Washington Examiner

GOP lawmakers worried about exploitation of southern border vulnerabilities by adversaries.

Lawmakers Express Concerns About Adversaries Exploiting Southern Border

Nearly two⁤ dozen lawmakers, ‍all Republicans, have raised concerns about the potential infiltration of U.S. adversaries through the southern border. In a letter addressed to Secretaries Lloyd Austin and ⁤Alejandro Mayorkas, the ‌lawmakers discussed the recent terrorist attacks in Israel and the possibility of similar attacks on U.S. soil.

“In light⁣ of the barbaric attack in Israel, we are also concerned about Iran’s proxies and other terrorist groups taking advantage of ⁣the Southern⁢ border to launch a terror attack from within our homeland,” they said. “Given this Administration has left our Southern border wide open, our nation is threatened. … This Administration’s failure to secure our border ​is a deep vulnerability ⁢that only invites future threats from various terrorist groups.”

Data released earlier​ this‍ month revealed that U.S. Border Patrol apprehended over 170 ⁤known or suspected terrorists attempting to enter the United States illegally from Mexico or Canada in the past year. This is the highest number in national history, surpassing previous records. Out of the 2,037,000 arrests at the southern border during that time period, 172 individuals were on the Federal ‌Bureau‌ of Investigation⁤ terror ⁣watch list.

Representative Mark Alford expressed the lawmakers’ concerns, stating, “We cannot allow terrorists, especially Iranian proxies and⁤ CCP agents, to infiltrate‌ our Southern border. That is‍ why we’re asking DoD and DHS to confirm if any agents have crossed [our] ⁣border, planned terrorist attacks that have been thwarted, and if any CCP agents that​ have crossed our border attempted to access U.S. military installations. It’s difficult to project credible American military power and deterrence abroad when the Biden Administration cannot or ‌will not even secure our own border. We owe it to the American people to protect our country and secure the ‍border once and for all.”

The lawmakers also⁣ raised the issue of the Chinese Communist Party potentially exploiting the chaos at the border for their own benefit. They emphasized the importance of preventing‍ any attack against‍ the​ country ‍and called for ⁣answers to a list of⁤ questions‌ provided within the⁢ letter.

Senator Eric Schmitt highlighted the need for transparency, stating, “Our foreign adversaries ⁢seek to exploit ‌any weakness that we ⁣may‌ show, and our Southern​ border is certainly a weak point. Border Patrol ⁤has repeatedly confirmed that illegal immigrants with⁢ terrorist ties have been apprehended at the Southern⁢ border, but following the terrorist attack⁣ in​ Israel, we need to know exactly who is flooding unabated into our country.​ From Chinese nationals ​with ties to the CCP ⁢to state-sponsored terrorists, America is less safe because of our porous Southern border, and the⁤ American people deserve answers.”

The letter was signed by a group of lawmakers including Representatives Nancy Mace, Mike Collins, and Christopher Smith, as ‌well as Senators Roger‍ Wicker, Ted Budd, and Rick ‌Scott, among ⁢others.

Why are Iran’s proxies and other terrorist groups considered potential threats at the southern border?

Rds. The lawmakers cited this data as evidence of the urgent need to secure the⁣ southern‌ border and prevent ⁢adversaries from exploiting it.

The concern about adversaries exploiting the southern ⁤border is⁢ not unfounded. History has shown that terrorist groups‌ are capable of exploiting porous​ borders to carry out attacks. The letter referred to the recent terrorist attacks in Israel, where​ Hamas launched rockets from‌ the Gaza Strip into Israeli cities. The lawmakers worry that similar ‌attacks ⁢could occur on U.S. soil if steps are not taken to strengthen border security.

The letter specifically mentioned Iran’s ⁢proxies and other terrorist groups as potential threats. Iran has been known to support and sponsor ⁣various terrorist organizations across the​ globe. It is‍ not far-fetched to assume that they might try to take advantage of ​the situation at the‌ southern border to infiltrate‌ the United States and carry ‍out attacks. The letter stressed that the current ⁢administration’s failure to secure the border is a significant ‌vulnerability that only⁣ invites future threats.

The data on apprehended terrorists attempting to⁢ enter the United States illegally is alarming. Over 170 known or ⁢suspected terrorists were apprehended by the U.S.⁣ Border Patrol in the past year alone. This number surpasses any‍ previous⁣ records,‍ indicating ⁣a concerning trend. It serves as an‌ urgent wake-up call for‍ the authorities ⁣to prioritize border security and prevent adversaries ⁤from exploiting the vulnerabilities at the southern border.

The lawmakers’ concerns reflect a broader call⁤ for action to address the security risks posed by the ‍southern border. Securing the border goes beyond just immigration debates; it is a matter of national security. Adversaries exploiting the southern border ⁣could lead to devastating consequences‌ for the United States and its citizens. The potential for terrorist attacks and the infiltration of dangerous ‌individuals should not be taken lightly.

In response to ⁣these concerns,⁤ it is⁤ crucial for the relevant authorities to take​ immediate action. Secretaries Lloyd Austin and ⁣Alejandro Mayorkas, to ⁤whom ​the letter was addressed, should treat⁤ this matter as a top priority. ⁤Strengthening border security, ‌implementing stricter immigration policies, and enhancing intelligence and surveillance capabilities are some of the steps that need to be taken.

Collaboration with international partners should also be a⁤ vital component of addressing these concerns.⁢ Enhancing intelligence sharing‌ and cooperation ‍with ⁢countries ‌facing ‌similar challenges ‍can help identify and prevent potential threats. Additionally, investing ⁤in technology and resources for border patrol agents is ‍necessary to effectively detect and apprehend ​individuals with malicious intent.

It is essential for lawmakers ‍from all parties to come⁣ together and address this issue in a bipartisan manner.​ National security should always ⁤transcend political​ differences, and the safety and‍ well-being of‌ the ⁤American ​people must always‍ be the top priority. By working together, lawmakers can find common ground and implement the measures needed to secure the ⁣southern border⁣ and prevent adversaries from exploiting it.

In conclusion, the concerns raised ⁤by the nearly two dozen lawmakers about adversaries exploiting the southern border are valid and require immediate attention. The recent increase in ‍attempted border crossings by known ‍or suspected terrorists highlights the urgency of securing the ​border. It is⁢ imperative for the authorities to take decisive​ action to⁤ prevent potential ⁤terrorist⁣ attacks and protect the⁤ United States and its citizens. The issue‍ of border security should go beyond political debates and be treated as a⁤ matter of national security. By working collaboratively and implementing effective measures, lawmakers can ensure the safety and well-being of the ‍American people.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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