Washington Examiner

Lighthizer: GOP’s move away from free trade is permanent.

Former U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer: The GOP’s New Normal

Former U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer believes that the Republican Party’s departure from free trade and big business, which was catalyzed by former President Donald Trump, is here to stay. In a recent interview with the Washington Examiner, Lighthizer, who just released a book on trade policy and confronting China, emphasized that the GOP’s shift towards tariffs and increased protectionism will continue to shape the party’s direction leading up to the 2024 elections.

The Party of Working People

“The bottom line is the Republican Party, if it wasn’t apparent it is now, is the party of working people,” Lighthizer stated. He further added, “The party of big banks and big businesses is the Democratic Party.” Lighthizer acknowledged that prior to the Trump era, the GOP was known for its support of free trade, but that is no longer the case. He emphasized that the majority of voters and politicians now align with the “America First” trade policy, making it the mainstream stance within the Republican Party.

A New Normal for the GOP

While the Republican Party has historically included members who advocate for reducing trade barriers and lowering tariffs, Lighthizer argued that the brand of trade policy he and Trump championed has become the new normal. He highlighted the party’s focus on prioritizing families and workers, combating China, and addressing the trade deficit. Lighthizer acknowledged that there are a few holdouts, but overall, the GOP has embraced this new direction.

Shifting the Overton Window

Lighthizer, who served as Trump’s top trade adviser, explained that he and Trump brought about significant change by reevaluating the objectives of trade policy. They shifted the focus from price optimization and corporate profits to job creation, worker support, and family well-being. Additionally, Lighthizer emphasized the need to recognize China as a hostile force and adversary, a perspective that was not widely acknowledged during the Obama administration.

Bold Actions and a New Direction

The Trump administration implemented massive tariffs and renegotiated longstanding agreements, such as the North American Free Trade Agreement, in order to effectuate these changes. Lighthizer described these actions as bold and transformative, altering the course of trade policy.

A Lifetime of Experience

Lighthizer’s recently released book, “No Trade Is Free: Changing Course, Taking on China, and Helping America’s Workers,” draws upon his extensive experience in Capitol Hill, private practice, and the White House. The book combines memoir, history, and policy analysis, reflecting Lighthizer’s 50 years of involvement in trade-related matters. His expertise spans from his time as deputy U.S. trade representative for President Ronald Reagan to his role as chief of staff of the Senate Finance Committee under Chairman Bob Dole.

With the release of his book, Lighthizer continues to be a prominent advocate for protectionism in the ongoing debate over international and domestic trade policy. When asked about the possibility of serving in another administration role if Republicans win the White House in 2024, Lighthizer humbly stated that he is not looking that far ahead, referring to it as a “rich man’s problem” that would only arise if they were successful. However, he expressed his dedication to these issues and his commitment to serving his country.

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