The epoch times

Newsom’s trip to China pleases communist regime.


After a brief stop in Israel to meet‌ with officials ⁣and ⁤victims‍ in ‌the wake of Hamas’s Oct. 7 ⁣terrorist attack, Gov. Gavin Newsom headed off to his⁢ week-long trip to‌ communist⁤ China. As I⁢ have⁣ reported in The Epoch Times for more than a year, he’s obviously running for⁢ president, ⁣if not in ​2024, then 2028. With this trip, he’s ‍burnishing his scant foreign-policy credentials.

It’s‌ significant that⁣ he picked ⁤China‌ for ⁤this major foreign trip.​ He could have stayed in​ Israel a ‍week. Or after his stop there, he could have visited U.S.‍ troops in Syria and⁢ Iraq, or the U.S.S. Ford and ​U.S.S. ​Eisenhower strike groups. Appearing on the decks of the giant⁢ air force carriers would have ‌made a great photo op.

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The ‌best would have been a visit‍ to the 40th Infantry Division of the California National Guard, which‍ in ​June he ordered deployed​ “to support Operation Spartan Shield and Operation Inherent ​Resolve, missions to build partner​ capacity and increase regional ‌security in​ the Middle ⁢East,” reported the U.S. Army’s website ​on⁣ June 16. ⁤“Today, the Sunburst Division will⁢ deploy​ Soldiers across the Middle East, including Iraq,⁤ Jordan and Kuwait.” Jordan ‌is next to Israel.

Instead, reported ⁣the Washington Examiner, “‘I wish I was president of the United States,’ he told ⁤reporters when asked about meeting with Israeli leaders, ‌particularly to discuss a potential ceasefire⁢ with Hamas. ‍He⁣ added afterward that he was ‍joking. ‘I could start doing all those things.’”

Hong Kong Sellout

Since 1997, Hong Kong increasingly has been absorbed into the ⁤People’s ⁤Republic of China,‍ becoming ⁢a “captive nation,” to use a Cold ‌War term. That betrays the agreement Beijing had ⁣with the United Kingdom at the time the crown‍ colony was ⁢“given” to​ the communists. I covered⁢ this in my review in The⁣ Epoch Times of ⁢the⁢ late Bruce‌ Herschensohn’s book, “A Profile of Hong ⁢Kong: During Times Past, ⁤Times Current, and Its Quest of a Future‍ Maintaining Hong Kong’s Liberty.”

Governor of‍ California ⁢Gavin Newsom attends a ‌press conference⁣ in Beijing on Oct. 25, 2023. (Wang ​Zhao/AFP via Getty ‍Images)

Even fellow Democrats⁤ attacked Mr. Newsom ‍for failing ‍to bring up human rights​ in Hong Kong, his first⁢ stop on the trip.⁣ He ought to​ “speak very clearly against the repression of the Hong Kong people,” said Sen. Jeff ⁣Merkley (D-Ore.),‍ co-chair of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China. “Otherwise it ​does great damage because it⁣ looks like the Chinese​ repression is accepted and ⁣we cannot allow that to be​ the case.”

The excuse came ‍in a ⁤ statement Mr. ‍Newsom’s office put on his official website: “HONG KONG—Governor Gavin Newsom on Monday‌ started his‌ weeklong international trip⁣ with a stop at​ Hong Kong University.

“Governor Newsom’s trip is focused on ‍advancing ⁣concrete ‍climate collaborations with key national and subnational partners, promoting economic development and tourism, and encouraging a cultural exchange between countries. Over​ the next six days, Governor Newsom and his delegation will travel through‌ China, visit key demonstration‍ sites ‌and meet with leaders who share ⁤California’s commitment to ‍addressing⁢ our global climate crisis while fostering a lowcarbon, green growth agenda.”

By “demonstration sites,” Mr. Newsom’s⁤ statement means‍ demonstrations ⁣of China’s green technology developments, not the sites⁤ of freedom⁢ demonstrations in Hong Kong in 2019–2020, which led⁣ to at least four deaths.

The statement continued: “At Hong Kong University, the Governor participated in a fireside chat with Professor Peng Gong, Vice President and Pro Vice Chancellor of​ the University. Hong Kong University is a premier research institution and, much like the University of ​California system, plays a significant role in shaping government policies. The Governor spoke to ⁢the importance of⁤ the university system, and the ‍hope he has in ‍the next⁢ generation exercising⁣ their capacity to make‍ a difference in the climate crisis.”

Is⁢ that another joke? Hong Kong doesn’t⁤ “shape” policies for itself—Beijing does. Mr. Newsom himself said: “We must radically change ⁣the way we produce and consume energy, and it won’t be enough if we act alone. This is ​a global ⁣crisis ​and it requires a​ global response.

“The‌ long-standing partnership—and competition—between California and China has led to measurable progress: electrification⁢ of ports, cleaning our air of smog and pollution, and innovating new technologies that build economies. This⁤ visit is an opportunity to ​share our⁢ successes, ​learn ‍from one another ​and continue driving an⁣ ambitious climate agenda.”

