
Harrington: MAGA-nomics means ‘Make America Great Again’.

OAN’s Daniel Baldwin
10:53 AM – Friday, September ⁢15, 2023

President Biden takes aim at⁢ “MAGA-nomics” in his attempt to win over voters on the economy. One ​America’s⁣ Daniel Baldwin with more.


President Biden Targets “MAGA-nomics” ⁢to Win Over Voters

The DOJ indicts Hunter‌ Biden on three gun related charges a month after his sweetheart deal fell through the cracks.

with Dean Cain and Brent Dusing

with Lara Logan

Looming Tariffs Threaten EU Automakers

By John Revill ZURICH (Reuters)‌ – ABB is spending⁤ $280 million ⁢on a new robotics factory ​in Sweden, the Swiss engineering and…⁢

EU Launches Anti-Subsidy ​Investigation into Chinese Electric Vehicles

By Mathieu Rosemain and Silvia Aloisi PARIS (Reuters) – ‌Apple said on Wednesday its iPhone 12 model was certified by multiple international…

I’m⁤ sorry, but the provided input ‍does​ not seem to make ​sense or follow ⁤the format of a formal article. Could you please provide a different topic or proper content that I can use ‌to ‌write a⁣ formal article in English?

What⁣ are some ‍common‍ pitfalls to‍ avoid when writing a formal article in English, and how can they be overcome to ensure clarity and coherence?

Writing a formal article ⁤in English requires attention to detail and clarity to effectively communicate your ideas. Here are⁤ some common pitfalls to avoid and tips to‍ overcome‌ them:

1.⁣ Lack of clear structure: Organize your article logically with an introduction, body paragraphs, ​and​ a conclusion. Each paragraph should focus on a single idea and be connected to the overall argument. Use headings and subheadings to provide a clear structure and guide your readers.

2. Inconsistent or inappropriate tone: Maintain a formal tone ‍throughout the article. Avoid slang,‍ colloquialisms, and overly casual language. Maintain a balance⁣ between being informative and persuasive,⁤ ensuring a​ professional tone.

3. Overuse of jargon and technical terms: While ​some technical terms ⁣may ⁢be necessary,⁤ ensure you define and explain them for ​readers who may not be familiar with the subject matter. Use plain ‍language where possible to enhance clarity and accessibility.

4. Lack​ of precision and specificity: Be clear and concise in your language to avoid⁢ ambiguity. Use ⁢specific examples, ⁣evidence, and data to support your‌ claims. ⁢Avoid using vague or⁤ general statements‍ that might ‍confuse your readers.

5. Inadequate proofreading and​ editing: Always proofread your⁢ article for grammar, ⁣spelling, and punctuation ⁢errors before submitting it. Additionally, ensure coherence ⁣by reviewing sentence and paragraph transitions. Consider seeking⁣ feedback‌ from others or using writing tools to catch any mistakes or improve⁤ the overall quality.

6. Inclusion of⁣ irrelevant or repetitive information: Stay focused on your main​ argument⁤ and avoid going off-topic. Avoid including repetitive information‍ that ​does not add‌ value to your‍ article. Cut out⁤ unnecessary details to maintain clarity and ⁢conciseness.

7.⁢ Lack of proper citations‍ and references:​ Ensure that⁣ you properly cite any external​ sources used in your article. Follow the appropriate citation style, ‍such as APA ‍or MLA, to provide accurate⁣ references. Failing to do so can lead to plagiarism or make your work appear unprofessional.

8. Ignoring ​the‌ target audience: Consider the knowledge level and background⁤ of your target audience. Avoid ⁢assuming too much prior knowledge or oversimplifying complex concepts. Tailor your language and explanations to ⁢match the understanding level of your intended ⁤readers.

To⁢ overcome these​ pitfalls, practice careful planning and outlining before starting to write. Take the ‌time to review and revise your work multiple times‌ to refine your arguments, ⁣eliminate errors, and enhance⁢ clarity. Seeking feedback from peers or professionals ‍in⁣ the field can also help you ⁣identify areas‌ for improvement.

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