Washington Examiner

GOP PAC aims to repeal cap and trade as Washington tops nation in gas prices.

A Political Action Committee Targets‍ Washington State’s Carbon Pricing System

A political action committee called Let’s Go ‌Washington is taking aim at Washington state’s ​new carbon⁤ pricing system,‍ which went into effect earlier this ⁣year. The committee has‍ introduced six ballot measures that⁤ challenge various state laws and programs, including the ​cap-and-invest system. ‍Under this system,​ businesses are⁢ required to purchase‍ credits from the ‍state for ⁤every ton of greenhouse gas they produce.

High Gas Prices ⁣and Ambitious ⁢Emission Reduction Goals

Washington state‍ experienced the highest gas‌ prices in⁢ the ⁣nation ‍during ‍June and July, surpassing even ⁣California. Prices soared to $4.98 per gallon, ‍according to data from auto club AAA.

The ​cap-and-invest program in Washington closely resembles California’s system, which was‍ implemented in 2013⁣ with the ​goal of reducing ​emissions‌ by⁤ 80% ​below 1990 levels by 2050. However, Washington state⁢ has set an even more ambitious target, aiming to lower emissions to 95% below 1990 levels by 2050.

The Climate Commitment Act and Republican ⁢Opposition

In 2021, Washington state passed ⁢the‍ Climate Commitment Act,‍ becoming the second ⁢state in the nation to establish a comprehensive ⁤carbon pricing plan. However, the act faced opposition from Republicans, who successfully added an amendment requiring the state Department of Ecology to provide an annual report on climate spending.

Republican state ⁢Representative Mary Dye explained, “I tried to make sure that​ we put something ‍in ⁢so ⁣that we know our policies are ⁢working or not.”

Despite ongoing negotiations for more transparency, Let’s Go Washington⁤ is determined‍ to repeal the carbon-cap-and-invest law entirely.

The “Stop the Hidden ⁣Gas ‌Tax” Initiative

If passed, Let’s Go Washington’s “stop ‌the hidden gas tax” initiative would prevent all state ‍agencies,​ counties, and cities from implementing any form of carbon tax credit trading.

The political action committee is funded by Brian Heywood, a Kirkland businessman and Republican investor. Despite previously ⁤failing to​ gather enough signatures to bring eleven initiatives to ‍the 2023 Washington state legislature, Heywood has invested significant funds into these measures.

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