Washington Examiner

GOP candidates to discuss foreign policy at college event.

A Swath of 2024 Republican Candidates to Converge at Georgetown University

A thrilling event is set to take place at Georgetown University on October​ 2nd and 3rd. The⁣ university’s Institute of Politics and Public⁤ Service, ⁣in collaboration‍ with the Associated Press, is hosting a ⁢forum⁢ on national security and⁣ foreign policy. This gathering of 2024 Republican candidates⁢ promises to ⁤be​ an ⁤engaging and insightful ​discussion.

Event ⁢Details:

  • Date: October 2nd and 3rd
  • Location: Gaston ⁢Hall,​ Georgetown University
  • Address: 37th & O Streets, NW, Washington, ‍D.C.,‌ 20057

The ‍forum will be moderated by​ Associated Press journalists, who will provide young voters with⁣ the ⁤unique opportunity to directly engage with the candidates and ask them⁢ about pressing national and global issues. It’s an event⁣ you won’t want ‍to miss!

Exploring Foreign Policy Perspectives of Republican⁣ Candidates

As the race for the 2024‌ Republican nomination heats up, the topic of foreign policy takes center ​stage. With the chance to challenge Democratic​ President ​Joe Biden, candidates are eager to ‌showcase their ‌stances on international affairs. One prominent contender, former President Donald ​Trump, has already⁣ left his mark on foreign policy.

During ‍his 2016​ campaign and presidency, Trump championed an⁢ “America First” approach to international relations.⁣ This included withdrawing from international⁤ treaties and organizations, ⁤reshaping ‍trade and diplomacy, and implementing stricter immigration policies. His presidency marked a significant departure from traditional U.S. leadership.

Another candidate, Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida, has embraced‍ a mix of traditional⁤ Republican internationalism and MAGA-style populism. He has raised‍ questions about the United States’ support for Ukraine in the face of Russia’s invasion.

Biotech ‌entrepreneur Vivek⁢ Ramaswamy, another ‌contender in ⁢the 2024 GOP race, echoes Trump’s‌ noninterference doctrine ⁢and even takes it further. Ramaswamy advocates for an isolationist foreign⁢ policy that could potentially compromise Ukraine’s ⁣defense against Russia.

These differing perspectives on‍ foreign‍ policy have sparked​ intense ‌debates within⁤ the Republican​ Party.‍ Former Vice President Mike Pence and former‍ New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, for example, advocate ‌for​ a more internationalist approach, while Ramaswamy and others lean towards isolationism.

The⁤ Georgetown/Associated Press​ foreign policy​ forum will provide a platform⁣ for​ all Republican candidates, ‌including‍ those who have focused ⁢more on domestic ⁣matters, to share their views on⁢ international ‌affairs. It’s an opportunity to gain valuable insights into their foreign policy agendas.

Upcoming Presidential Candidate Events

With the summer coming to an end, ⁤Republican presidential campaigns are shifting their focus to states hosting‍ early-voting events. Here are some ​upcoming events where ⁢you can ⁢catch a glimpse of the candidates:


  • September 15 (Friday): Meet ‍and Greet ⁢with Nikki Haley
  • September 16 (Saturday): Iowa Faith & ‌Freedom​ 23rd ​Fall Banquet


  • September 23 (Saturday): ‌Nevada Republican Central Committee ​— Fall Meeting
  • September 26 (Tuesday): Brews &‌ Views with the Republican Women ⁢of Las Vegas
  • September⁤ 27 (Wednesday): Southern Hills Republican Women Meeting
  • September 28 (Thursday): Spring Mountain Republican Women

New Hampshire

  • September 15⁤ (Friday): Strafford County‍ Republicans 3rd Annual Liberty Cruise
  • September⁣ 23 (Saturday): Granite Solutions ⁣2023 Summit

South Carolina

  • September⁢ 21‍ (Thursday): Greater Lowcountry Republican Club Inaugural Golf Classic
  • September 23 (Saturday):​ Greenville⁣ County Republican Party Freedom Caucus Goes to‌ Rodeo

These ‍events ⁢offer a chance to witness the candidates in action, ⁢although ​confirmations​ may come closer to​ the dates. Stay tuned for more updates!

For⁤ more political‌ news and ‍analysis, ⁣visit The ⁢Washington Examiner.

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