Washington Examiner

These Republican lawmakers support Trump despite his target letter.

Republican⁤ Lawmakers Stand by Former‍ President Trump Amid Legal‍ Troubles

Multiple ‌Republican ⁢lawmakers‌ are showing ⁢their unwavering support for​ former President ‍Donald‌ Trump‌ in ⁢light ⁢of his recent ‌legal ⁤issues.​ These lawmakers have​ taken⁢ to social media to express ⁢their solidarity with Trump.

The ⁢statements come after ​Trump revealed on Tuesday that he had​ received ‌a⁢ target letter ⁤regarding⁢ the investigation into‌ the‍ Capitol ⁣riot ⁤on ⁢January​ 6,⁤ 2021.⁣ According to Trump, the target​ letter was‌ sent ‍on Sunday ⁢night ‍and gives ‌him four days⁣ to ⁢report‌ to the grand jury. He⁤ believes that this letter⁤ signifies ⁢an impending arrest and ⁣indictment.

Republicans ‌Rally⁢ Behind‍ Trump

Since Trump’s announcement, several⁤ prominent ⁣Republicans​ have voiced ​their support‌ for the former ⁣president:

House ⁢Speaker Kevin⁣ McCarthy (R-CA)

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McCarthy, speaking⁤ to ‌the press⁢ on Tuesday morning,‍ highlighted Trump’s ‍rising ‌popularity in‍ the polls for⁢ the⁢ 2024 presidential election. He criticized the Biden ⁤administration ‌for⁤ allegedly⁢ “weaponizing ⁢government” and targeting their primary​ opponent. ‍McCarthy emphasized ‍that this unequal treatment is unjust‍ and that the ⁣American public ⁣is⁢ tired of⁣ it.


Rep.‌ Bryon Donalds (R-FL)

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Donalds, ‍a⁤ congressman ​from Florida,‌ shared​ a⁢ photo‌ of ‍himself and ⁤his ⁣wife with​ Trump, affirming his support for the ⁢former president.⁣ He⁣ quoted the​ French ‍philosopher Montesquieu, ⁤stating,⁤ “There⁢ is no ​greater tyranny ⁣than that⁤ which is perpetrated ‍under⁤ the‍ shield ‌of the law⁢ and in⁤ the ⁣name ⁣of ‌justice.”

Rep. Marjorie Taylor ‌Greene (R-GA)

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Known ⁣for⁢ her​ staunch allegiance⁢ to‌ Trump, Greene⁤ dismissed Smith’s⁢ investigation into‌ the Capitol riot ⁢as “absolute⁤ bulls***.” She​ accused⁣ Democrats of ⁤resorting to arresting and smearing⁢ Trump ‌with baseless⁤ charges‍ to ​cover⁤ up the​ alleged crimes⁢ of ⁤Joe Biden and ​Hunter Biden.⁢ Greene⁢ expressed disbelief⁤ and concern over⁣ the state of‍ the ⁤country.

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO)

Boebert, a⁤ strong ⁢ally of Trump, ⁢brushed off the‍ latest update ‌on Trump’s legal ‍troubles⁣ as mere “background noise.” She criticized⁢ the​ Department‌ of Justice​ (DOJ), claiming it has‍ become weaponized and lost ​credibility. Boebert​ confidently predicted⁣ Trump’s re-election ‍in⁣ 2024⁤ and expressed​ her eagerness‌ to help‍ him dismantle ‍the‌ Deep State.

Rep.‍ Elise Stefanik⁤ (R-NY)

Stefanik‌ condemned‍ Trump’s legal ⁤setback⁢ as a “witch hunt” ⁤orchestrated ⁣by the Far Left. She characterized it as ​another chapter in the​ Justice ⁢Department’s‍ unAmerican​ weaponization. Stefanik assured ​the ‌American people that​ they are‍ intelligent enough ‍to see through this ploy ‍and‍ predicted Trump’s⁤ victory ⁢over ⁢Biden in‍ the ⁤upcoming elections.

Sen. ⁢Ted Cruz (R-TX)

Like ‌his‌ fellow⁤ Republican lawmakers, ⁤Cruz criticized ⁢the “weaponization⁣ of⁢ the Department of Justice” and⁤ its ⁢transformation⁣ into a ‌tool for the ​Biden administration’s partisan‍ agenda. He emphasized‌ the detrimental impact this‍ has ​on the​ rule of law.

It ‌is important to ⁤note that there is no specific timeline for when ‍the​ Justice Department‌ must indict‌ a target⁤ after ‍sending a target letter. ‌However, ⁤based on⁣ Smith’s ⁢handling ‍of previous ⁣investigations,​ it is⁢ likely‍ that charges will be filed ​soon.

Last month, ⁤Trump was ‍federally indicted on charges ‍related to⁢ the⁢ alleged⁢ mishandling ⁤of ⁣classified ⁣documents. He was arraigned in a Miami courthouse.

Click‌ here to‌ read⁣ more‍ from ⁣The‌ Washington ⁤Examiner.

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