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Harris Tries To Buy Black Votes After Trump Earned Them

Presidential candidate Kamala Harris ‌is encountering significant difficulties in garnering support from‌ black voters, a crucial segment for‍ the Democratic Party. In a recent MSNBC focus group in Philadelphia, many black voters expressed intentions to vote for Donald Trump, citing Harris’s perceived inability to stand up to global leaders and claiming she doesn’t relate to their struggles. This sentiment is echoed in broader polling data, which indicates an alarming decline in⁣ support for Harris among black voters, with a notable drop of 12 points since 2020 that could jeopardize her chances in key battleground states.

In her efforts to win back this demographic, Harris has attempted to leverage the influence of former President Barack Obama and has proposed ‍initiatives aimed at black entrepreneurs. However, she faces skepticism, with voters feeling insulted that ​she⁢ believes financial incentives could sway their votes. Many see these promises as insufficient, preferring policies that​ foster economic independence rather than‌ government assistance. Additionally, her recent stance on marijuana⁤ legalization has been criticized, particularly given her ⁤past as a prosecutor who was tough on drug offenses.

The article further contends that under Trump’s administration, economic indicators for the black community improved, while under Harris, wages have ‌decreased and living costs have‍ surged. With rising​ prices across various essential goods, many voters feel disillusioned by the current administration’s performance, contributing to their shift away‍ from supporting Harris.

Presidential candidate Kamala Harris is facing significant challenges in maintaining support among black voters, a key demographic that the Democrat Party has taken for granted for far too long. This week, in a Philadelphia focus group segment on MSNBC, black voters told the network that they would be voting for Trump, citing how Harris doesn’t have what it takes to stand up to dictators such as Russian President Vladimir Putin. When MSNBC pressed the matter by asking if gender played a role in their resistance to her candidacy, the room erupted “no.” The group expressed a feeling that many across the black community share: Harris doesn’t understand our struggles.

This focus group is not an outlier. Poll after poll confirms that black voters are walking away from the Democrat Party at a rate we’ve never seen before. The latest New York Times/Siena poll reveals a major 12-point drop in support for Harris since 2020 among blacks. Her plummeting poll numbers are raising many questions within her party about her path forward, with The New York Times signaling that this drop in support is “large enough to imperil her chances of winning key battleground states.” 

So what did Harris do to win the support of black voters like myself? Well, first, she brought out former President Barack Obama to scold black males into supporting her. When that didn’t move the needle, she rolled out a plan full of false promises and gimmicks. But we will not forget the decades of failed promises we’ve heard from Democrats. 

One of the things Harris is promising black men is to provide $1 million of forgivable loans to black entrepreneurs. I find it offensive that she thinks she can buy our votes. We don’t want government handouts. Instead, we want the government to get out of our way. With deregulation and lower taxes, we will be able to start our own businesses. We want the promise of the opportunity to prosper, not inflationary government spending. 

Even more insulting is Harris’ plan for black men also promises to legalize pot. We hear a lot about her time as a prosecutor, but we rarely hear about how she locked up black men with harsh sentences for possession of pot. Despite putting away more than 1,000 people for using the drug, she laughed in 2019 when she was asked if she had ever smoked the drug. Now, she thinks that she can get our votes if she promises legalization. 

These false promises, insults, and gimmicks won’t win over black voters. We want the same thing all Americans want. An economy that is prosperous and free of inflation. A secure border that keeps terrorists, criminals, and drugs out of our communities. Over the past four years, Harris hasn’t delivered. 

Trump’s Record

Under President Donald Trump, economic growth within the black community grew significantly; from 2016 to 2019, black median weekly earnings rose by 4.1 percent, and real median income grew by 7.9 percent

Since Harris took office, wages have plummeted, and our cost of living has skyrocketed, forcing Americans to pay significantly more for everyday necessities. Gas prices are up by 38 percent, electricity by 31 percent, and groceries by 22 percent. The price of eggs has skyrocketed by a staggering 69 percent, baby food is up 31 percent, and rent has increased by 23 percent. Transportation costs are up by 31 percent, and car insurance costs have risen by 57 percent. Poverty rates for black Americans also hit record lows under Trump — progress that under Biden-Harris was reversed. 

These price increases have made it hard for every American, regardless of skin color, to make ends meet. We simply cannot afford four more years of record inflation. 

Radical Policies

Not only does Harris promise more of the same failed policies, but she promises even more radical policies. For instance, she supports taxpayer-funded transgender surgeries for illegal immigrants and prisoners. I agree with Charlamagne Tha God, “Hell no. I don’t want my taxpayer dollars going to that.” 

For decades now, Democrats have proven their promises are hollow and have taken our votes for granted. We are ready for a change. 

This election provides an opportunity for every American to ask: What policies will the candidates champion to ensure that black Americans not only recover from the setbacks under the Biden-Harris administration but thrive? For that answer, look no further than the prices at your grocery stores and the savings in your accounts under Trump versus Biden-Harris. 

We have a choice and two records to choose from: one that slashed our family’s savings, made our communities less safe, and pushed the American dream out of reach, and one leader who delivered the best economy in our lifetime and a safe and secure border and who prioritizes American families first. 

Bruce LeVell is the former executive director of the National Diversity Coalition for President Trump, a presidential advisor, and a Republican strategist.

Read More From Original Article Here: Harris Tries To Buy Black Votes After Trump Earned Them

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