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Washington Examiner

Harris criticizes conservatives for undermining ‘diversity and inclusion’.

Vice‍ President‍ Kamala Harris ⁢Criticizes Recent⁣ Supreme​ Court Rulings

Vice President Kamala ⁣Harris ‍expressed⁢ her strong‌ disapproval ‌of⁤ the ‍recent ​Supreme Court‌ rulings, ‍placing ⁤the blame‍ on​ what ⁢she referred​ to ⁣as⁤ “extremist so-called ⁣leaders.”

Harris​ took the opportunity⁢ to address⁤ the ​congregation​ at Rev. Jesse Jackson ⁢Sr.’s⁢ Rainbow​ Push Coalition convention, held at the ⁣Apostolic⁣ Church of God ​in ⁤Chicago, ​Illinois. The convention ⁢aimed ‍to uphold⁤ the ⁢coalition’s⁢ mission of harris-lashes-out-at-conservatives-for-attacking-importance-of-diversity-and-inclusion/” title=”Harris criticizes conservatives for undermining ‘diversity and inclusion’.”>promoting ⁢civil rights, leveling⁤ the‌ economic ⁣and educational​ playing fields, and ⁤advocating for ⁣peace‍ and ⁢justice worldwide.

Key ​Points from the ​Turning Point⁢ Action Conference

During her ‍speech,‌ Harris lamented that,‍ in⁢ her⁤ opinion,‍ conservative‌ policies were having the opposite ⁢effect.‍ She⁢ emphasized the​ importance of⁣ the ongoing ⁤fight for ‌freedom, ⁢stating, ​”In ⁤this moment,⁣ across ‍our country, we ‍are⁣ witnessing hard-fought, hard-won ‌freedoms under⁣ full-on ‌attack by extremist so-called leaders.”

Although ⁤Harris did‍ not explicitly name‌ the‌ individuals​ she was referring⁣ to,⁢ she hinted ⁣that these ⁢”extremist‌ leaders” were⁢ undermining the ​values‍ of diversity,​ equity,⁢ inclusion, ‌and⁣ the⁣ unity of⁢ the ‍rainbow‍ coalition. She ⁤also ​suggested ‌that ​their actions had ⁢paved the ‌way ‍for the ⁤recent ⁢Dobbs decision, ‍leaving‌ it to the ‍congregation to⁤ infer​ that ​she was targeting‌ the ‍Republican‍ party,⁤ her political opposition. Furthermore,⁣ Harris ⁤accused her​ opponents​ of⁢ attempting⁤ to⁤ hinder ‍”unfettered‍ access ⁣to⁣ the ballot” ​and censoring ⁢educational materials to ‍prevent⁤ the comprehensive ⁣teaching⁤ of⁤ American ⁣history.

Ending⁣ her remarks⁣ on ⁤a ‍hopeful note, ⁢Harris‌ quoted ⁤Romans 5:5, stating,⁤ “As we know from Romans 5:5, hope does⁤ not ​disappoint ⁢us. ‌Let ​us ⁤march,⁣ let‍ us vote, let us⁢ fight⁤ — ‌knowing​ that when we⁢ fight, we ⁤win.”

Rev. Jackson‌ Sr.,‍ the founder of the ​Rainbow PUSH‍ Coalition,⁣ stepped‌ down ⁢as its⁢ president ‍after more than 50 years.⁤ The convention served ⁣as a ‍commemoration of ​his remarkable ​career,⁢ with ‌Rev. Frederick⁣ Haynes ⁤III set⁣ to ‌take⁢ over⁤ as‌ the new‌ head ​of the‍ coalition.

Click here to ⁢read⁣ more ‍from ⁢The Washington Examiner.

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