Washington Examiner

Hillary Clinton lays out three things to watch in Trump-Biden debate – Washington Examiner

Hillary Clinton shared her‌ insights on the upcoming presidential debate between Joe Biden⁢ and Donald Trump, drawing‌ from her experiences debating Trump in 2016. In an op-ed published in ⁣the New York Times, Clinton emphasized the importance of ‌focusing on how the candidates discuss people and‍ their issues, rather than just policy specifics. She highlighted Trump’s ⁣promises during past debates, such as his commitment to appoint Supreme Court justices who would overturn Roe v. ⁢Wade, contrasting this with ​Biden’s‌ approach to discussing‍ rights and social‌ issues. Clinton advised viewers⁤ to look past any debate stage⁣ antics and concentrate on⁣ the‌ fundamental democratic principles at stake. Additionally, she noted⁣ concerns about Trump’s‌ previous reluctance to accept election results, ⁤urging viewers to critically assess what ‍the candidates say and the deeper implications of their statements.

Former presidential candidate and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave her take on Thursday’s presidential debate as someone who has faced both candidates in the past.

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are set to face each other once again Thursday on CNN in a debate that could mimic those of the 2020 cycle. While most people are already quite familiar with both candidates, Clinton laid out three items viewers should take note of during the debate in an op-ed published in the New York Times.

Here are her takeaways.

People, not policy

Clinton said that during the 2016 debates, Trump made real promises about judicial appointments that he followed through on, notably on appointing conservative justices to the Supreme Court who vowed to overturn Roe v. Wade.

“Pay attention to how the candidates talk about people, not just policies,” Clinton wrote. “In my third debate with Mr. Trump, he promised to appoint Supreme Court justices who would overturn Roe v. Wade. I responded that this would have real consequences for real women.”

She contrasted Biden’s calm demeanor with Trump’s writing: “Listen to how sincerely [Biden] talks about women’s rights, the struggles of working families, opportunities for people of color and the courage of Ukrainian men and women risking their lives for democracy. Mr. Trump can’t do that because he cares only about himself.”

Focusing on the fundamentals

While CNN has vowed to cut the microphones of either candidate who interrupts the other, in the nature of debates, interruptions are still likely. Clinton advised viewers to “see through the bluster and focus on the fundamentals at stake.”

She pointed to Trump’s refusal to state whether he would accept the results of the 2016 election when he said “I’ll keep you in suspense.”

“That is not the way our democracy works,” Clinton responded. “Let’s be clear about what he’s saying and what that means.”

She said that was a precursor to Trump’s refusal to accept the result of the 2020 election and the resulting insurrection attempt at the Capitol.

“This time, expect Mr. Trump to blame Mr. Biden for inflation but avoid answering questions about his own economic plans. He has to deflect or lie because his proposals — tax cuts for the superrich, gutting the Affordable Care Act, deporting millions of workers and slapping across-the-board tariffs on everyday goods — would exacerbate inflation, raise costs for American households and cause a recession,” Clinton wrote, noting that the Wall Street’s Moody Analytics predicted the increased costs for people under Trump’s plan.

Picking between ‘chaos or competence’

“When you see these two men side by side, think about the real choice in this election,” Clinton said. “It’s between chaos and competence.”

She laid out problems plaguing Trump’s campaign this time around, including his being convicted of 34 felonies and being found liable for sexual assault and financial fraud.

Clinton also addressed age concerns surrounding Biden, noting that Trump is just three years younger than the president.

“By contrast, Mr. Biden is a wise and decent man who is fighting hard for working families,” Clinton wrote. “Yes, he’s 81. That’s just three years older than Mr. Trump. And his lifetime of service and experience helps him get things done that make our country stronger and all of our lives better.”


She wrote that she believes, based on her understanding, that the election should be an “easy choice.”

“This election is between a convicted criminal out for revenge and a president who delivers results for the American people,” Clinton wrote. “No matter what happens in the debate, that’s an easy choice.”

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

One Comment

  1. Well, it looks as though the democrats world-wide search was a successful search with this guy wearing the look-alike Joe mask, so there may be a debate after all, who would have thought?

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