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Haley takes charge, targets GOP debate

And then there were two (plus one)

(Justin ‌Sullivan/Getty Images)

TUSCALOOSA, Ala.—Two Republican presidential contenders⁣ shared a stage ⁢with⁣ Vivek Ramaswamy and Chris Christie on Wednesday during the fourth GOP primary debate, co-hosted by the Washington Free⁤ Beacon. They wasted no time attacking one another.

Intense Clash Between Haley and ⁤DeSantis

  • Former South Carolina governor and U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley drew fire early and often.
  • Florida governor Ron DeSantis portrayed her as someone who “caves” to Democrats on transgender issues and kowtows to Wall Street donors beholden to China.
  • Haley ‍suggested​ her opponents were “jealous” of her surge in support from Republican donors.
  • DeSantis “continues to​ lie because he’s losing,”​ according to Haley.

Ramaswamy’s Slide Towards ⁤Irrelevance

  • Vivek Ramaswamy played the role of overeager antagonist, earning his title as “the most obnoxious blowhard in America.”
  • He attacked ‌Haley as‍ a “fascist” who “should come nowhere near the levers of power.”
  • Ramaswamy held‌ up his notepad displaying the message, “Nikki=Corrupt.”

Defending ​Haley’s‍ Strength

  • Haley embraced the criticism as evidence of her campaign’s strength.
  • Christie defended her, urging Ramaswamy to shut his ⁢”smart-ass mouth”⁣ and stop insulting such a “smart, accomplished woman.”
  • Ramaswamy questioned Haley’s intelligence, but she proved him wrong by naming the Ukrainian provinces under Russian military occupation.

Challenging Trump’s Authority

  • Christie denounced Trump as a “dictator” and a‍ “bully” who was‍ “unfit to be president.”
  • DeSantis implied that Trump was too old to serve as president but ⁤avoided directly answering whether or not Trump ‍was “fit” for office.
  • Haley criticized Trump for adding trillions to​ the national debt.
  • Ramaswamy raved semi-coherently about ⁤being ​young.

DeSantis and Haley Emerge as‍ Top Trump Alternatives

  • DeSantis focused his​ attack on Haley, portraying himself as the only candidate who has “delivered results” by standing up to liberal activists in his state.
  • Both DeSantis and Haley positioned themselves as the most viable Trump alternatives heading into next year’s early primaries and caucuses.

Trump remains the strong favorite to win the GOP nomination, but whoever the party’s voters end up selecting will be well-positioned ⁢to face President ‍Joe Biden, ⁢81, in the general election. Hours⁢ before⁤ the debate, CNN released a⁤ poll that showed the ‍president’s approval rating ‍at an all-time ‌low. Just 37 percent of Americans said they approved of Biden’s job performance, with a majority siding ⁤with the ‌Republican Party on critical issues such as the⁢ economy, crime, and immigration.

Republican voters will soon get to weigh in on which candidate they would like‌ to challenge the enfeebled incumbent. The ⁣Iowa caucuses are just over a month away.

How ‌did ‌Nikki Haley defend herself against the attacks‍ from Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy ⁣during the GOP primary debate?

  • She ⁤touted her record as governor, highlighting her efforts to bring jobs to South Carolina and‍ her⁤ support for conservative values.
  • Haley also⁣ emphasized her experience as U.N. ambassador,​ arguing that she has the foreign ‌policy knowledge necessary⁤ to‍ navigate the complex challenges facing America on the world stage.
  • She asserted⁢ that her ability to work across party ‍lines and⁢ find common ground‌ is a strength, not a weakness.
  • Christie’s Surprising Entrance

    • Former New ⁣Jersey governor Chris Christie made a dramatic ​entrance onto the ⁣debate stage, surprising both the audience and⁢ his fellow candidates.
    • Christie wasted no time in attacking both Haley and DeSantis,​ calling them “career politicians”⁤ who are out of touch ⁣with ​everyday Americans.
    • He criticized Haley for her handling of the protests in South Carolina ⁤during her time as ‍governor, accusing her​ of prioritizing ‌appeasement over ⁤ensuring public safety.
    • Christie⁣ also took aim at DeSantis, accusing him‌ of being too closely aligned with big corporations and special interests.

    The Aftermath

    The heated exchanges between Haley, DeSantis, Ramaswamy,⁢ and Christie dominated the​ headlines the following day. ⁤Political pundits and voters ‍alike were‍ left with several ⁢key takeaways.

    1. The growing division within the ⁢Republican party⁤ was on full display during the‌ debate, with candidates⁤ attacking each other on everything from policy ⁢positions⁣ to personal character.
    2. While Haley ‌and DeSantis were the main targets of criticism, Ramaswamy’s vitriolic rhetoric also drew attention to the harsh tone of the campaign.
    3. Christie’s surprising​ entrance injected​ a new dynamic into the debate and further highlighted the ​need for a fresh perspective within‍ the party.

    As the primary ‍season⁤ continues, it remains to ⁤be seen⁢ how these ​clashes will⁣ impact the Republican race for the presidency. Will Haley be able to overcome the attacks and maintain her momentum? ‍Will DeSantis and Ramaswamy be ⁢able ‌to⁢ regain⁤ lost ground? And will Christie’s late entry prove‍ to be ⁢a game-changer? Only time will tell.


    The fourth GOP primary debate proved to⁣ be a heated affair, with candidates​ engaging in intense clashes and ⁤making surprising entrances. Nikki Haley found​ herself ‍at the center of attacks from both Ron⁢ DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy. While DeSantis accused her⁢ of caving to Democrats and being influenced by Wall Street⁣ donors, Ramaswamy went as far as calling ​her a ⁣fascist.‌ However, Haley defended herself​ by ‍highlighting her record as‍ governor and‍ U.N.‌ ambassador,‍ as ‍well as her ability to work across party lines. Meanwhile, Chris Christie made a ​dramatic entrance ‌and criticized both Haley and DeSantis for being‌ career politicians. The aftermath of the⁤ debate ‍showcased⁣ the growing division within the Republican party and the need for fresh perspectives. As ⁣the primary season progresses, it remains to be⁤ seen⁢ how these clashes‌ will shape the⁢ race for ⁢the‍ presidency.

    Overall, the intense clash between Haley ​and DeSantis, coupled with Ramaswamy’s slide towards irrelevance and Christie’s surprising entrance, made the⁣ fourth GOP ​primary debate ​a highly memorable event. The‌ exchanges highlighted the differing policy positions and personal character attacks within the Republican party, showcasing the challenges ‍the candidates ‌face in winning over voters. As the ⁣primary season continues, it ⁢is clear that the race for the Republican nomination is far from ‍over, and candidates will need to navigate these intense ​debates and ‍clashes‍ to secure⁤ their place in the race for the presidency.

    Read More From Original Article Here: Haley Steps Up, Takes Fire at GOP Debate

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