Conservative News Daily

Biden-removed group launches attacks on Israel.

Group That Biden Removed from⁢ Terror ⁣List⁣ Launches Attacks on ⁣Israel

An Islamist militant group backed by​ Iran,‍ which the Biden administration removed from its⁤ list of terror organizations in 2021, has ⁢claimed responsibility for⁤ a ‍series of attacks against Israel⁣ on Tuesday.

The Yemeni Houthi rebels, also known as Ansar Allah, made a statement declaring that they were behind‌ the missile ‌and drone operations ​targeting Israel.

This ⁢latest statement from the group serves as further evidence that the White House is struggling to handle both domestic ‌and international challenges.

According to ABC News, the U.S. military and the Israeli Defense Forces have intercepted missiles and drones in recent⁤ weeks, following the terror attacks carried out by Hamas on October 7.

Israeli pilots ⁣successfully shot​ down missiles as they approached the port at Eilat on the Red Sea.

The Houthi movement claimed responsibility for three attacks against Israel, but did not provide specific details about the targets.

Brig. Gen. Yahya‌ Saree, the group’s spokesperson,‌ stated on television, “Our armed forces launched a large batch of ballistic missiles and a large number of ‌drones at various targets of the Israeli enemy.”

Saree emphasized that these ⁢attacks⁢ were in support of the Palestinian people and vowed to continue launching strikes until the ‌Israeli aggression stops.

Despite the clear threat posed by this well-armed and well-financed group, Secretary of State Antony Blinken does not consider them terrorists.

Shortly after President Joe Biden’s inauguration, Blinken revoked the Houthi movement’s terror group designation, arguing that it could harm Yemen’s civilian population.

Under the Trump administration, the Houthis were designated as terrorists, with ‌then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stating that their behavior warranted such a designation.

Pompeo also highlighted the need to deter further malign activity ‍by the Iranian regime.

The contrast between ⁢the Trump and ​Biden administrations is stark, not ‍only in terms of border security, the economy, and personal liberty, but also in foreign policy.

During⁣ Trump’s presidency, the world⁤ was more peaceful, Americans were financially better‌ off, and ⁣the country was safer.

In Biden’s third year, conflicts on multiple continents have the potential to escalate into a​ global war.

The recent statement from ​Ansar Allah, a group no longer considered terrorists by the Biden administration, admitting to launching jihadist attacks against innocent Jews, further highlights the incompetence⁤ of the current administration.

It is concerning that those in power, who struggle ⁤to⁢ define basic terms, are making decisions with global consequences.

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The post Group That Biden Removed‌ from Terror List Launches Attacks on Israel ​appeared first on The Western Journal.

What steps should ⁢the United⁢ States take to combat the Houthi threat and hold their leaders accountable for⁣ their actions

⁣Nly in terms of their approach‍ to the Houthi rebels but also in their broader policies towards Iran and the Middle East. While the ⁤Trump administration took a tough stance on Iran and its proxies, designating the Houthis as terrorists and imposing harsh sanctions, the Biden administration has taken ⁢a more conciliatory approach, seeking ⁢to re-engage with Iran and revive the nuclear deal.

The recent attacks on Israel by the Houthi rebels demonstrate the danger of this approach. By removing the group from the list of terror organizations, the Biden administration has​ sent a message to⁤ the Houthis and their backers in Iran that they can act with impunity. This has emboldened the group and allowed it to continue‍ its destabilizing activities in ‌the region.

It is important to recognize the Houthi rebels for what they‍ are: a violent and extremist group that ​poses a serious threat to ‍regional stability. They have repeatedly targeted civilian areas in Yemen and ⁤launched attacks on neighboring ‍countries, including Saudi Arabia. Their alliance with Iran further exacerbates the situation and raises concerns about ‌Iran’s involvement in the region.

The Biden administration’s decision to remove the Houthi rebels from the list of terror organizations was a mistake. It not only undermines the credibility of the United States⁢ in the fight against terrorism but also puts innocent lives ⁤at risk. The​ Houthi rebels have shown that they are willing and capable ‍of attacking Israel, and it⁤ is imperative that⁣ the international community takes this threat seriously.

The attacks on Israel also highlight the need for a coordinated and ​unified response ⁣from the ⁤international community. It is⁤ not enough for individual countries to address‌ the threat posed by the Houthi rebels.⁢ Instead, there needs to be a collective effort to confront and neutralize this dangerous group.

The United States, as a key player in the region, must take the lead in ⁣this effort. It should work ‍with its allies, such as​ Israel and Saudi Arabia, to develop a comprehensive strategy to combat the⁣ Houthi threat. This should include measures to disrupt their financing,⁤ interdict their weapons shipments, and hold their leaders⁤ accountable ⁣for their actions.

Furthermore, the Biden administration should reconsider its approach to Iran and recognize the regime’s destabilizing activities in the Middle East. While diplomacy and engagement⁢ have their place, it⁢ is important to balance these efforts with a firm⁢ stance against⁢ Iran’s support ​for extremist groups like the Houthis.

The‌ recent attacks on ⁢Israel by the Houthi rebels should serve⁣ as a wake-up call for the Biden administration. It is‌ time to reassess its policies towards Iran and its proxies and take decisive action to ensure the⁤ security and stability⁤ of the region.⁣ The threat posed by the⁣ Houthi rebels cannot be ignored, and ‌it is imperative that the United States and its allies work together to‍ confront this danger head-on. Failure to do so ⁣will‌ only result in further violence ‍and instability in⁤ the Middle East.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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