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GOP candidates flock to Republican Jewish Coalition

Republican Presidential Candidates Speak at Republican Jewish Coalition‌ Event

The Republican Jewish Coalition’s ⁢Annual Leadership Summit took place on Saturday, featuring statements from various Republican‌ presidential candidates. The event occurred just ⁤three weeks after Hamas ‍launched a⁣ barrage of rockets into⁤ Israel. Notable attendees ‌included former New Jersey Gov. ‍Chris Christie, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki​ Haley,⁤ Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), Gov. Doug‌ Burgum (R-ND), Gov. Ron DeSantis ‌(R-FL), entrepreneur Vivek ⁤Ramaswamy, and former President Donald Trump.

Some ⁤Candidates Avoid Politics, Focusing⁢ on the Seriousness of the Situation

While some candidates refrained ‌from engaging in political discussions during the conference, acknowledging ‍the gravity of the ⁤situation, others took the opportunity to address pressing issues. Christie emphasized the seriousness of the day, stating ⁣that it was‍ not‍ a ⁤time for pettiness or⁢ unseriousness.

“Today is too​ serious a day —⁤ too serious a day and​ too serious a moment for pettiness,” Christie said. “Today is too serious a day, too serious a moment, much too serious a moment for unserious people.”

Similarly, Scott chose not to deliver a lengthy policy speech, humorously stating that he​ would⁤ not consume⁣ the audience’s time with a 25-minute monologue.

“I will not​ use my time today to give you a⁤ 25-minute policy⁢ speech,” Scott said. “You‘re welcome.”

Ramaswamy Highlights Antisemitism and the Need for Purpose

Ramaswamy,⁤ the youngest candidate among the remaining Republicans, focused on the rising antisemitism ‌within the Democratic party. He argued that antisemitism is a symptom‍ of a deeper cultural issue ⁣and ‌criticized the‌ left-wing woke movement. Ramaswamy also highlighted‍ the generational divide, pointing out ‌that ⁤a recent⁣ poll showed a ‍split among Gen⁣ Z regarding support for Hamas or Israel.

“History teaches us that antisemitism ‌is actually a symptom of a deeper cultural malaise. And ⁣I believe​ the ‍left-wing woke cancer was always destined to end in the destination of antisemitism,” Ramaswamy said. “I said⁤ this in my book several years ago. Now you ⁣look ‌today; a⁢ recent poll finds that Gen Z is divided 50/50 on​ whether they support Hamas or Israel. Young ‍people in the country are​ lost. ⁢I am 38 years old, I am the first⁢ millennial to run⁣ for U.S. President. I can tell you what’s going on‌ in our generation. ‍Our generation is hungry for purpose, meaning, a ⁤cause, and‍ identity.”

Haley Condemns “Antisemites” in ⁣the Squad

Haley went a step further and labeled members of the squad, including Reps.⁣ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib, as “antisemites.”

Burgum Criticizes Biden’s Approach to Iran

Burgum⁢ directed ‍his criticism towards President Joe Biden, accusing him of inaction regarding Iran. He argued that Biden’s desire to revive the nuclear deal with Iran⁢ hindered Israel’s response to Hamas.

“But apparently, Joe ⁣Biden hasn’t learned. Even now, Biden is⁢ desperate to hold ‌on to the fantasy ‌of the nuclear ​deal ⁣with⁣ Iran by calling,‍ tacitly, for Israel to ‍back [off] on response to Hamas,” Burgum said. “The goal should be​ restoring deterrence, not⁣ constraining Israel.”

Trump expressed his disappointment with⁣ Biden’s handling of Iran, claiming that Biden quickly surrendered the tough sanctions imposed during ⁢his presidency. He also highlighted⁣ Iran’s increased oil production as ⁢evidence of ⁢Biden’s failure.

DeSantis Stands Firm on His Campaign Promises

DeSantis made ​a memorable entrance ⁤at the coalition event, with a‍ video‍ montage showcasing his support for the Jewish people. He reiterated ⁢his promise to cancel the visas‍ of students protesting in favor of Hamas and criticized the concept of diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI), claiming it is⁤ inherently anti-Israel and anti-Jewish.

“This whole thing of DEI — diversity, equality, inclusion — that’s anti-Israel, that’s anti-Jewish 100% ‌if you take it to its logical conclusion,” DeSantis said.

Former ⁢Vice President Mike Pence also made an announcement during his speech, stating⁤ that he would suspend his campaign.

How do the Republican presidential candidates’ participation in the summit showcase their support for Israel and commitment to combating antisemitism

D and I ‌am considered‌ a millennial, but I am entering‍ politics ‌with a sense ⁣of‍ purpose because we need ⁤to reestablish that sense of purpose⁣ in⁢ our kids ‌again.”

Trump Receives a Warm⁢ Welcome and​ Discusses His Relationship ‌with Israel

Former President Donald Trump was greeted with⁢ enthusiasm as ‍he took the stage at⁣ the event. He began by expressing gratitude to ​his⁤ Jewish supporters who stood by him throughout his presidency.⁢ Trump then proceeded to highlight his administration’s accomplishments in‍ relation to Israel, such⁤ as moving the American embassy to Jerusalem and brokering peace deals in the Middle East.

“We got things done, like nobody believed ⁢was ‌possible,”​ Trump said. “We did more in 48 months than Joe Biden did in 48 ⁤years. That’s true. ​And we were stronger than ever before. ​But in ‌particular, I’m grateful⁣ for the incredible support of ‍the Jewish community. You were with me. ‍Thank you very much.”

He⁤ also criticized the current administration’s approach to Israel, suggesting that ‍they are being too lenient and not ⁢taking a strong stance⁤ against Hamas.

“Our adversaries respect us again, please remember that,” Trump said. “But now, we have a policy ⁢where Israel was never safer. But under Biden, the world is getting more violent and ⁤more unstable because⁢ Biden’s weakness and lack of support for Israel is leading to new attacks on our allies.”

The Importance⁤ of Jewish Voters in the Republican Party

The Republican Jewish Coalition’s⁣ Leadership Summit serves as a platform for Republican presidential ‍candidates to address the Jewish community and⁢ discuss ⁣their policies and ⁢views on‌ issues relevant to both Israel and the Jewish people. ⁢The event highlights the importance of Jewish voters in the Republican Party and allows⁢ candidates to​ demonstrate their support for Israel⁤ and commitment to​ combating antisemitism.

It is evident from the‌ speeches delivered at this ​year’s summit that the Republican candidates are aware of the seriousness of the‍ situation in Israel and⁢ the rising antisemitism within​ the Democratic party. They emphasize the need for strong leadership, purpose, and ⁢support for Israel.⁢ The‍ event provides a valuable opportunity for the candidates to connect ⁢with Jewish voters and showcase their understanding of the unique challenges faced by‍ the Jewish community.

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, events like the Republican Jewish ‍Coalition’s Leadership Summit​ will ⁤continue to play a significant role in shaping the ⁤candidates’ positions and policies. ​The summit allows them to articulate⁣ their stance on Israel and establish themselves as viable contenders for‌ the Jewish ‍vote.

Ultimately, the Republican⁢ presidential candidates’ participation in the summit demonstrates their dedication to the Jewish ⁣community and their commitment to addressing the ⁣pressing issues that affect both Israel and the Jewish people. It remains to be seen how these candidates’ messages ⁣resonate with Jewish voters and whether ​their presence at​ the summit will ​positively influence their chances of securing support in ‍the upcoming election.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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