The federalist

House GOP must act now to combat Democrats’ destructive lawfare.

House Republicans are ⁣bringing a butter ​knife to a gunfight as Democrats, including‍ their media and ⁣government lapdogs, conduct an‍ unprecedented lawfare campaign to destroy‌ President Trump.​

Through​ a series⁣ of lawless indictments and bogus civil lawsuits, Democrat prosecutors are waging‍ an all-out political⁤ war on ⁣Donald Trump. Their goal is to weaken Trump‌ or outright eliminate him from the 2024 presidential race. At a minimum, they want⁢ Trump ⁢on ⁤the defensive, distracted by legal issues, instead of focusing on ​the ‌American people during his campaign. They ​know they​ can’t beat him on Nov. 5, 2024, so their ultimate goal is to imprison him. It’s a playbook straight out of any third-world ‌Marxist hellhole.

House Republicans must step up and go on offense. Democrats only respect‌ power. So using power is the only ⁢way to hold Democrats accountable and stop this corrupt and‍ un-American lawfare campaign ⁣that is singularly focused on ‍keeping the Republican front-runner out of the White House. Speeches, television appearances, and strongly worded letters are not enough. Republicans must fully wield the power the‍ American people gave ‌them to ​protect and defend the Constitution. Through the oversight and⁢ appropriations processes, House Republicans⁤ can put an end to the weaponization of our law ⁢enforcement. They have the constitutional power‍ — they ‍simply must choose to exercise courage and ⁤use it.

Speaker Kevin McCarthy can set the ⁣tone for the rest⁤ of the Republican Party by launching impeachment inquiries⁤ into⁣ both Joe Biden for his corruption and Merrick Garland​ for ⁣his weaponization⁤ of justice.⁣ Biden has compromised himself by ‌becoming involved with his corrupt son’s selling of the family name ‌and White House access to⁣ make ⁢millions from foreign‍ despots. He’s shown a willingness to sell out his country to enrich ‍his family. Every day⁢ that Congress sits idly by⁣ and​ does ⁤nothing ‍about it is a​ disgrace. ⁤

Likewise,⁤ Garland‌ has weaponized the‌ Justice Department ⁤to protect Biden and his ‌corrupt son. He is abusing ‍federal law ⁤enforcement resources to go after⁣ his boss’s chief‌ political opponent while ignoring ‍rampant crime in our ⁤cities and at our border. This is a dereliction of duty and ⁢an ⁤abuse of power, and he​ should be removed from office.

The House Judiciary Committee should serve as the tip of ⁤the⁢ spear. House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan,⁣ his ​fellow committee members, and the staff have the best⁢ ability and largest responsibility ‍to end this charade and impose accountability on Washington. I‍ commend Jordan for his ⁣initial reaction to these ​indictments, including demand letters⁢ to Soros-funded Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and Democrat Fulton County DA Fani Willis. But a lot more should be done.

Now is the time to be ⁤worried about underreacting, not overreacting. Democrats are using every lever of power they ‌have. Republicans should do the same. The House⁢ Judiciary​ Committee ​should ⁤subpoena documents and communications from the Biden White ⁢House, Biden Justice Department, and each ‌of these Democrat⁣ prosecutors’ offices immediately. Every day the GOP waits, it loses ground.

House Judiciary Republicans ⁢should start their investigations with officials at Biden’s DOJ — namely Garland, Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, FBI Director Christopher Wray, Special Counsel Jack Smith, and Smith’s counselor Jay Bratt. ⁢The timing⁤ of these indictments — after⁣ waiting 30 months after Trump ‍left office — is ⁣not random. They are choreographed.

The subpoenas can’t ⁤be isolated to just the Biden Justice ‌Department. House Judiciary Republicans should obtain each and every piece of correspondence related to⁣ Trump ​from New York ⁢Attorney General⁣ Letitia James, Bragg, his lead⁣ prosecutor Matthew Colangelo, ‍and Willis. This lawfare campaign is⁤ so extensive that those names should only⁣ be the start — there will⁢ surely be more to uncover.

Once each document is ⁤with⁢ the ‍House Judiciary​ Committee, it’ll be ⁣time to ramp up⁢ the ⁤oversight. Jordan ‌should put‌ Biden White House and Justice⁣ Department officials under oath. Constant⁣ staff‍ depositions.⁤ Regular public hearings. The entire country should⁤ have the opportunity to put on the news and see House Republicans expose Democrats’ ⁤corrupt lawfare campaign‍ for what it really is: an anti-democratic and ‌republic-ending electoral assault on Trump.

Democrats aren’t just conducting⁤ this lawfare campaign because they hate Trump ⁢ and will do anything to ensure ​he won’t win in 2024. They’re doing this because Biden is weak, dementia-ridden, ⁤and corrupt. Democrats ‍won’t let⁢ Trump wipe the floor with him.‌ It’ll be Democrats in the justice system joining up with​ Biden to take out ‌Trump in 2024.

Where else is there⁤ an opportunity for House Republicans to aggressively attack the Democrats’ lawfare campaign? ⁣The appropriations process.‍ The House Appropriations Committee should include two specific appropriations ⁢riders.

First, it should cut off the spigot of money used to interfere in the presidential election: “No federal funds may be used to prosecute any major presidential candidate on or before Nov. 5, 2024.”

Second, it should ensure⁢ that any state ‌or local government that chooses to use its ‌office as a political weapon is punished: “Any state or​ local jurisdiction​ that ​prosecutes any major⁤ presidential candidate ⁤on or ⁤before Nov. 5, 2024,‍ loses all federal⁤ funding.”

These basic steps will help ⁢ensure this election is free from⁣ the type​ of government interference and manipulation⁣ that are the hallmarks of third-world‍ banana republics. House Republicans should⁤ act — and⁤ act now.⁢ The D.C. swamp is ⁤the only place on the planet where the reptiles ‍lack‌ backbones. Let’s see ⁤if House Republicans can find ⁢theirs. ‍

If ‍GOP lawmakers don’t jump into the deep end, the⁣ Democrat lawfare campaign may succeed in taking out Trump. That will be the beginning of the‌ end of our republic.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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