Joe Biden’s growing list of lies as President: 250 and counting.
Updated Sept. 19, 2023. Two hundred and fifty lies and counting.
More than two and a half years into President Joe Biden’s White House tenure, the end to his lies is nowhere in sight. Welcome to part four of The Federalist’s comprehensive coverage, dedicated to holding Biden and his administration accountable through rigorous fact-checking for the remainder of his presidency.
You can find part three of “The Full List Of Every Lie Joe Biden Has Told As President” here.
250. Self-Professed Catholic President Claims He Was Raised In Synagogues
In a call with Jewish faith leaders on Sept. 14, 2023, Joe Biden made the astonishing claim that he was “raised in the synagogues” in Delaware.
“I — you might say raised in the synagogues in my state. You think I’m kidding. I’m not,” Biden said during his greeting.
Biden, on a call with rabbis before the Jewish High Holy Days: “I was, you might say, raised in the synagogues of my state. You think I’m kidding — I’m not”
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 15, 2023
Contrary to his claim, Biden was not raised in a black church or a Puerto Rican community. Instead, he grew up in a Catholic home and attended an all-boys Catholic school.
“I’m as much a cultural Catholic as I am a theological Catholic. My idea of self, of family, of community, of the wider world comes straight from my religion. It’s not so much the Bible, the Beatitudes, the Ten Commandments, the sacraments, or the prayers I learned. It’s the culture. The nuns are one of the reasons I’m still a practicing Catholic,” Biden wrote in the first chapter of his biography “Promises To Keep.”
What evidence, if any, supports Joe Biden’s claim of being raised in synagogues?
“Joe Biden’s claim that he was raised in synagogues raises questions about his religious background and honesty.”
As a self-professed Catholic, Biden’s statement seems highly unlikely and raises questions about his understanding of his own religious background. It is important to examine the veracity of his claim and consider its implications.
Biden’s statement came during a call with Jewish faith leaders, where he was discussing his commitment to religious freedom and his efforts to combat anti-Semitism. While it is commendable that the President is engaging with religious leaders, his claim about being raised in synagogues raises eyebrows.
Firstly, Biden has consistently identified as a Catholic throughout his political career. He has spoken openly about his faith and attends Mass regularly. It seems unlikely that someone who has emphasized their Catholic upbringing would suddenly claim to have been raised in synagogues.
Furthermore, there is no evidence to support Biden’s claim. There are no records or accounts of him attending synagogues or being involved in Jewish religious practices. It seems strange that such a significant aspect of his upbringing would go unnoticed or unmentioned until now.
One possible explanation is that Biden misspoke or made a factual error. However, for the President of the United States to make such a blatant misrepresentation of his own background is concerning. It raises doubts about his credibility and honesty.
Additionally, Biden’s claim can be seen as an attempt to pander to the Jewish community. By presenting himself as someone who has deep connections to Judaism, he may be trying to gain support or sympathy. This kind of pandering is disingenuous and manipulative.
Biden’s statement highlights a larger issue of dishonesty and deceit within his presidency. The fact that this is just one of many lies he has told raises concerns about his trustworthiness and integrity.
As citizens, we have a right to expect honesty and transparency from our leaders. Biden’s repeated lies undermine that trust and make it difficult to take him at his word. It is crucial that we continue to hold him and his administration accountable through rigorous fact-checking.
The Federalist’s ongoing coverage of Biden’s lies serves as a valuable resource for those seeking the truth. By documenting and exposing his falsehoods, we can ensure that the public is informed and aware of his track record.
In conclusion, Biden’s claim of being raised in synagogues is highly dubious and raises questions about his religious background and honesty. It is important to scrutinize his statements and hold him accountable for his deception. As citizens, we must demand honesty and transparency from our leaders, and continue to seek the truth through rigorous fact-checking.
Disclaimer: The Federalist is a right-leaning publication. This article reflects the views and opinions of the author and not necessarily those of The Federalist.
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