌ contentious ⁤issues.

Addressing Transgender Issues‌ and Protecting Rights

When asked about his ⁤stance on transgender issues, Bishop​ affirmed his support for the “Bathroom Bill” and stated that he has never backed away from⁣ it. While the law was eventually rolled back by Governor Roy Cooper (D-NC), Bishop believes that time has⁣ proven ⁤the importance of ⁤addressing these issues.

He expressed concerns about the potential harm to children and‍ the unfairness in women’s athletics. As attorney ​general, Bishop aims to⁣ enforce everyone’s rights and protect their⁤ freedoms, emphasizing ⁢the importance of upholding the ‌law.

Fighting Censorship and Defending the First Amendment

Bishop also highlighted his‌ eagerness​ to address censorship by large technology entities. ⁣He pointed to the leadership of attorneys general in fighting against coercive social media practices that infringe on Americans’ First Amendment rights.

He⁣ emphasized the need to keep the federal government‌ within its bounds‍ and expressed his desire to⁣ be involved in similar matters. Bishop sees⁣ his role as a continuation of the fight​ to save the country and ensure that government aligns with the wishes and desires‌ of the American people.

Ultimately, Bishop believes that everyone should find the place where they can serve most effectively and make a real​ impact. ​Mere appearances and​ passing time without meaningful ⁣action will⁣ no ‍longer suffice.

Other candidates for the North⁢ Carolina attorney general office include Republican state Rep. Tom Murry and Democrats ⁢Tim Dunn and Charles Ingram. The state’s party primaries are scheduled for March 2024.

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