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GOP consultants warn of potential turnout disaster in 2024 without Trump.

Republican Consultants Fear Turnout Catastrophe Without Trump on 2024 Ballot

Republican consultants are sounding the alarm, warning that if former President Donald Trump is not on the ballot in 2024, it could spell disaster⁤ for the GOP’s turnout next ​year. While​ Trump currently leads‍ the pack of Republican ‌presidential ⁢candidates in ⁤opinion polls, his mounting legal issues may⁢ prevent him from running. He has been indicted multiple times on state and federal‍ charges, ⁤creating uncertainty about⁣ his⁢ candidacy.

“The conventional ‌wisdom is there’s concern that if Trump’s not the‌ nominee, his coalition will​ take their ball⁣ and go home,” said Matt Dole, a Republican strategist in Ohio. “Folks are interested in how ‍that plays out, and ‌so I think right now, they would be happy if Trump’s ⁢the nominee—in Ohio, ⁤it’s not true across the country—because‌ then his coalition will turn out in November.”

Trump’s Unique Coalition

Brian Darling, a Republican strategist and former aide in the U.S. Senate,‌ emphasized the⁣ importance of Trump’s coalition for the GOP’s success. He stated, “If somehow he’s not the nominee, ​it will​ hurt ⁣turnout.‍ He’s got a unique coalition.​ He brings a lot of nontraditional voters to the Republican Party.” Darling expressed concerns ‌that without these Trump ⁢supporters showing up to vote, it will be difficult⁣ for the GOP to win key ‍states like Ohio⁣ and other ‍Midwestern states.

Trump​ Holds Comfortable Lead

A recent⁤ poll conducted by I&I/TIPP shows that Trump is far ahead of other potential Republican candidates, leading Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, the second-place contender, by a significant margin. Another poll by The ⁣New York Times/Siena also indicates Trump’s lead over DeSantis nationally.⁣ These ⁣numbers suggest that Trump has a strong chance of securing the GOP nomination.

David Paleologos, the head of the Suffolk University Political Research Center, highlighted the potential turnout woes for Republicans. ‍He revealed that approximately 40 percent of GOP voters who have already made up ‍their minds about the 2024 election are firmly behind Trump. Paleologos stated, “Conservatively, it looks like 4 out of 10. I haven’t ⁤seen‌ many polls where he’s below ​40 [percent].”

Concerns about​ voter turnout are not limited to Republicans. Vice President Kamala Harris recently expressed her worries about voter suppression efforts and the impact they may have on turnout. She stated, “I’m worried about it⁢ because I also know that there has been a lot of effort and laws that​ have been passed to try and make it more difficult for people to vote.”

Other Details

In addition to⁢ the turnout concerns, Trump is currently facing three criminal ‍trials in New York City, Washington,‌ and Miami. Furthermore, a district attorney in Georgia’s Fulton County is expected to bring additional charges against him related ​to his post-2020 election activities.

Meanwhile, Trump has refused ‌to⁣ pledge his support to the eventual Republican nominee if he does not secure the nomination himself. This decision has drawn criticism, particularly from Ron DeSantis, who signed a loyalty oath to the Republican National Committee. The GOP⁤ worries that this lack of unity could further impact voter turnout.

Despite the​ uncertainties and legal challenges, Trump remains ‌a dominant force‌ within the Republican Party. The GOP’s ability to mobilize his coalition will be crucial for their success in the 2024 election.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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