Washington Examiner

House conservatives insist on canceling recess unless a speaker is elected.

House Republicans Demand Cancelation of Recess to Elect New Speaker

The conservative Freedom Caucus in the House of Representatives ⁢is making a bold demand: cancel the two-week recess and focus on electing⁤ a⁣ new speaker. After nearly three weeks of inactivity, lawmakers⁤ need to restart legislative business in ⁤order to pass a spending bill and avoid a government shutdown on Nov. 17.

The House ⁤is currently scheduled to adjourn on Friday and reconvene in the second week of November. However, hard-line conservatives are ‍pushing ​to stay in session until a new speaker​ is chosen, which could happen as early as this ​week.

The ‍Longest the House Has Gone Without a Speaker

The Freedom Caucus expressed their disappointment in Republican leadership for allowing the recess, stating that their work is far from done. They ⁣believe that the⁣ rejection of Jim Jordan, a popular Republican, ⁤as their party⁣ nominee ⁢for speaker has set them back ⁤to square one and requires immediate​ action.

Lawmakers were sent home for the weekend after the vote⁢ to drop Jordan as ​the nominee. ​However, Republicans are scheduled to reconvene for a‌ candidate forum on ⁣Monday evening,⁣ with a ‌closed-door nominating vote expected on Tuesday morning.

The lawmakers emphasized ⁤the need to end intentional delays and ‌urged party leaders to act with ‌urgency in electing the next leader. They believe that prolonging the process only benefits lobbyists and defenders of the​ status ⁤quo.

It remains uncertain if House leaders will alter the schedule, but an announcement could be made at any time. Some House Republicans have ​already expressed their frustration with the‌ lack of urgency from‍ party leaders and the decision to ⁣send them ‌home for the ⁢weekend.

Rep. Andy Ogles from Tennessee emphasized the sense of⁤ urgency and criticized the‌ decision to stop and go home just because it’s the⁤ weekend.

It has been 20‌ days since ‌former ‌Speaker Kevin McCarthy was ousted, leaving the House in disarray and unable to conduct any‌ legislative business ⁣without a‍ new speaker ​in place.

Click here to read more from The Washington Examiner.

⁢ What challenges will‌ the next ‌speaker face in leading a deeply divided Republican⁣ Party

​Makers have come under pressure to address the leadership vacuum in the House, caused ‌by the resignation of former Speaker⁢ John Boehner.

The Freedom Caucus, a group⁢ of ‌around 40⁣ conservative Republicans, has been a⁣ vocal⁤ critic of Boehner’s leadership style and is⁤ determined to⁢ use⁣ this ‌opportunity to reshape the overall direction of the House. The demand to cancel the⁢ recess and concentrate on electing​ a new speaker ‌shows their commitment ‌to this cause.

This move, however, has not been met with unanimous support within the Republican‍ Party. Some⁢ members argue that canceling ⁤the recess⁣ would not be productive and‍ that it is⁢ important‌ to take some time off to gather support and ‌devise a plan ⁣for ‍the future.

The ‌cancellation of the recess⁢ would require the⁢ approval of the entire House, which seems unlikely given the differing views within ⁣the party. Speaker-in-waiting, majority leader Kevin McCarthy, has expressed his reluctance to disrupt the ​previously scheduled recess.‍ He believes that more time should be ‌given to discuss ⁢and evaluate⁣ the‌ direction of the party.

With a deeply divided Republican Party, electing a new speaker⁤ could prove to be a challenging task. Over the past few years, the party ‌has been torn between its conservative‍ and⁤ moderate wings, resulting ⁢in a lack of cohesiveness and unity.

While Boehner’s resignation ​was believed to be a step towards ⁢resolving these divisions, it has,⁤ in fact, ⁤highlighted the extent ⁢of​ the rift within the ⁤party. ​The Freedom Caucus, with their demand ⁢to cancel the⁤ recess, is signaling their determination to assert their influence and ensure‌ that their conservative agenda takes precedence.

At ⁤the⁢ center of this power struggle is the⁣ question of who will be the⁣ next speaker. McCarthy was initially seen as the favorite, but⁢ his remarks in a recent television​ interview, linking the ⁤Select ‌Committee on Benghazi with Hillary Clinton’s declining poll numbers, have⁢ caused controversy and raised ⁢doubts ⁤about his suitability for the role.

Other potential contenders for the position include Representatives Jason Chaffetz and ‌Daniel Webster, both of‍ whom have garnered some support‌ from conservative factions within the ⁤party. However, they face an uphill battle to secure enough ⁢votes to become the next speaker.

Regardless of who eventually assumes ​the role, the next speaker⁢ will face significant ‌challenges in leading a party that is deeply divided on key policy issues. The⁣ future of ‌the Republican Party hangs in the⁢ balance,​ and the choice of the next leader⁤ will ⁤have far-reaching implications not only for the party ⁢but‌ for ​the⁤ entire‍ country.

In conclusion, the demand by the Freedom Caucus to cancel the recess and focus on electing a ‌new speaker underscores the deep⁤ divisions within the ⁣Republican ⁣Party. While some argue for taking time ⁣off to regroup, others⁣ are ⁤determined to​ push their conservative agenda forward. The ‍upcoming speaker ‍election will be crucial in determining the future direction of the party, and the choice made ‌will reflect the ⁤balance of power within ‍the House of Representatives.

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