The federalist

Democrats’ stance on the border wall during Trump’s presidency.

After two and a half years of millions of illegal⁢ immigrants pouring across America’s southern border, the Biden administration has finally decided to resume construction of former President Donald Trump’s border ⁢wall on Thursday.

The Department of Homeland Security’s announcement that it plans to “rebuild‍ a portion of the fortification” in ⁣the Rio Grande Valley in ⁤Texas ‌came⁢ as quite a surprise. Biden had pledged during his presidential run that there would “not be another foot of wall constructed [under his] administration.” However, the Delaware ​Democrat has never been known as someone who tells the truth.

Aside from⁤ failed presidential candidates like ​ Robert Francis O’Rourke, very few Democrats‌ have openly criticized‍ Biden for authorizing continued construction of the border wall. Given Democrat politicos’ knack for ⁣conveniently forgetting what side of an issue they held‍ two minutes ago, it seems only fair to⁣ remind them​ — and ⁣the​ rest of​ the country — what they had to ‍say‍ about the‍ issue when⁢ Trump was president.

Nancy Pelosi

Ahead of the 2019 government shutdown over border security, the then-House speaker didn’t mince words when criticizing Trump amid his insistence that Congress fund new wall construction along the‍ U.S.-Mexico border. In ⁢fact, Pelosi called​ the ⁤wall “an immorality” and claimed it is “the least effective way to protect the border and​ the most⁢ costly.”

“I can’t think ⁤of any reason ⁢why anyone would think it’s a good idea — unless this⁢ has something to do with something else,” she said.

Karine Jean-Pierre

The infamous KJP had some choice ⁣words for Trump’s wall ⁣before becoming Biden’s White House ​press secretary.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Amid the 2020 Covid outbreak, the Leninist girl scout from New York claimed the⁤ wall was a “xenophobic campaign stunt… that falls down⁢ in the wind.”

GOP: “We can’t⁤ do $1200 checks. That’s irresponsible. Think of the deficit.”

Also GOP: “As part of a COVID deal we are allocating‍ $1.4 billion to​ build a xenophobic​ campaign stunt wall that falls down in the wind even though⁢ we promised⁣ voters other countries would pay for it.”

Elizabeth Warren

America’s favorite fake Indian‍ referred to ‌Trump’s wall as “racist”⁤ during a 2020 CNN town hall and introduced legislation to ​redirect funds ​allocated for the project towards the government’s Covid response.

Donald Trump is bungling our response to the coronavirus. ‌We need a real plan to fight back—and I’ve got one.

Tomorrow, I’m introducing a plan that takes every ⁢dime Donald Trump is⁤ spending on his racist ‍wall,​ and diverting it to fighting the coronavirus. #CNNTownHall

Chuck ‌Schumer

Schumer has repeatedly referred to ⁣the border wall as “expensive” and “ineffective.”

Will Senate Republicans vote ​to defend our troops, their families, and children?

Or will they ‌continue to turn⁤ a blind eye as this President tries to go around Congress and take $3.6 billion from our service members and families for his expensive, ineffective border wall?

Ilhan Omar

The Democrat Minnesota congresswoman — who routinely espouses her hatred for Jewish people — had something to say about racism in ‍May 2020.

Bernie Sanders

Much like his fellow socialists in Congress, ⁣the Vermont senator called Trump’s wall “racist” and accused the former⁤ president of “ripping babies from their mothers” and instituting a ⁣”Muslim ban.”

No more ripping babies ⁣from their mothers.‍ No more Muslim ⁤ban. No​ more racist border wall. We are going to undo everything Trump has done ‌to demonize immigrants and Latinos.

Kamala Harris

Before she became vice president and Biden’s “border czar,” then‍ Sen. Kamala Harris called Trump’s wall “wasteful” and a “vanity” project several times throughout the 2019 government shutdown. She additionally referred to it as “stupid” and “useless.”

Shawn Fleetwood is a staff writer for The Federalist and a graduate of the University of Mary Washington. He previously served as a state content writer for‌ Convention of States Action and his work has‍ been featured in numerous outlets, including⁢ RealClearPolitics, RealClearHealth, and Conservative Review. Follow him on Twitter @ShawnFleetwood


What does the shift in rhetoric surrounding the border wall construction reveal about the sincerity and consistency of ‍politicians’ positions on immigration and border security

⁢After two and a half years of millions of illegal⁢ immigrants pouring across America’s southern⁤ border, the Biden administration has finally decided to resume construction of former ⁣President Donald Trump’s border wall on Thursday.

The Department of ⁣Homeland ‌Security’s ​announcement that it plans to “rebuild a⁣ portion of the‌ fortification” in the Rio Grande Valley ‌in Texas came as quite a surprise. Biden​ had pledged‌ during his presidential run that there ‌would ‍”not be another foot​ of ​wall ⁢constructed [under his] administration.” However, the‌ Delaware Democrat has never been known⁤ as someone ‌who tells the truth.

Aside ​from failed presidential candidates like Robert Francis ⁣O’Rourke, very few Democrats⁢ have openly criticized Biden for authorizing continued construction of the border wall. Given Democrat politicos’ knack for conveniently forgetting what⁤ side ⁤of an issue they ​held two minutes⁤ ago, ‌it seems only fair to remind them —⁢ and the rest of the ⁢country ‌— what they had to say about ‌the issue when Trump was president.

Nancy Pelosi:

Ahead of the 2019 government shutdown​ over border security, the then-House speaker didn’t mince words ​when criticizing Trump amid his⁢ insistence that Congress fund new wall construction along the⁢ U.S.-Mexico ‌border. In fact, Pelosi called the wall ⁣”an immorality” and‌ claimed ‌it is “the least effective way to ‌protect the border and the most costly.”

“I can’t⁤ think of‍ any ⁢reason why anyone would think ​it’s⁤ a good idea — unless this has something to do with something else,” she said.

Karine‌ Jean-Pierre:

The infamous KJP had some choice ​words for Trump’s wall before becoming Biden’s White House⁤ press⁤ secretary.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez:

Amid the 2020 Covid ‌outbreak, the Leninist girl ​scout from‍ New ⁢York‌ claimed⁤ the wall was a‌ “xenophobic campaign ‌stunt…⁤ that falls down in ‍the wind.”

It is interesting to see the shift in the rhetoric surrounding the construction‌ of the border wall ‌now that⁣ Biden is in office. Democrats who vehemently opposed the wall under Trump are now relatively silent when ‌it comes to their own party continuing its construction.

This‍ change in attitude raises questions⁢ about ​the sincerity of these politicians’ positions and whether their opposition to⁤ the wall was merely a ⁤political stance rather than a principled ⁤one. It seems that when ‌it comes to immigration and border ⁢security, party loyalty takes precedence over consistent and logical decision-making.

While the resumption of border wall construction⁤ under the Biden administration may come as a surprise ⁤to‌ many, it serves as ‍a reminder of⁢ the complex and ever-changing nature of politics. Whether it will have a significant impact on immigration and border security remains to be seen, but ⁢it certainly highlights the inconsistencies and shifting priorities​ within the political landscape.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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