Conservative News Daily

GOP Congresswoman warns of high likelihood of terrorist attack on US soil under Biden administration.

The Attack ⁤on Israel: Could It ⁢Happen in America?

The recent attack on Israel by⁤ Hamas has sent shockwaves‍ around the world, with stories of unimaginable horror emerging. ⁢The fact that such a⁢ devastating event could occur in a ​country known ⁣for ⁤its​ high ⁣security ​and technological advancements raises an important ⁢question – could a ⁢similar attack happen in America?

It has ⁤been 22 years since the tragic events of 9/11, ⁢which‌ marked one ⁣of the biggest security ⁢failures in ⁤our nation’s history. Since then, we have made significant changes to our way of⁤ life. However, the question‍ remains -⁤ could history repeat itself?

Republican Congresswoman‌ Anna Paulina Luna of ‌Florida ​believes ⁢so. In a recent interview on Fox News,‍ Luna ‍expressed her concerns ‌about the open border​ and its ‍potential implications. She highlighted the alarming reports ‍of cartels collaborating⁣ with terrorist organizations and the ⁤likelihood of a ⁣terrorist attack on US soil due to the‍ porous ‍southern border.

Luna also mentioned ​reports of ​individuals entering‍ the country from CCP-controlled parts of China and various African countries. These revelations‍ paint a concerning ⁣picture of the potential ⁣threats facing America.

Luna further criticized the Biden⁤ administration ⁤and the Democratic machine ⁤for promoting ⁢an open border message, which⁤ she believes targets Hispanic ⁢Americans. She emphasized that the people crossing the ‌border,⁢ especially those on the watchlist, are not here to befriend the American people. Luna pointed to footage from Iran, where⁣ individuals chanted “Death ⁢to America, Death‍ to‍ Israel,” as ⁢evidence of the potential dangers.

These concerns raised by Luna are ⁤not mere scare⁢ tactics. As reported by Fox News national correspondent Bill‌ Melugin, the number of individuals on the FBI’s terror watchlist ‍apprehended by border patrol while crossing illegally at the southern border has reached a record high in the ⁤fiscal year 2023. This alarming statistic ​surpasses ⁤the combined numbers of the previous six years.

Melugin also shared leaked internal CBP data, revealing the arrest of thousands of “special interest aliens” from countries ⁣known to favor terrorism. The list includes individuals from ‌Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, ⁤Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon,⁤ Mauritania,⁤ Pakistan, Syria, Uzbekistan, ⁤and⁢ Yemen.

Former⁢ House Speaker Kevin McCarthy also highlighted the concerning number of individuals on the terror‌ watchlist⁣ apprehended at​ the border. ⁣However, McCarthy’s Democrat opponent and⁤ the ⁤Biden administration have attempted to spin this as a success, claiming that more apprehensions indicate a ‍safe border. Yet, ⁢as Melugin pointed out, they fail ​to consider the significant number of “gotaways” – illegal immigrants captured on camera ‍crossing the ⁤border but not tracked ‌down ⁢due⁤ to limited resources.

The apprehension of individuals on⁢ the terror watchlist⁤ is a critical issue that demands attention. The exponential increase in individuals crossing from countries associated ⁤with terrorism cannot be ignored. It⁣ is crucial to ‌acknowledge the potential risks ‍posed by the 1.5 million individuals who successfully ​entered the⁢ country this ‍year, ‌whether known⁣ or unknown​ terrorists.

Considering the recent events in Israel and the morning of 9/11,⁣ it is clear that evil strikes ⁣without warning. As ‌America becomes more involved in foreign conflicts, it is ⁤essential to question the potential threats we may be awakening within our own borders.

If‍ we choose to ignore these ⁤concerns, we will ‌have no one but ourselves⁢ to​ blame.

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What evidence exists to support the concerns raised by Congresswoman Luna and other​ officials ‌about potential threats posed ⁣by an open border?

As the discussion on ⁣border security intensifies, it is imperative to acknowledge the potential threats that an open⁤ border may pose. The‍ concerns raised by Congresswoman Luna and other officials cannot be ignored‍ or dismissed as mere scare ⁣tactics. With reports of cartels collaborating ⁢with terrorist ⁤organizations and‌ individuals entering the country from​ countries known to harbor terrorism, the dangers are ‌real.

The ‍leaked internal CBP data revealing ⁢the arrest of‌ “special interest aliens” from countries known to ⁣favor terrorism⁤ further ⁢validates these concerns. The fact that the⁤ number ‌of⁢ individuals on the FBI’s terror watchlist apprehended at the southern border has‍ reached a record high in the fiscal ​year 2023 is alarming. This statistic alone should serve ‌as ⁣a wake-up call.

It is disappointing to see the Biden administration and its supporters attempting to spin these apprehensions as a success. Claiming that more apprehensions indicate a⁤ safe border ignores the larger picture. The significant number of‍ “gotaways” captured on camera crossing the border but not tracked down due to limited ⁣resources should not be disregarded.

The​ events in Israel serve as a stark reminder of the​ potential ⁤horror that can occur when security measures fail. The 9/11 attacks on American soil demonstrated the devastating consequences of security failures. While ‌significant changes have been made since then, it is​ essential to continuously evaluate and ‌strengthen our security measures.

The⁣ question remains: Could a similar ⁤attack happen in⁣ America? The answer is undoubtedly yes. The open border and the porous southern border pose significant risks. The collaboration⁣ between cartels​ and terrorist organizations, ⁤coupled with individuals from countries known to harbor terrorism, creates a dangerous environment.

As the world continues to grapple ⁣with the aftermath of the attack on Israel, it is crucial for America to reflect on its own vulnerabilities.⁤ By acknowledging the potential threats and taking proactive measures to enhance border security, we‍ can mitigate the ⁤risk‍ of a⁣ similar attack happening on American soil.

This is not a matter⁢ of fearmongering or targeting⁤ Hispanic Americans; it ⁢is about ensuring ​the safety ⁤and security of all ⁢Americans. By addressing these concerns and taking appropriate actions, we can protect our nation from potential threats and uphold our commitment to national security. The stakes are too high to ignore the lessons learned from Israel and our own tragic history.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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