Hardly Working: Biden Gets Ice Cream, Press Covers Every Second

Being a White House correspondent can be thrilling: I did it for more than decade, traveled to more than 100 countries — often on Air Force One — and had a front-row seat to history, like the time I sat 10 feet away from President George W. Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin when they signed a nuclear arms treaty (or better, when a guy threw a shoe at the president).

But it can also be a big bore, like going on a weekend golf outing with the president, when the press pool breaks off and sits at a Wendy’s for six hours (I know, I’ve done it). And while Waco, Texas, is a decent town, spending a month there every summer for years while Bush chilled at his Prairie Chapel Ranch quickly lost its luster.

President Joe Biden, though, has brought a whole new level of boring to the press pool, a rotating group of reporters from three wire services and a TV network, along with a radio representative and a gaggle of photographers. They travel with the president and report back to their colleagues everything they hear and see, which they can then use as if they were there.

Below is a catalog of “pool reports” on Tuesday from Linda Feldmann, Washington Bureau Chief for The Christian Science Monitor. POTUS is short for “President Of The United States” — and all typos are hers.

Pool Report #3

Motorcade is rolling at 1:41 pm for OTR, destination unknown (to the pool). Potus spotted walking from oval to motorcade carrying red folder. He was wearing a suit, no overcoat.

Pool Report #4

 Motorcade arrived 1:51 pm at Honey Made, a small business Drive was uneventful, motorcade traveled at low key pace, albeit running red lights.

Pol Report #5

Potus entered the small shop at 1:53. Chatted with woman who may be owner, out of earshot of pool.

“I’ll be darn” he said.

Mentioned Grandson out in California. Potus examined merchandise, selects a small sweatshirt.

Potus greets worker at cash register.

Owner explains shop has crafts, “most of the s

The reason so many small businesses are opening up is it’s domestically sourced, he said

Owner was a physicist and engineer before she opened store, Potus said.

“You need a degree in physics to be able to do thjs” he did

Potus admired delicate necklaces on wall.

Who’s that for? A pooler asked

“My wife”

Potus examined coaster with German shepherd pictured, sets it down. Picks up mug with Kamala Harris on it. “I’ll get this one too”

Q Ukraine

No change in Russian posture of forces
Along Belarus border

“I made it clear to Putin early on if he went into Ukraine there would be consequences”

I don’t think his people even know for sure what he’s going to do

Forces in high alert are part of a nato operation

We have an article 5 obligation

I’ve spoken to every one kd our nato Allie’s, we are all in the same page

Q decision on deploying troops

May move some in the nearer term

It’s provocative
It’s just what I said

From Otter:

So everyone from Poland on us has a reason to be concerned about what would happen and what spillover effects could occur. We have no intention of putting American forces or NATO forces in Ukraine. But we I said they’re going to be serious economic consequences if he moves. can you tell me what do you think sir, that the risk of an invasion is increasing or decreasing or steady just as it has been these recently.


There’s not gonna be any American forces in Ukraine

Please check transcript

More TK

Pool Report #6

Potus exited the store at about 2:12 pm, chatted with folks on sidewalk, walked across street to the Marine Barracks, greeted Marines on sidewalk.

Potus Walked down the sidewalk, pool walking ahead.

Next stop: Jeni’s Ice Creams. Potus entered shop at 2:20 pm. Pool holding on sidewalk

And then the big one.

Pool Report #8

Potus exited Jeni’s at 2:25, holding chocolate (by appearance) ice cream cone. 2 scoops – light colored flavor on bottom, darker ice cream on top. Waved the cone at the pool and went straight to the beast. Rolling at 2:28

Joseph Curl has covered politics for 35 years, including 12 years as White House correspondent, and ran the Drudge Report from 2010 to 2015. Send tips to [email protected].

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