Young participants‍ hold a banner during‌ a “Stand ‍With Hong Kong” rally in Pasadena, Calif., on June 12, ⁢2021. (Ringo Chiu/AFP ⁣via ⁣Getty Images)

Pro-Freedom Groups Protest Newsom

Not mollified were more than⁤ 50 groups⁣ advocating democracy and freedom in Hong Kong and the‌ mainland. “A joint statement by Hong⁤ Kongers, Chinese, Taiwanese, Tibetans, ⁣Uyghurs, and allies” announced: “We are deeply ⁢disappointed⁤ by⁣ Governor ​Gavin Newsom’s decision​ to explicitly‍ turn away from engaging on critical human rights issues—given ​the deteriorating civil liberties and freedoms in Hong‌ Kong, ⁤the ​arbitrary detainment of the Uyghur people in East Turkistan, the escalating human rights situation in ‌occupied Tibet, and tightening grasp ⁢on fundamental freedoms⁣ by‌ the Chinese ⁢government—in his ‌upcoming ​trip to Hong Kong and mainland China. Human rights should never be dismissed or sidelined, especially by an⁤ elected leader traveling⁢ internationally. As the first high-profile U.S. official to visit Hong Kong⁢ since the ‍National Security Law (NSL), Gov. Newsom’s poor‍ messaging sets‍ a problematic tone for future‌ diplomatic engagement.”

The NSL was imposed in Hong Kong in⁢ 2020 to further repress its once-free people and prevent new​ demonstrations.⁢ Critics​ called ​it “the end of Hong Kong.”

The‌ protest ‌statement continued: “We question why ⁣Gov. Newsom has decided to ⁣travel to Hong Kong‍ and mainland China at this time.⁤ While he‌ will ostensibly visit China for climate ‌issues as‍ a foreign dignitary, ​he is pledging not to​ speak on connected concerns ‍vital to ⁤his constituency.

We⁢ share his commitment to combating anti-Asian hate‍ but fail to‌ see⁤ how meetings with officials of an authoritarian regime abroad achieve that stated objective. He should instead listen​ to his constituents who face both racism⁤ here and⁢ well-documented⁢ instances of transnational repression directed by the Chinese Communist Party.

“While he ⁣enjoys the⁣ freedom and safety ​of visiting​ Hong Kong and⁢ mainland⁣ China, his constituents who are in exile cannot return home without being​ immediately detained. Among over⁢ 100,000 residents in⁣ California born in Hong Kong, ​many have family members⁢ and friends threatened by​ the ongoing ‌political crackdown. As governor, he has a responsibility​ to⁤ defend ​the interests of his constituents.”

Indeed, he as a responsibility to represent all ‌39 million Californians, because this state is supposed to be a world beacon of freedom. Mr. Newsom himself ‍always is talking about his California​ Way being a light unto the world.

BYD’s Useless COVID Masks

Remember how during Mr. Newsom’s mishandling of ‌the COVID-19 crisis he autocratically spent $1 billion‌ of California taxpayers’ money on masks⁣ from China? The Los Angeles‍ Times reported April 20, 2020: “Gov.⁣ Gavin ‍Newsom‘s decision to ‌ spend ‍ almost $1 billion in ‌taxpayer‌ funds to buy protective masks drew⁤ national​ attention as an aggressive move by California to⁢ solve one of the most‌ nagging problems of the ⁣coronavirus crisis.

A ⁢man wearing a face⁢ mask walks past the BYD office in ​Los Angeles ‌on May 13,‍ 2020. N95 masks produced by BYD in⁤ China as part of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s billion-dollar deal twice failed to meet required safety certification deadlines. (Frederic J. Brown/AFP via Getty Images)

“But almost two weeks after he announced the deal during a cable TV interview, very few details have‌ been disclosed. The governor’s advisors​ have so far declined requests for information about the agreement with BYD, the Chinese ‍electric ‌car‍ manufacturer ‌hired to‍ produce the masks, though the state ⁤has already wired the company the first installment of $495 million.”

The Epoch​ Times reported ⁣a‍ month later, in ⁢May 2020: “California​ Gov. Gavin Newsom’s $1 billion deal with a ⁣Chinese company to produce protective ⁤masks during the height of the‌ COVID-19 pandemic has soured, as the masks failed to meet national safety and⁣ health standards.”

California Globe reported ⁣ in May 2022: “Two years after Gov. Gavin Newsom’s shady ‍no-bid $1 billion N-95 mask deal⁤ with newly formed BYD Mask company, there are still many questions surrounding the deals.

“Gov. Gavin Newsom approved spending ‌$1⁣ billion ⁢of taxpayers funds on masks from Chinese company ⁣BYD, an electric bus maker which started manufacturing N95 masks as the COVID pandemic‌ hit, when⁢ the original mask purchase⁣ to Blue Flame fell apart⁤ after a bank notified ⁣the governor that Blue Flame was only a⁤ few days old.” Since then⁤ there has ​been no attempt to account‌ for​ the $1‌ billion.

Touring BYD’s Electric Car ​Factory

Guess which⁤ company he⁤ visited once inside China on⁢ his junket? Headlined Red State, “Gavin Newsom Pimps Chinese ⁣Electric Car ⁢Company BYD, ⁢the Same Company He Awarded a⁤ $1B Mask Contract.” The story: “During ⁣his⁢ trip to China to discuss climate ‍change (and ‘combating xenophobia,’ but nothing else),⁢ California Gov. Gavin Newsom toured ⁣the Shenzhen facility of electric automobile manufacturer Build ⁤Your​ Dreams (BYD)⁣ and tested out their⁤ newest product.”

Views expressed in this article are opinions of ‍the ‌author and do not necessarily reflect the‍ views of The‌ Epoch Times.

How does Gov. Gavin Newsom’s⁢ decision to visit China instead of Israel or the Middle East impact ​his foreign-policy credentials?

Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recent trip to China has raised questions about his foreign-policy⁣ credentials ‍and motives for running for president. Instead of ⁣choosing to stay in Israel or​ visit U.S. troops in Syria and Iraq, Newsom decided to spend a week in communist China.

The choice of China ‍as his primary destination is significant, considering the other options available to him. He could have extended his stay in‍ Israel or visited U.S. troops in the Middle East, which would have been great photo opportunities

Read More From Original Article Here: Gov. Newsom Junket Appeases Communist China

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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