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Group sues to oust Trump from ballot – Proven success in achieving its goals.

A Left-Wing Group Files‌ Lawsuit to Remove Trump from 2024⁣ Presidential Ballot

A left-wing group that successfully had one candidate thrown off the ballot over his actions on January 6, 2021, has now filed a lawsuit in Colorado demanding that state officials prevent⁢ former President Donald Trump’s ⁣name from appearing on the 2024 presidential ballot.

The ‍group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics, filed⁢ a lawsuit on Wednesday, arguing that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution should disqualify Trump from holding elected‍ office due to his alleged role in inciting an “insurrection” against⁤ the U.S. government.

Section 3 of the 14th Amendment

“No person ⁣shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, ⁤or hold any office, civil ⁣or military, under the United States,​ or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, ⁤or as an officer of the United States, or as a member‌ of any state​ legislature, or as ⁣an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the‍ Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress ‌may by a‌ vote of two-thirds of ⁣each House, remove such‌ disability.”

The 14th Amendment, added to the Constitution in 1868, was originally intended to prevent politicians and military officers of the Confederacy from holding federal office after the Civil War.

The lawsuit argues that Trump’s conduct following the 2020 election, particularly the events of January 6, led to the attack on the U.S. Capitol. It was filed on ‌behalf of six Republican‌ and unaffiliated Colorado voters, including former U.S. Rep. Claudine Schneider and former state Senate Majority Leader Norma Anderson.

Noah Bookbinder, the president of CREW, stated in a press release that the lawsuit is crucial to defend the republic and ensure that‍ those who attacked the democratic system are not put in charge of it.

“While it is unprecedented to bring this type of‍ case against a former president,” he said, “January ‍6th was an unprecedented attack that is exactly the kind of event the framers of the​ 14th Amendment wanted to build protections in case of. You don’t break the glass unless there’s ⁤an emergency.”

Trump and his spokesperson have criticized the attempts to bar him from​ the ⁤ballot, calling it “election interference.” The lawsuit argues that Trump’s actions on and around January 6, 2021, violated his oath to uphold the Constitution and therefore disqualify him from holding any office under the United States.

It is worth noting that Trump released a video message on ‍that day urging protesters to‍ remain ⁢peaceful and even telling them to ​”stand down” and go home, which contradicts the claim of inciting insurrection.

Similar challenges‍ based ⁣on the 14th Amendment have been dismissed in the past. ‌Just last ⁣month, a judge in⁣ Florida dismissed a case seeking⁣ to remove Trump’s name from​ the ballot, and the Democratic Secretary of State in Arizona stated that he has no ‌authority to do so in that ⁣state.

However, CREW has previously succeeded in using the 14th Amendment argument to​ remove one‍ candidate from the ballot. In September 2022, a judge agreed with their claims and barred⁤ Otero County ⁣Commissioner Couy Griffin from running⁢ for office in New Mexico due to⁢ his involvement in the events of January ‍6.

Trump’s supporters argue that these efforts to remove ​him from the ballot are nothing ‌more than election⁤ interference and an attempt ‌to prevent the American people from having a fair ‍chance to vote ‍for the candidate of ⁢their choice.

This ongoing legal battle raises important questions about the ‌interpretation and application of the 14th Amendment and its relevance in modern politics.

Source: The Western⁢ Journal

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