The federalist

Denver gay bar permanently closed due to health and safety concerns caused by nearby homeless encampments.

A Beloved Gay Bar in Denver Forced to Close Due to Homeless Encampments

DENVER —​ In a heartbreaking turn of events, Triangle Denver, one of the city’s iconic gay bars, has⁣ made the difficult ‌decision to permanently shut its doors. The closure comes after city officials failed to⁣ address the growing issue of homeless encampments that have ⁤been disrupting⁢ the business.

In a farewell email sent to its​ loyal customers, Triangle Denver announced that it‌ will have one ​final opening this Sunday before bidding‍ farewell for good.

“With heavy⁢ hearts, we announce that, effective immediately, Triangle Denver is closing indefinitely‍ thanks primarily to the ever-expanding encampments which have surrounded and suffocated the businesses in our neighborhood,” the email⁤ reads.

The decision ⁣to close ‍was based on a customer survey ‌conducted among more than 500 patrons. Shockingly, 75 percent​ reported visiting the bar less frequently this⁢ year compared to last year.​ The ‌main complaint among customers was the‍ presence‍ of⁤ nearby homeless camps, with over​ 60 percent expressing concerns about safety, which discouraged them from returning.

Although the city ‍cleared out the disruptive encampments on September 27, the relief ‌was short-lived. “For one single afternoon, we had⁢ our neighborhood back,” the email stated. “Less than 24 hours later, camps returned, and ⁢despite our pleas, ‌the city has taken no‍ action⁢ to stop their re-entrenchment. We can no longer ⁣ask our guests ⁣or staff to endure this health and safety nightmare. Our patience and resources have run dry.”

A local ABC affiliate reported ⁣in ⁢August that‌ other businesses on the same block were also suffering due‍ to ‍the encampments. Triangle Denver experienced ​a⁣ staggering 40 percent drop⁤ in ⁤sales over the summer.

Scott Coors, the bar’s owner, placed ‍the blame squarely on the shoulders of the ​city’s incompetent leadership. He ⁤accused city‍ hall ⁤of dragging its feet when ⁢it came to dealing with the‍ encampments. “Tents block‍ sidewalks and parking​ areas our customers formerly used to access‍ our establishment.⁤ They no longer feel safe or ⁣comfortable leaving their cars⁢ and ​walking to and from​ our⁤ entrance, especially at night when we have the bulk of our business, and I ⁢don’t blame them,” ⁤Coors expressed.

Coors ‍further highlighted the dire situation, stating, “Mentally ‍unstable individuals, rampant and openly observable methamphetamine and heroin⁣ use, human waste on sidewalks, ⁣and verbal and ‌physical violence is common.”

About the Author

Tristan Justice is the western correspondent for ⁤The Federalist and the author of Social Justice‌ Redux, ⁢a conservative newsletter on ‌culture,​ health, and wellness. He has also written for The Washington Examiner and⁣ The‍ Daily Signal.⁣ His work⁤ has‌ also been featured in Real Clear ⁣Politics and Fox News. Tristan graduated from George Washington⁤ University where he majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow him on Twitter at @JusticeTristan ⁤or contact him at [email protected]. Sign up for Tristan’s email newsletter here.

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What⁤ were the adverse effects of homeless encampments on local businesses‍ in the area?

‍ Ue to the presence of homeless ‌encampments. Some businesses ⁤reported a 40 percent decline in sales, and customers expressed concerns about safety and hygiene⁣ in the area.

The ⁣closure of Triangle Denver is not only⁢ a loss for the LGBTQ+ community but also a blow to the cultural fabric of the‌ city. For ⁣many years, the bar has served as a safe and inclusive‍ space for the gay community to‍ gather, socialize, and celebrate. Its closure highlights the detrimental impact ⁢that homeless⁢ encampments can have on ‌local businesses and communities.

The issue of homelessness is complex and multifaceted, requiring‌ a ⁣comprehensive and compassionate approach. While it is important to address the needs of the homeless population, it is equally important to consider the impact on businesses‌ and residents‌ in the surrounding area. The⁣ coexistence of homeless encampments and thriving businesses​ is a challenging balance to achieve.

Efforts should be⁣ made to provide adequate shelter⁣ and support ⁢for those experiencing homelessness, while also⁤ ensuring the safety and well-being of local businesses and their customers. This ⁢may involve increasing funding for homeless services, providing temporary housing solutions, and implementing effective outreach⁣ programs. It is ⁣the responsibility of city officials to find a sustainable​ and equitable solution that addresses the needs of ​both the homeless population and the⁢ business ⁢community.

In the⁤ case of‌ Triangle Denver, it is unfortunate that the city failed‍ to take⁢ prompt and ⁤effective‌ action‌ to address the issue of​ homeless encampments in a way that would have allowed the bar ⁣to continue operating.‌ The closure⁣ serves as a stark reminder of‌ the consequences when such‍ issues are left unattended.

This situation should serve as ⁤a wake-up call‌ for both⁢ Denver‍ and other cities facing similar challenges.⁣ Homelessness is a complex issue that requires proactive measures and⁤ collaboration among government agencies, businesses, and community⁣ organizations. It ‌is essential to find long-term solutions that prioritize‍ the well-being of all stakeholders involved.

As the LGBTQ+ community ‍mourns the loss of⁢ Triangle Denver, it is important to‌ rally together and demand action from city⁤ officials. This closure⁣ should‍ not be seen as ​a mere inconvenience, but as a reflection of the larger‍ issue at hand. It ‌is crucial to advocate‍ for the rights of both the homeless population and local businesses, and work towards finding a sustainable solution that ensures the coexistence of‍ thriving communities.

Triangle Denver ‍will be deeply missed, but its closure should inspire us all to do better and strive for a more inclusive and ​supportive society where businesses, individuals, and marginalized communities can thrive without barriers.

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