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American in Israel heartbroken as family held hostage by Hamas.

Heartbroken American Living in Israel Reveals ⁤Her Family Has ​Been⁢ Taken Hostage ‌by ⁣Hamas

The image is seared into the​ heart of Abbey Onn — a 12-year-old cousin dragged away by a Hamas terrorist during Saturday’s attacks.

“I ⁢feel heartbroken,” Onn, an‌ American ⁢who has been living in‍ Israel for the past eight years, said Tuesday ⁣on “Fox & Friends First.”

“I ⁣have a child the same age in the other room. It is any parent’s worst nightmare. It is inconceivable that this is happening in this ⁣day, in this time in Israel,” ⁢she said, according to ⁤ Fox News.

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“We woke up Saturday to sirens and began communicating with family members in the south and very quickly learned that ‍Hamas had entered​ the country on foot, and in​ many‍ other ways, and that there ‌were ‌thousands of terrorists,” Onn said.

“We understood that terrorists were in the ‌house [of her family]. They could hear gunfire‌ … and we lost contact with them in the midmorning,” she said.

She said​ the kibbutz​ near‌ Gaza‍ where her family lived was burned with​ many ⁤people killed.

“It was a day later that we saw a video ​of ⁤our 12-year-old cousin in the hands of Hamas,” she​ recounted.

Onn said the fate of the innocent captives “isn’t ​political. These are humans.⁢ These ​are‌ people’s grandparents ‍and children and husbands and wives.”

Onn said relatives Carmela Dan, 80; Ofer ⁤Kalderon, 50;‌ Sahar Kalderon, 16; Erez ⁣Kalderon, 16; and Noya‌ Dan, 12, ⁢were taken in the raid.

“I am​ trying my best to stay optimistic ‍and believe that there will be some kind of diplomatic ⁤solution⁣ to this,” she said.

“I am going to hold out hope⁢ until there isn’t any.”

On Monday, the parents of Itay Chen, 19, who ⁤was born in New York City, marched outside the American embassy‌ in Israel to seek action to rescue their son, who holds joint Israeli and American ⁤citizenship, according to‌ USA Today.

“We are⁢ asking the president to do what he can in​ order to bring our kids back safely home,” said Ruby Chen, Itay Chen’s father.

The family​ members wore‌ T-shirts ‌that‍ read “Help Find ​Itay”‌ and held signs⁤ that read, “USA ‍protects its citizens!” ⁢“Bring Itay Home Now,” and “Help Find Itay.”

Hamas has said that ⁤if ⁣Israel bombs⁤ Gaza targets without warning to allow those in‌ those buildings time to leave, it will stage televised executions ⁢of ‌its hostages.

American Israeli Hersh Golberg-Polin, 23, is also missing. He had been attending a music festival that was a prime⁣ target for Hamas, according to the New York Post.

He texted his parents saying “I love⁤ you” ⁣and “I’m sorry,” but has⁤ not been reachable since the attack.

“We just⁢ want him home and safe,” his father, Jonathon ‌Polin, said.

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PAA, or the ‌Pre-trained Transformer-based Automatic​ Storyteller, may struggle⁣ with generating specific types of stories due⁤ to several⁢ reasons:

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It is important to ⁤note that PAA’s​ capabilities continue to improve​ with further research ‌and advancements in natural language processing. However,‍ generating specific types of stories still poses challenges that⁢ require more nuanced training techniques and data to overcome.

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