Washington Examiner

GOP may require Democrats’ assistance for House speaker ‘Plan B,’ uncertain if they’ll cooperate.

Republicans Seek Alternative Options to Reopen‍ House Amid Speaker Search

As Republicans explore ways to reopen the House and continue their search ⁣for‌ a permanent‍ speaker, ‍they may have to turn to their⁢ Democratic colleagues for support. However, ⁣it ​remains uncertain whether Democrats are willing to lend their ⁢support ‌at this⁤ time.

Jim Jordan ‍Backs Temporary Powers ⁢for McHenry

Speaker Designate Jim Jordan (R-OH)⁣ announced ⁢on Thursday that he⁤ would temporarily step back ⁢from his⁢ bid for⁣ speakership ⁤and instead support a proposal to​ enhance the authority of Speaker Pro ‍Tempore Patrick McHenry ‌(R-NC)⁤ until House Republicans can reach a consensus on⁢ a nominee. ⁤This ⁣resolution would likely require some Democratic support to pass, as several ⁣GOP lawmakers have expressed opposition to the idea.

According to Rep. Andy ⁣Ogles (R-TN), “There currently is enough Republican ‘no’ votes that it can’t⁤ pass⁤ unless Democrats save it. ‌We’ve got to get ‌back‍ to voting for speaker. That’s what we’re here ⁤for. That’s what ‌we need​ to⁢ be⁤ doing. If Jim gets ⁢the votes, great. If Jim can’t‌ get the votes,‍ then we need to ⁣vote on somebody else.”

However, some Republicans are⁢ against empowering the interim speaker⁣ position, arguing ⁢that it would essentially dismantle their ‍majority and hand power ‌over to the Democrats. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) stated, “Republican voters gave us the majority.‍ And the whole reason why we’re in this mess is because we ‌had Republicans working with Democrats.​ So we⁢ shouldn’t go into a⁤ situation where we’re going to work with Democrats and enter some sort of power-sharing agreement.”

Uncertainty Surrounds the Resolution

Following a closed-door‍ meeting, House Republicans provided limited details on the legislation that would empower McHenry. While a couple of GOP​ lawmakers have proposed their ⁤own resolutions⁤ to expand the ‌interim speaker’s powers, ⁤the scope and duration of the resolution remain unclear.

With⁣ many ‌rank-and-file Republicans already opposing the‌ proposal, Democratic support would likely be necessary for adoption. However, it is uncertain whether the Democrats are ready to extend a helping hand. Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA) expressed concerns⁣ about the implications of an extended temporary speaker in ‍terms of ​managing the House.

Democrats have repeatedly urged their Republican colleagues to engage⁢ in‍ bipartisan discussions to identify a unity​ candidate and reopen the House. They have also called for expanding McHenry’s power to⁤ make ⁤progress on⁤ crucial legislation. However, Democrats have emphasized the need to review the resolution’s text before committing to support it. Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) stated, “We have to ‍see the details, obviously. I want to hear ‍from [Democratic] ​leadership after they’ve heard ​from the Republican caucus. But listen, it’s time to reopen the house ​that the Republicans closed. It’s a national security ‍issue now dealing with ‌the situation in Israel.”

It remains unclear ‍when‌ the House will ‍reconvene for votes and whether the resolution will even be⁣ brought to⁤ the ⁢floor due to growing opposition within the ⁢GOP. Some members left the⁣ conference ⁢meeting ‍predicting ​that ⁣the resolution would not see the light of day. Rep. Vern ​Buchanan (R-FL) remarked, “Just reading the‍ room, ⁢I think it’s dead.”


‍ Considering the highly polarized ⁢political landscape in Washington, how challenging is‍ it⁣ expected to⁢ be for Republicans to rally enough Democratic support to pass ‌the resolution empowering ‍the temporary speaker

To undermine conservative values and principles. Handing power⁢ over to‍ the ⁣Democrats would be ⁤a betrayal to our voters and the American people.”

Democrats’ Stance ⁡Remains Uncertain

While Republicans search for‌ a way ‍to ⁣reopen the House, the support ⁢of their Democratic counterparts is crucial.⁣ However, it is unclear whether Democrats are willing to lend their support at this time.

Some Democrats argue‌ that they should ⁢not intervene in ⁢the internal affairs of the Republican ⁣Party and ​that it‍ is⁣ up to Republicans to ‌resolve their leadership crisis. Rep. Nancy ⁢Pelosi (D-CA) stated, “We have our own work to do ⁤and our own leadership‌ to select. It is not our responsibility‌ to help Republicans find their way.”

On the other hand, ‌some⁢ Democrats see an opportunity to influence the course​ of the Republican ⁤Party by offering their‍ support to a potential speaker candidate who aligns more closely with their policies. Rep. Alexandria ‍Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) suggested, “If Republicans ⁤are willing ‌to⁤ work with us on common-sense legislation and prioritize the ‍needs of the American people, then we can discuss the possibility of providing our ⁢support.”

It remains to be seen whether Republicans can rally enough Democratic ⁤support to pass⁣ the resolution empowering the temporary ‍speaker. The political landscape in Washington is highly polarized, and reaching ⁢a ⁢consensus on such‌ a contentious issue may prove⁤ challenging.

The⁣ Path Forward

As Republicans seek alternative ‍options to reopen the House amid⁢ their search for a speaker, they must navigate the delicate balance ⁢between their‌ intra-party dynamics and ⁣seeking Democratic‌ support. ⁣The coming days will be crucial in determining whether a resolution can be reached ⁣to empower Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry or if Republicans will need to consider other ⁤potential candidates for the speakership.

Regardless ⁤of the outcome, the current ⁣situation highlights the challenges faced by the Republican Party in uniting behind a speaker candidate and​ underscores the deep​ divisions within the party. It also underscores the importance of effective leadership⁤ and the ‍need for⁣ both parties to find common⁤ ground in order to govern effectively and address the pressing⁢ issues facing the⁣ nation.

Ultimately, the decision lies ‌in the hands‍ of House Republicans and the level of support ⁢they⁤ can garner‍ from their Democratic counterparts. Only time‍ will​ tell whether they can find ⁢a‌ resolution ‌that allows them to reopen the House and move forward with their speaker search.

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