Conservative News Daily

Hillary Clinton questions legitimacy of 2024 election, predicts repetition.

The Establishment’s Favorite Foreign Bogeyman: Hillary Clinton Continues to Sound⁢ the Alarm on Election Interference

Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is still haunted‌ by⁢ the specter of Russian President Vladimir‌ Putin. In a recent interview on ‍MSNBC’s ‌”Inside with Jen Psaki,” Clinton expressed her fear that Putin ‌interfered in the 2016 election and warned that he could do ​it again in 2024.

While Clinton’s concerns about election interference are well-known, it is‍ worth ⁣noting⁢ that both Democrats and establishment ⁤Republicans often discuss this issue even when ​there is no evidence of it. On the other hand, those who dare to speak out about real instances⁤ of interference face ⁤censorship and legal persecution.

Clinton’s ⁢ability to ⁢deny her involvement in fabricating the Russian collusion narrative is a testament to the ⁤double standards at play. She can freely spread falsehoods about Putin and Russia⁢ without facing any ‌consequences, thanks in part to the complicity of figures⁣ like Psaki, who‌ serve as mouthpieces for the establishment.

During the interview, Psaki teed⁣ up questions⁣ that allowed Clinton to ‌perpetuate her⁢ lies and hypocrisy. She asked ​about Putin’s potential interference in the 2024 election and whether it ​should be discussed​ more. Clinton took nearly three minutes to respond, reiterating her belief that Putin interfered ‌in the⁢ 2016 election and emphasizing his track‍ record of meddling in other countries’ ‌affairs.

Clinton’s portrayal of Putin ​as an authoritarian dictator who⁢ poses a threat ‌to democracy conveniently aligns with the establishment’s narrative. However, it is important ‍to recognize that the establishment itself engages in similar tactics,⁤ such as indicting opponents⁤ and suppressing dissenting voices.

While Clinton and other establishment figures can ⁣freely discuss election interference and authoritarianism,​ anyone who questions the legitimacy of an election risks⁢ being silenced. The ⁣powerful will ‌go to great lengths⁤ to‍ maintain​ their ​grip on ⁤power, ⁢even if it means⁤ disregarding⁢ the principles of democracy.

A Distorted Narrative

The establishment’s obsession⁣ with the Russian bogeyman serves ⁢a purpose: it allows them to divert attention from their own actions⁤ and maintain control over the dissemination of information. They rely on ⁢federal agencies, Big Tech, Hollywood, universities, and the media to spread their preferred narrative.

On the other hand, those who voted for former‌ President Donald Trump, who represent a significant portion of the population, have little institutional power ​and must‌ seek alternative sources of information. They have been lied to by the establishment for years and understand the​ need to look beyond⁣ the mainstream channels.

Despite the establishment’s efforts to paint Russian interference ⁢as a decisive factor in the ‌2016 election, the reality is far​ more‍ nuanced. Russian sources spent ‌a mere‌ $100,000 on⁤ Facebook ads, a fraction of the establishment’s influence over the⁣ narrative.⁢ Yet, this relatively small amount is used‌ to justify the ongoing obsession with Russian⁤ interference.

Furthermore, ⁤Putin’s actions during Trump’s presidency contradict the establishment’s claims. Rather than taking advantage of Trump’s tenure, Putin waited until after his⁢ presidency to invade ‌Ukraine. This inconsistency‍ raises questions⁤ about the true motives behind the establishment’s fixation ‍on Russia.

Ultimately, the continued​ focus on‍ the Russian bogeyman serves ⁣the establishment’s interests by distracting from their own‍ misdeeds and perpetuating a distorted narrative. While they accuse others of election interference and authoritarianism, they themselves engage in similar behavior without facing any consequences.

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The post Hillary Clinton Is Already Casting Doubt on 2024 Election ⁣Legitimacy: ‘He’ll Do‍ It Again’ appeared first on The Western Journal.

How does focusing on a foreign bogeyman distract from ‍addressing pressing concerns such as economic inequality, healthcare, ​and climate change?

The total campaign spending. It is unlikely that these ads had a significant impact‍ on ​the election outcome. Yet, the ⁤establishment continues‌ to push⁢ this narrative, using‌ it as an excuse to clamp ​down on dissenting voices and ‍justify their‍ own actions.

The Danger of Fearmongering

By perpetuating the fear of Russian interference, the establishment creates a climate of fear and ⁤distrust among the population. This fearmongering ⁢allows them to justify increased surveillance,⁤ censorship,⁤ and control over the electoral process. It undermines the principles of democracy⁤ and erodes the trust of⁣ the people in the democratic ‍process.

Furthermore, this focus on a foreign bogeyman distracts from the real issues plaguing the country. It diverts attention from economic inequality, ⁤healthcare, climate change, and other⁢ pressing concerns. It serves as a‌ convenient scapegoat that allows the establishment⁢ to avoid addressing these issues and maintain the status quo.

The Need for ‌Transparency

If the establishment truly values democracy and election integrity, it should prioritize transparency and ‌accountability. ⁢Instead of ⁣perpetuating baseless claims‌ of foreign interference,‍ it should focus‌ on securing the electoral process, ⁢ensuring ⁣the‌ accuracy of voter rolls, and promoting fair and open elections.

Transparency is ‍the key to restoring⁢ trust‌ in ‍the electoral process. The establishment must be held accountable for its actions and‍ be transparent about its own interference⁣ in elections, both foreign‍ and domestic. Only then⁢ can we have a truly ‌democratic system that‍ reflects the ​will of the people.


Hillary Clinton’s continued focus on Russian interference in the 2016 election is a ‍prime ‌example of the establishment’s favorite foreign‌ bogeyman. It serves as⁣ a ⁢distraction from ​the real issues facing the country and allows the establishment to maintain control over ⁣the⁢ narrative⁤ and the democratic process. It is crucial for the people to question ⁣and challenge this⁢ narrative, demand​ transparency⁣ and⁣ accountability, and work towards a ⁢truly democratic system that represents the interests‍ of all.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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