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Harvard attorney astounded by plagiarism in Biden article.

Harvard Attorney​ Who Reviewed‌ Biden Article Was ‘Shocked by the Plagiarism’ He Discovered

President​ Joe Biden is​ not a​ good​ human being. ⁤Period.

That statement of ​fact doesn’t even⁣ have anything​ to​ do with Biden’s utter ineptitude at the wheel of this country, or any of his disastrous policy-making, or even the mounting evidence that he’s involved in some shady dealings ​ with his son.

No, for the sake of this argument, let’s assume Biden is an incredible president whose “Bidenomics” are⁤ better than “Reaganomics” and who incarcerated his own son as soon as something remotely untoward was brought to his attention?

Give ⁤Biden all of​ that benefit ​of the ⁤doubt, and what are you still left⁢ with?

A lecherous, cold-hearted creep who has no qualms⁣ about stealing a married woman or pretending like one of his⁤ grandchildren doesn’t exist.

Oh, ⁢and if this blistering X,‍ formerly called Twitter, thread from The Heritage Foundation Vice President Roger‌ Severino is to ‌be believed, you​ can also call ⁣Biden a pathetic plagiarist.

Severino,​ who received his ‍Juris Doctor from Harvard Law School, ‌took to X and revealed that ⁣he had ‌an opportunity to review some of then-Sen. Joe Biden’s work while he was⁢ a junior editor for the ​Harvard Journal.

His findings were less than impressive — but hardly surprising if you’ve been keeping up with the incumbent president at all.

Plagiarism​ at Harvard

When RealClearInvestigations senior writer Mark Hemingway took to ⁤X ⁢to lambaste Biden, he specifically mentioned ⁣that the president has “been ⁣busted for plagiarism repeatedly.” Those⁢ comments obviously triggered some sort of flashback in Severino, who quote-posted⁢ Hemingway to share his own damning story of Biden.

The allegedly plagiarized piece is available online, if you’re morbidly curious. Severino helpfully shared ⁣a‌ link to it.

“My ⁤first assignment as a junior editor‍ at the Harvard Journal on Legislation⁢ (1999-2000) was to cite check an article submitted by one Sen. Joseph R. Biden. I⁤ was‌ shocked by the ‌plagiarism I ⁢discovered,” Severino⁢ posted to ‌X.

In subsequent posts, Severino mentioned several examples of Biden’s plagiarism⁣ at work.

“Cite checking ‌involves formatting case⁢ citations ​under highly ‌prescribed rules and searching Westlaw to make sure the cases haven’t been overruled or superseded. Because I was interested in the ⁤article’s topic (civil rights) ‌I read ⁣a bunch of⁤ the cited⁢ cases all the way through,” Severino began.

“That’s when I‍ noticed that a certain ⁣turn of phrase in an opinion​ sounded oddly familiar even though it ⁤was​ my time reading it. So I turned back to Biden’s article, and there it was. He had lifted language straight out of a SCOTUS opinion, changed a couple words, and called them his ​own. ‌There were no quote marks and no footnote or ‍anything else attributing the court as the source,” Severino said.

Yes, Biden’s understanding of plagiarism appears to be on par with that ⁤of a ⁣lazy grade school ⁢student who forgot his paper was ⁤due tomorrow. ⁤It ⁤can’t be understated ⁢that this is a sitting U.S. lawmaker — feigning ignorance on this matter would be almost as bad as admitting‍ he plagiarized.

“I then read ‌the piece​ through again ⁢and multiple⁢ other phrases sounded familiar. Turns ⁣out they too were plagiarized from ⁣opinions. ‌I believe this merited rejecting the article​ outright for plagiarism so I emailed the lead editor and presented the indisputable proof. Instead of​ thanking me ⁢for protecting the integrity of the Journal, they⁤ covered for⁤ Biden,” Severino continued.

He added: “They ⁣‘fixed’ the plagiarism by adding proper attributions and acted like the‌ whole incident never ​happened.⁤ But this‌ was no​ innocent mistake, where Biden⁣ ‘forgot’ a quote mark or two which would be bad enough.”

The swampy elite covering for Biden is⁢ hardly ‌anything new, ‌but it’s still ‍jarring to be reminded of how long‌ this protection racket has been going⁤ on.

Severino went on ‍to describe this phenomena of changing a couple words and trying to pass it off as‍ original —‌ “mosaic plagiarism” — and how Biden was exhibiting ⁣clear signs of “consciousness of guilt.”

That’s when ⁢Severino revealed why this incident was so bad:

“Worse still, ​ Biden was *already* known to have​ plagiarized before this​ article crossed my desk yet was brazen enough to try⁤ it again,” Severino posted.

Look, ⁢if Severino ⁤just began posting these allegations out of the⁤ blue, perhaps you ‍do offer up Biden some tiny ​benefit⁢ of the doubt. Surely, ⁣nobody could lack as many scruples as Biden appears⁢ to …⁢ right?

Wrong. And don’t ⁢take this writer’s​ word for it.

Listen​ to⁤ Biden’s staunch allies in⁣ the establishment ​media.

The very thing that sparked this wild revelation about the‍ utter dishonor this president exhibits⁤ was ‌a Washington Post “analysis” by their paper’s ‍“fact checker,” ⁣in which the outlet basically admits that Biden’s a pathological liar.

“Biden loves to‍ retell certain⁤ stories. Some aren’t credible” is the title of⁣ that astoundingly soft Washington Post article.

Again, let’s ⁤say as far as actual policymaking and results go,⁣ Biden has been ⁤splendid (to be clear, he hasn’t been).

You’re still left with a man with ⁣no honor, ‌ no respect ⁢ for marriage, and no⁢ love for his own family. Oh, ⁢and ⁣he’s probably ⁣more corrupt than the ⁣1919 Chicago​ White Sox.

That’s no ​leader. That’s barely a man.

The post Harvard Attorney⁤ Who Reviewed Biden ⁢Article Was ‘Shocked by the⁢ Plagiarism’ He ⁤Discovered appeared first on ‍ The Western Journal.

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