The federalist

Republican candidates’ positions on pro-life policies after the GOP debate.

Abortion Stances⁢ of GOP Primary Candidates

Every‌ candidate ⁤who ‌took ⁤to the GOP primary​ debate stage on Wednesday may have⁤ a ‌political party ⁣in common​ but their views on⁤ policies⁣ to protect unborn life varied widely.

Fox News host and debate moderator ⁤Martha MacCallum kicked off the abortion portion of ‌the Republican debate by asking candidates how they plan to market their pro-life positions to voters.

“Abortion has been a losing issue for⁤ Republicans since the Dobbs decision,” MacCallum falsely claimed. “In six state ⁣referendums, all ⁢have upheld abortion rights in this⁤ country. And⁣ even in ⁤red states, there are more swing ​state referendums that are coming up as we head into the elections.”

Despite her inaccurate framing of‍ the abortion issue, most ‌candidates spoke candidly about their support for pro-life‍ policies. Many of their promises to shield the unborn, however, fell short of ‍the⁢ national​ 15-week abortion ban ⁤that more ⁤than half of Americans ‍ want and pro-life organizations such as⁣ SBA Pro-Life America say they require from candidates who want their approval.

Here’s where all nine qualifying candidates stand on abortion after Wednesday night.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis

DeSantis kicked off the ‌abortion portion of the debate ⁤by condemning Democrats’ radical⁢ abortion-until-birth agenda but failed to commit to ⁤a⁣ federal abortion ban.

The⁣ Republican’s track record as a pro-life governor is indisputable. DeSantis’ most ⁤recent pro-life⁣ accomplishment was⁣ a ⁤ heartbeat bill that effectively ‍bars abortion beyond six weeks gestation and offers more resources ​for new parents.

DeSantis has ⁤repeatedly pledged that he’ll also be “a pro-life president.” In a recent interview​ with Megyn Kelly, however, DeSantis only offered to “be a​ leader with the bully pulpit to help⁤ local communities ⁣and states advance the cause of ​life” instead of signing a federal ⁣ban.

SBA‌ Pro-Life America, one of the nation’s leading pro-life organizations, called DeSantis’ position in July “unacceptable.”

Entrepreneur Vivek ⁢Ramaswamy

Ramaswamy did not weigh in on abortion⁤ during the ​debate.

In previous⁤ comments, Ramaswamy said he‌ is “unapologetically pro-life.” Yet,‌ so far, he has refused to back a national abortion​ ban like the one most‌ Americans⁤ support,⁣ with⁤ a campaign spokesman telling Time Magazine ⁣that “As a constitutional matter, he believes it’s ​an issue for the states and not the federal government.”

The billionaire ⁣later claimed he is “open-minded” towards a federal pro-life policy ⁣like the 15-week ‌ban​ proposed by Sen. ​Lindsey ⁢Graham but has not openly ⁢backed it.

Former Vice President Mike Pence

Pence advocated from⁣ his ⁣debate podium for a national restriction ‍on abortions beyond 15 weeks gestation.

“Can’t we have a minimum standard in every state ‍in the‍ nation that says when a baby is capable⁤ of feeling pain, an abortion⁢ cannot be allowed? A 15-week ban is an idea‍ whose time has come. It’s supported by ⁣70 percent of the American people,” Pence⁢ said.

He also‌ criticized his fellow candidates for ​failing to​ support a ⁤national ban.

In a recent address at Faith⁢ & Freedom Coalition’s annual conference, Pence encouraged every GOP presidential candidate to join him‌ to⁤ “support⁢ a ban on abortion before​ 15 weeks as ⁢a minimum ⁢nationwide standard.”

South Carolina ⁤Sen. Tim Scott

“We cannot let ‌states like California, New York, and Illinois ​have ​abortions on demand up until​ the day of birth. That ‍is immoral. It is unethical. It is wrong,” Scott declared from his spot on the debate stage. “We must have a ‍president​ of the United​ States who ⁢will advocate and ⁤fight for, at the minimum, a 15-week limit.”

In ⁣April, Scott expressed hesitancy to ⁢sign⁤ a 15-week ban.

Shortly after the CBS interview, he clarified that he ‍ would sign a 20-week abortion ‌ban.

By July, Scott said he was ⁣fully onboard ⁢with the proposed 15-week limit.

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley

Haley claimed from the ‌debate stage ​to be​ “unapologetically ⁣pro-life” but repeated her belief that a federal abortion ban is “not ​realistic.”

“When it comes to a ⁤federal ⁣ban, let’s be⁣ honest⁣ with‌ the American people ‌and ⁣say it‌ will take 60 Senate votes,‌ It will take a majority of the House. So in order to do that, let’s find consensus,” Haley ‌said.‍ “Can’t we all agree that ​we should ban late-term abortions?”

She was⁢ chastised onstage ​by Pence​ who ⁣said​ “consensus is the opposite of leadership.”

Haley also recently​ condemned Sen.​ Tommy Tuberville’s decision to slow-walk congressional approval of military promotions in⁢ protest of the⁢ Department of Defense’s ​radical ⁤abortion agenda, which illegally uses taxpayer dollars to subsidize service members’ ⁢time off and travel to get abortions.

Former⁤ New Jersey Gov. Chris​ Christie

Christie remained relatively quiet about‌ abortion law on Wednesday ‌night. He previously⁣ stated⁢ that the federal government “should not be involved” in ⁤legislating on life ⁤“unless and ⁣until there’s a consensus around the country from ‌the⁣ 50 states making their own decisions about what⁢ it⁣ should be.”

Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson

Hutchinson signed an abortion ban into law in​ Arkansas while he ​was ⁣governor. Despite acknowledging that national ​pro-life legislation might face hurdles in Congress, he agreed to sign a federal abortion ban into law as ⁤president.

On⁤ the debate ⁤stage, Hutchinson confirmed​ his support for national abortion restrictions. He also‍ corrected ⁤other⁣ candidates’ assertions that⁢ only states should legislate‌ on unborn life.

“It’s most likely going to be addressed in the states, but ​it’s certainly fine for it​ to be ⁢addressed at the national level​ as well,” ‍Hutchinson argued.

North ⁢Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum

Burgum ​said he’s a “pro-life governor of a very pro-life state” but, during the debate, stood by his previous assertion ​that “we should⁢ not have a federal abortion ‍ban.”

Despite signing an abortion ban into law in his own‌ state, Burgum has repeatedly claimed ⁢he will not support a federal abortion ban if he is‌ elected to ⁤the⁣ White​ House.

“I think the decision that was⁢ made ​returning the power to the states was the right one. And I think we’re going to have — we ⁤have a lot of division‍ on this issue in America. And what’s right​ for ⁣North Dakota may not be right for another state⁣ … ⁢the best⁤ decisions ⁤are made locally,” Burgum ​ said in June.

Former‍ President Donald Trump

Trump qualified for the ​debate but opted ‌to spend his time in a sit-down​ interview‍ with Tucker Carlson, who did not ask the Republican about‌ his stance on unborn life.

The arguable peak of Trump’s first term was⁣ his effort to appoint pro-life justices and judges who went on to rule against abortion in⁢ several⁣ landmark cases.

More⁣ recently, however, Trump⁣ was scolded by ‍pro-life organizations and his ⁤fellow candidates for criticizing heartbeat bills, misrepresenting ⁤ the⁢ Supreme Court’s landmark Dobbs‍ v. Jackson ⁢decision,⁣ and wrongfully blaming Republicans’ 2022 ‍midterm losses on their ⁤unapologetically pro-life positions.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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